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'''Operation Yewtree''' (also known as the Yewtree inquisition)  is a police investigation into historical  sexual abuse allegations some dating back more than 30 or 40 years. It began with the investigation into the British media personality Jimmy Savile (who died in 2011). The investigation led by the Metropolitan Police Service started in October 2012 but quickly expanded. After a period of assessment, it became a full criminal investigation involving inquiries into many living people (mostly involved in the entertainment industry) as well as Savile. Discribed as a modern day witch hunt,<ref>[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2560018/Freddie-Starr-vows-bring-Operation-Yewtree-knees-fourth-arrest-historical-sex-abuse-claims.html Freddie Starr vows to bring Operation Yewtree 'down on its knees' after fourth arrest over historical sex abuse claims]</ref>
'''Operation Yewtree''' (also known as the Yewtree Inquisition and the Savile Inquisition)  is a police investigation into historical  sexual abuse allegations in the [[UK]]<ref name="wikipedia">[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Yewtree Operation Yewtree - Wikipedia]</ref>, some dating back more than 50 or 60 years. It began with the investigation into the British media personality Jimmy Savile (who died in 2011). The investigation led by the Metropolitan Police Service started in [[October]] [[2012]] but quickly expanded. After satisfying its original objectives instead of disbanding, it became a full criminal investigation involving inquiries into many living people (mostly involved in the entertainment industry). Described as a modern day [[witch hunt]], it has so far led to 16 arrests <ref>[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2560018/Freddie-Starr-vows-bring-Operation-Yewtree-knees-fourth-arrest-historical-sex-abuse-claims.html Freddie Starr vows to bring Operation Yewtree 'down on its knees' after fourth arrest over historical sex abuse claims]</ref> and one death. <ref name = "Smith">{{cite news | url = http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/29/jimmy-savile-accused-driver-found-dead | publisher = The Guardian | title = Former driver for BBC personalities found dead after failing to show in court | date = 29 October 2013 | accessdate = 29 October 2013}}</ref>  

==People arrested==
During the course of the Yewtree Inquisition, a new term emerged in the British press called, ''[[Historical sex abuse (dictionary)|historic or historical sex abuse]]'' investigation and allegations.
Former pop star and convicted sex offender [[Gary Glitter]] was arrested as part of the investigations into Savile on 28 October 2012;<ref name=telegraph-gary-glitter-arrested>{{cite news | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9638683/Jimmy-Savile-investigation-Gary-Glitter-arrested-on-sexual-offences.html | title = Jimmy Savile investigation: Gary Glitter arrested on 'sexual offences' | newspaper = The Telegraph | date = 28 October 2012 | accessdate = 28 October 2012 }}</ref><ref name=bbc-news-gary-glitter-arrested>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20114378|title=Jimmy Savile: Former pop star Gary Glitter arrested by police|date=28 October 2011|accessdate=28 October 2011|publisher=BBC News}}</ref><ref name=guardian-gary-glitter-arrested>{{cite news | last = Booth | first = Robert | title = Gary Glitter arrested by police on Jimmy Savile case | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/2012/oct/28/gary-glitter-arrest-jimmy-savile | accessdate = 29 October 2012 | newspaper = [[The Guardian]] | date = 28 October 2012 }}</ref> he was questioned at a London police station for more than nine hours and bailed until December.<ref name=guardian-gary-glitter-arrested/>

Comedian [[Freddie Starr]] was arrested on 1 November on suspicion of related offences and released on bail the following day.<ref name="bbc011112">{{cite web | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20174081 | title = Freddie Starr arrested in Jimmy Savile abuse inquiry | date = 1 November 2011 | accessdate = 1 November 2011 | publisher = BBC News }}</ref><ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/freddie-starr-bailed-by-jimmy-savile-investigation-police-8276523.html | title = Freddie Starr bailed by Jimmy Savile investigation police | date = 2 November 2011 | accessdate = 2 November 2011 | publisher = The Independent }}</ref> He was re-arrested on 24 April 2013.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22282769 | title = Operation Yewtree: Freddie Starr facing fresh claims | accessdate = 24 April 2013 | date = 24 April 2013 | publisher = BBC News}}</ref>
==Barbara Hewson==
In May, 2013, a leading barrister Barbara Hewson <ref>http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/author/Barbara%20Hewson</ref> came under fire in the British press for an article she wrote that appeared on [http://www.spiked-online.com/ the Spiked news website] where she described Yewtree as a "witch-hunt" against aging celebrities that echoed the Soviet Union. She stated, "I do not support the persecution of old men. The manipulation of the rule of law by the Savile Inquisition – otherwise known as Operation Yewtree – and its attendant zealots poses a far graver threat to society than anything Jimmy Savile ever did." The article which was entitled, "''Yewtree is destroying the rule of law''",  <ref name="Hewson">{{cite web | url = http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/13604#.UxRpHYXbBug | title = Yewtree is destroying the rule of law | date = 8 May 2013 | accessdate = 3 March 2014 | publisher = Spiked News }}</ref> lead to a storm of controversy and [[Pedo-hysteria|moral panic]] where Hewson was descibed in the British press as " ‘vermin’, a ‘fucking animal’ who deserves to ‘rot in hell’, a ‘cretin’, a ‘scumbag’, a ‘paedophile sympathiser’, a ‘whore’, a ‘cunt’, a ‘paedo-loving slag’, and, of course, a ‘witch’." <ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/13612#.UxRntYXbBuh | title = The moral lynching of Barbara Hewson | date = 13 May 2013 | accessdate = 3 March 2014 | publisher = Spiked News }}</ref> Hewson summed up her article with the following statment:

