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In Japan premodern a chigo'''稚児 is a boy of about seven to fourteen years in training in a monastery Buddhist . The nearest French translation is "novice".

This word can have a second meaning derived from the first: then it denotes a young boy loved by a monk in the context of a relationship that is both initiatory , emotional and very often sexual.


The word chigo稚児(approximate pronunciation: /tʃi.go/) consists of two characters:

  • chi = child
  • ko = child, boy


A particular genre is chigo monogatari, which tells a love story between a monk and a novice - eg Aki no yo nagamonogatari秋夜長物語(Long story for an autumn night), the anonymous author recounts the linking Keikai and young Umewaka.


A popular saying clearly expressed the priority given by the monks to their young companions:

Ichi chigo nor Sanno.

First the chigo then the god of the mountain. [[[1]]]

  • Tôzô Suzuki, Koji Kitowaza Jiten, Tokyodo Shuppan, 1956, p. 59 (trans. BoyWiki)

See as well

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Notes and references

  1. Japanese transcript and English translation by Margaret H. Childs in " Chigo Monogatari, love stories or Buddhist sermons? "p. 1. (Downloadable article)