Talk:Sexual explicit conduct (dictionary)

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Revision as of 15:03, 3 May 2016 by User4 (talk | contribs)

Question: Are Sexual explicit conduct, explicit sexual conduct, and Sexually explicit conduct the same? Or are they used to describe two different things under the law? --Etenne 14:36, 3 May 2016 (UTC)

No, they are not the same. But I'd have to think very carefully before I can explain the difference. "Explicit" means "stated clearly or precisely," and when talking about sex, it means "describing or representing sexual activity in a direct and detailed way."
Something that is "explicitly [that's an adverb] sexual" means something that is "clearly sexual". Something that is "sexually explicit" means something different.
And I just realized that I am still too tired right now to figure it all out! I'll have to get back to you on that, OK? Sorry... User4 (talk) 15:02, 3 May 2016 (UTC)