Talk:Central America

From BoyWiki
n adjective forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

The article states:

  • The increased level of international awareness about the prevalence of child sex tourism in Southeast Asia has forced the illicit industry to relocate to Central American countries. (emphasis added)

Presenting "sex tourism" as a "monolithic entity" is anti-ism at its finest.

Many BoyLovers have lived in Central America and South America, and found the boys in various countries to be very forthcoming, eager, and willing to provide rewarding relationships. Why is none of this in the article? Why is this article here at all, given what little it contains--and that little being so highly biased?

The EOH has information on Central and South America. Why is none of that included here?

Any BoyLover bothering to click his way through the maze that BoyWiki calls an "index," only to reach this article, will be left scratching his head and wondering, "What the hell is happening at BoyWiki?" User4 (talk) 08:15, 15 May 2016 (UTC)