On 11 November, former BBC producer [[Wilfred De'ath]], who had been interviewed for the ''Exposure'' documentary, was arrested in [[Cambridge]] on suspicion of connected sexual offences; he was later released on bail,<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9670035/Jimmy-Savile-police-arrest-third-man-over-historic-sex-abuse-allegations.html | title = Jimmy Savile: police arrest third man over historic sex abuse allegations | publisher = Telegraph | accessdate = November 11, 2012 }}</ref> denying the claims made against him.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9670403/I-know-how-Lord-McAlpine-feels-says-ex-BBC-producer-arrested-for-sex-abuse.html | newspaper = The Telegraph | title = I know how Lord McAlpine feels }}</ref> No charges were brought against De'ath after the complainant withdrew her statement, confirmed Alison Saunders the chief crown prosecutor for CPS London in March 2013.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21930181|title=No charges against ex-BBC producer Wilfred De'Ath|publisher=BBC News|date=25 March 2013|accessdate=25 March 2013}}</ref> De'ath was later told that he would not face any charges, and said that the police action had been "overzealous".<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21936350| publisher = BBC News | title = Police's Savile Yewtree inquiry 'has gone too far'| date = 26 March 2013 | accessdate = 26 March 2013 }}</ref>
<blockquote>"It’s time to end this prurient charade, which has nothing to do with justice or the public interest. Adults and law-enforcement agencies must stop fetishising victimhood. Instead, we should focus on arming today’s youngsters with the savoir-faire and social skills to avoid drifting into compromising situations, and prosecute modern crime. As for law reform, now regrettably necessary, my recommendations are: remove complainant anonymity; introduce a strict statute of limitations for criminal prosecutions and civil actions; and reduce the age of consent to 13." <ref name="Hewson" /> </blockquote>

A fourth man, DJ [[Dave Lee Travis]], was arrested in [[Bedfordshire]] on 15 November;<ref name=bbc15nov/> and was later released on bail.  The police said allegations against him were unrelated to Savile, and Travis said his arrest had been on matters not linked to children.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20358716 | publisher = BBC News | title = DJ Dave Lee Travis says arrest not linked to children | date = 16 November 2012 | accessdate = 17 November 2012 }}</ref> Travis was re-arrested on 13 March 2013 on suspicion of further sexual offences.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21772616 |title=BBC News - Dave Lee Travis arrested over new sex offence claims |publisher=Bbc.co.uk |date=2013-03-13 |accessdate=2013-04-19}}</ref> Travis was charged on 15 August 2013 on suspicion of twelve historical sex offences.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23716575 Dave Lee Travis, ex-Radio 1 DJ, faces indecent assault charges]</ref> Following a trial at [[Southwark Crown Court]], on 13 February 2014 Travis was found not guilty on twelve counts of sexual assault, with the jury unable to reach a decision on a further two counts.<ref name="BBC verdict">{{cite news | url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26177136| title= Dave Lee Travis trial: DJ cleared of indecent assault | work=BBC News | date=13 February 2014 | accessdate=13 February 2014}}</ref>
==Other criticism==
Some have labelled Operation Yewtree a "witch-hunt",<ref name=guaridanwitchhunt>{{cite web |url=http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jun/30/rolf-harris-conviction-vindication-operation-yewtree |first=Joan |last=Smith |title=The Rolf Harris conviction is a vindication of Operation Yewtree |work=The Guardian |date=30 June 2014 |accessdate=7 August 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10937111/Witch-hunt-Operation-Yewtree-vindicated-by-Rolf-Harris-case.html |work=The Daily Telegraph |location=London |title='Witch-hunt' Operation Yewtree vindicated by Rolf Harris case|date=30 June 2014|accessdate=7 August 2014}}</ref><ref name=expresswitchhunt>{{cite news|url=http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/421765/Yewtree-no-witch-hunt-Met-chief |title=Yewtree no witch hunt: Met chief |work=Daily Express |location=London |date=13 August 2013 |accessdate=7 August 2014}}</ref> including director Terry Gilliam,<ref name="guaridanwitchhunt" /> TV presenter Chris Tarrant,<ref name="guaridanwitchhunt" /> and newspaper tycoon Eddy Shah.<ref name="expresswitchhunt" />

