BoyWiki:Policies category encyclopedia

From BoyWiki
Revision as of 17:51, 4 May 2016 by Etenne (talk | contribs)
Policies and guidelines for category encyclopedia

BoyWiki is devided into three distinct sections,

  • Encyclopedia articles are factual articles written with the goal of preserving knowledge and elucidating ideas pertaining to boylove. In these categories you will find information about history, legal cases, the history of the online boylove community, and definitions of some of the terms that boylovers and boys use today.
  • Entertainment articles are articles written about the arts. In these categories, you will find information covering the entire range of art and media.
  • Life articles focus on the day to day life and community of boys and boylovers. In these categories, you will find information covering a wide array of things that touch on everyday life, including news, jokes, food, personal opinion, and personal stories from around the world.

Encyclopedia articles are meant to be factual articles written with the goal of preserving knowledge and elucidating ideas pertaining to boylove. Encyclopedia entries should describe the facts, not tell what you think about them or editorialize.

  1. All encylopedia articles need to follow the encyclopedia style guidlines

See also