Pederastic filmography (list)

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Pederastic filmography

Pederastic film became a genre in its own right in the 1960s. Literature had explored erotic relationships between men and boys throughout history in works stretching from Strabo to those of Thomas Mann and Nicholas White. But when the barriers against exploring this side of masculine experience began to come down, and as films gained wider popularity as a media for expression, movies about this aspect of human experience, often of a more or less autobiographical nature, began to arise.


File:Death in Venice DVD cover.jpg Death in Venice


For a Lost Soldier

File:Gohatto Poster.jpg



See also

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 Pederastic film | LGBT culture

Pederastic filmography

It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Pederastic filmography". (If you would like to edit this document, click on the Wikipedia article link above.)