Talk:Tor Erling Staff

From BoyWiki

No reference

I included in the French BoyWiki (Citations sur l’âge de douze ans) a translation of the quotation "if we do need an age of consent, it should be 12 years. In my opinion, we don't need such a rule. Abuse is handled well enough by assault laws." This quotation was already on the French page Tor Erling Staff.

But I couldn't find the exact reference of the original Norwegian text, nor this text itself. All internet pages found by Google link to BoyWiki, not to the Norwegian version. The Dagbladet page Hadde sex med voksne menn som 12-åring (October 6, 2005) doesn't give it either. Can somebody find the original text and page?

Caprineus 11:25, 26 July 2013 (GMT)