Help talk:Cheat sheet

From BoyWiki
Revision as of 13:31, 1 March 2014 by Etenne (talk | contribs)

Since we don't have a "sandbox" yet, should that be removed? Also, isn't there a way to "comment-out" lines, so they remain but are not visible?

User4 12:17, 1 March 2014 (GMT)

You might want to keep the sandbox page while you are learning just to test thing out. I don't know what you mean by "comment-out" lines.

This page may be too advanced for you to edit. I was looking at it and maybe you should start out on something less complex. This page was created likely by a professional paid editor/page designer.

--Etenne 12:26, 1 March 2014 (GMT)

Too advanced for me to edit! HAH! Like, just because I have no fucking idea what is going on with the page code doesn't mean that... oh, wait... maybe it does that. Hmm.

Have you noticed that the links on the left - describing each topic - don't work?

Ex: Piped link has copies, *but* not of the page source. :- (

RE: Sandbox. Unless I am registered with Wikipedia, there doesn't exist a sandbox for me.

RE: Commenting-out

To "comment out" a line in computer coding, a symbol is placed before the line (often a colon) which causes the line to be ignored when compiling the code to run as an executable. But you knew that already, didn't you? ;- )

User4 12:36, 1 March 2014 (GMT)

I think what you mean is this -<!-- text that is not visible except in edit mode--> This is ONLY used to send other people who may be editing a page a message on why something was added.

The sandbox page will be useful to you down the line when you want to experiment with templates or advanced code etc

--Etenne 12:44, 1 March 2014 (GMT)


I think what you mean is this -<!-- text that is not visible except in edit mode--> This is ONLY used to send other people who may be editing a page a message on why something was added.

In the case of an article like this one, where later on a now-invalid link could be added back, then I think the link should be commented-out but left in for later use.

The "cheat sheet" lacks some essential markup, like blockquotes, etc. I think that Somersaults's HTML guide should be "translated/converted" to include wiki markup, and made the real "cheat sheet".

Things like " -<!-- but but but - this IS visible--> " need to be included, too.

The sandbox page will be useful to you down the line when you want to experiment with templates or advanced code etc

I assume you mean when there is a sandbox here at BW.

--User4 13:01, 1 March 2014 (GMT)

I assume you mean when there is a sandbox here at BW.

No, like the way I use this page Test just to make sure things I am working on work or if they need adjustment. Sometimes I don't want to edit a page until I know the code that I made works. --Etenne 13:08, 1 March 2014 (GMT)

It's wonderful that you've fixed at least some of the links to point to yet-to-be-created BW pages, but now that means I can't get the Wikipedia link to those pages. Grrrr... ;-)

And, yeah, I finally did see the thing about colons.

It works for me!
And me, too!

User4 13:17, 1 March 2014 (GMT)

The only things I edited out was the unnecessary Wikipedia templates at the top of the page. Also, Template:Anchor is likely unnecessary (at least at this point) I have run into that one before and deemed it "more trouble that it was worth". A lot of templates are used simply to make Documentation pages.