Talk:Ivan Noel

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Revision as of 03:42, 1 May 2016 by User4 (talk | contribs)

There seems to be some confusion regarding the correct spelling of his name. It is alternately given as "Ivan Noel," "Iván Noel," "Ivan Noël," etc. The French Wikipedia gives his name as "Iván Noel".

He is described usually as a French director. He was born in France. It is not clear if he has taken Spanish nationality (it would be unlikely that he has).

Usually (I believe) with foreign-language films, the foreign-language name is given first, followed by the English translation within parenthesis or square brackets.

"Vacouver was fifth most voted by the public film from more than 200 films, staying ahead of the blind sunflowers ."
  • Should "Vacouver" be "Vancouver"? Should "blind flowers" be capitalized (as the name of a film, if it is one)?
  • Is this paragraph describing a vote taken on the film "In your absence" in Vancouver?

There are a number of "Spanglish"-type garbled phrases in the text. Do you have links to the original Spanish sources so definitive corrections can be made, which is preferable to "guessing" what was actually meant?

The official "Ivan Noel" website has downloadable .PDF "press kits" available for each of his films. My understanding is that the material contained in press kits is freely reproducible. These press kits contains stills from the film, as well as comments by the director about each film. Here is the link to download the press kit for ¡Primaria!:

Other press kits may be found by clicking the images on this page from the site:

(Sorry if I sound perhaps a little too picky, but these kinds of errors are unnecessary distractions in the article, aren't they?) User4 (talk) 02:28, 1 May 2016 (UTC)

  • Biografía del director:
Yves (Iván) Noel, 39 años, trilingüe y residente en Andalucía desde los 15 ultimos años.
Licenciado en música y educación. Guitarrista concertista, y pianista, profesor y director/productor de 3 cortos, y 2 largometrajes.
SOURCE: 07 de julio de 2009

In the article, should "Libano" as his place of birth be Lebanon?

The Spanish-language articles clear up the "Vancouver" question from above.

This is getting complicated... User4 (talk) 03:03, 1 May 2016 (UTC)

Now we're getting somewhere:

"Nació en Beirut. Su madre es australiana y su padre francés. Habla cuatro idiomas. Vivió en 12 países (vivió de vivir no de visitar). Es músico formado en institutos prestigiosos. Una publicidad sobre el Camino de las Estancias lo trajo a Santa Catalina y se imaginó allí la locación para una de sus películas. Es un cineasta que llegó al séptimo arte de casualidad, buscando dónde poner la música que él mismo compone. Dicen los que lo conocen que tiene un no sé qué para el cine. Una suerte de don que le permite transformar a un pésimo actor en un actor decente. Su forma de explicar lo que quiere lo ha llevado a ese sitio. No gana dinero haciendo películas. De su primer película se vendieron 20 mil copias y fue descargada en internet 200 mil veces. Ha logrado convencer a unos inversores para que inviertan pequeños montos en cada uno de sus filmes. Y ahora va por su quinto largometraje que lleva por nombre Limbo y se está filmando en nuestra zona con 45 niños locales que son, en el argumento de la película, una suerte de colonia de vampiritos. Ivan Noel, de 43 años, es la persona que carga con todo el bagaje mencionado anteriormente y compartir una mañana de café con él resulta de lo más placentero. Hace ocho meses que está viviendo en Jesús María y dice haberse adaptado muy bien a la hospitalidad de nuestra gente."

I can have the above translated if needed. User4 (talk) 03:42, 1 May 2016 (UTC)