
From BoyWiki

BoyChat Poster Information Last Updated November 15, 2005

Below, you will find information that posters themselves have volunteered. Next to each nick is the poster's explanation of how they came to choose their nick, and any personal history -- such as how they discovered they were BL, or how they discovered BC -- that they felt like including. An email address, if provided, appears under the poster's nick.

None of the information here was gleaned from BC. All information is provided by the poster and is added upon request. Posters who would like to make a submission are reminded to be careful with personal information, and avoid identifying specifics about themselves.

Any registered poster may submit to the nick origin and/or my story sections, and a sigpic can be linked from the nick if requested. The My Story section should be limited to stories about yourself as a Boylover and kept to a reasonable length.

Please email Tycho with your submission if you would like your nick added, or if you want your submission edited or removed.[...] User4 (talk) 19:06, 7 June 2015 (UTC)