(Boylove Documentary Sourcebook) - Bisexuality in an Episode of 'Kitayama Cherry-Blossoms of Narukami and Fudō' by Tsuuchi Hanjurō, Yasuda Abun and Nakada Mansuke

From Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan by Gary P. Leupp (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995). Footnote omitted.
Note: The play in question was written at a time when Japan followed the East Asian age reckoning, by which people are born at the age of one, i.e. the first year of lifetime using an ordinal numeral (instead of "zero" using a cardinal numeral), and on Chinese New Year or New Year's Day one year is added to their age. Since age is incremented at the beginning of the lunar or solar year, rather than on the anniversary of a birthday, people may be one or two years older in Asian reckoning than in the international age system.[1]
One episode in the kabuki play Narukami Fudō Kitayama zakura (Kitayama cherry-blossoms of Narukami and Fudō, 1742), by Tsuuchi Hanjurō, Yasuda Abun, and Nakada Mansuke, nicely illustrates the bisexual tastes expected of the robustly amorous, swashbuckling rōnin (masterless samurai). The hero, Danjirō, lingers in an antechamber awaiting an audience with a lord. Retainers of the household come to attend him. First Hidetarō, a delicate boy of twelve or thirteen, enters to offer him tobacco. A delighted Danjirō compliments him on his beauty and asks about the progress of his martial training. The boy replies that he has been studying archery but has not yet learned to ride a horse.
Danjirō thereupon offers to instruct Hidetarō in horseback riding. When the boy enthusiastically accepts the offer, the stalwart squeezes the boy between his thighs, explaining, “Press tightly against the flanks of your mount, thus.” Embracing the boy, he rocks him back and forth suggestively, but when he attempts a kiss, Hidetarō panics and runs off. Danjirō laughs, bows to the audience, and facetiously pronounces his own conduct “shameful.”
Next a woman of the house arrives with tea. Danjirō badgers her as well, making several vulgar jokes that play on the slang use of the term “tea” to refer to sex with a prostitute. She, too, abandons him in disgust while he faces the audience and quips, “That’s two cups of tea I’ve been denied!”
Clearly, this samurai hero is equally amenable to having sex with boys or with women. So too, apparently, were many commoners, particularly the young libertines glamorized in much of Tokugawa popular literature.

See also
- Adult friend (dictionary)
- Age of attraction (dictionary)
- Bishōnen
- Boylove
- Chigo
- Chigo monogatari
- Ephebophilia
- Historical boylove relationships in Japan
- Loved boy (dictionary)
- Manga and anime
- Minor-attracted person (dictionary)
- Nenja
- Pederasty
- Pedophilia
- Shōnen
- Shudō
- The Great Mirror of Male Love (book)
- Wakashū
- Young friend (dictionary)