
From BoyWiki

Hi guys!!!

Welcome to my page. As you can see, my name is Dragonlover. I began working as an Assistant Curator here at BoyWiki on April 20th, 2016. I bring with me to the table a good deal of Administrative experience. Where does that experience come from? Well, I am the Administrator on Enchanted Island Enchanted Island. I have been with EI since its inception two years ago. I have also worked on a number of BL boards in non-administrative capacities such as Moderator, Global Moderator, and Greeter.

As far as education goes, I have a Master of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Creative Writing. I thoroughly enjoy learning new things, which is why I went so far in school. My fault is, I try and devour too much new information too quickly. But that served me well in school.

How did I find out about Boylove? I found out because I was a loved boy. Yes, at the age of five I met my Adult Friend (AF). That was 1975. He was my next door neighbor. To make a long story short, we had a great relationship right up until the time I grew up. At around age thirteen, George (not his real name) taught me about the concept of Boylove. What is acceptable and what is not. I have been involved in Boylove in some capacity for forty years.

My philosophy on Boylove is simple: Treat your Young Friend (s) as you would your own son, nephew or cousin; with love, honor and respect. Make him feel like the most special person in the world, and tell him you love him. OFTEN. Will things be perfect? Probably not. But if you keep those things in mind, they'll be as close to perfect as possible.