On 6 December, it was reported that publicist [[Max Clifford]] had been arrested as part of Operation Yewtree, on suspicion of sexual offences;<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20627765 | publisher = BBC News | title = Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation | date = 6 December 2012 | accessdate = 6 December 2012 }}</ref> after his release on bail, he denied what he termed the "damaging and totally untrue allegations".<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20635754 | publisher = BBC News | title = Max Clifford denies 'damaging' sex offence allegations | date = 6 December 2012 | accessdate = 6 December 2012 }}</ref> On 26 April 2013, Clifford was charged with 11 indecent assaults against girls and young women between 1965 and 1985.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/apr/26/max-clifford-charged-indecent-assault| publisher = The Guardian | title = Max Clifford charged with 11 counts of indecent assault| date = 26 April 2013 | accessdate = 30 April 2013 }}</ref>
In an article for ''The Spectator'', Rod Liddle criticised the handling of these cases by police, especially in the case of Freddie Starr, who was arrested four times and bailed nine times before being told he would not be charged, claiming: "the way the police have conducted the process is hugely unfair".<ref>{{cite web |last=Liddle |first=Rod |title=The Nigel Evans case proves that juries are smarter than our liberal elite |url=http://www.spectator.co.uk/columnists/rod-liddle/9185661/the-nigel-evans-case-proves-that-juries-are-smarter-than-our-liberal-elite/ |work=The Spectator |date=19 April 2014}}</ref> In the aftermath of Cliff Richard's August 2014 property search, human rights barrister  Geoffrey Robertson wrote in ''The Independent'' that the long delays before announcing charges amounted to "outrageous treatment", adding: "This has been one of the most intolerable features of other high-profile arrests for 'historic' offences, namely the inability of police and prosecutors to deliver Magna Carta’s truly historic promise that justice will not be delayed."<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/the-way-the-police-have-treated-cliff-richard-is-completely-unacceptable-9672367.html |title=The way the police have treated Cliff Richard is completely unacceptable |date=16 August 2014 |work=The Independent |first=Geoffrey |last=Robertson |accessdate=16 August 2014}}</ref> After others, including Jim Davidson and Paul Gambaccini, were left on bail for many months before being told they would not face charges, Home Secretary Theresa May proposed that bail time be limited to 28 days.<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29624498 |title=Police bail time limit for suspects considered |publisher=BBC|date=15 October 2014|accessdate=30 October 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://news.sky.com/story/1394048/bail-limit-planned-after-celebrities-delays |title= Bail Limit Planned After Celebrities' Delays |work=Sky News |date=18 December 2014 |accessdate=18 December 2014}}</ref>

A man in his sixties unnamed at the time, later reported to be former BBC chauffeur David Smith, was arrested in London on 10 December.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20663293 | publisher = BBC News | title = Yewtree police arrest man in 60s | date = 10 December 2012 | accessdate = 10 December 2012 }}</ref> Smith was the first suspect to be charged in the investigation, on 3 April.<ref>[http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-david-smith-former-1806777]</ref> Smith was found dead on 28 October 2013, after failing to appear for a court appearance.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/29/jimmy-savile-accused-driver-found-dead | publisher = The Guardian | title = Former driver for BBC personalities found dead after failing to show in court | date = 29 October 2013 | accessdate = 29 October 2013}}</ref>
==People arrested==
<ref name="wikipedia" />
Former pop star and convicted sex offender Gary Glitter was arrested as part of the investigations into Savile on 28 October 2012;<ref name="telegraph-gary-glitter-arrested">{{cite news | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9638683/Jimmy-Savile-investigation-Gary-Glitter-arrested-on-sexual-offences.html | title = Jimmy Savile investigation: Gary Glitter arrested on 'sexual offences' | newspaper = The Telegraph | date = 28 October 2012 | accessdate = 28 October 2012 }}</ref><ref name=bbc-news-gary-glitter-arrested>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20114378|title=Jimmy Savile: Former pop star Gary Glitter arrested by police|date=28 October 2011|accessdate=28 October 2011|publisher=BBC News}}</ref><ref name=guardian-gary-glitter-arrested>{{cite news | last = Booth | first = Robert | title = Gary Glitter arrested by police on Jimmy Savile case | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/2012/oct/28/gary-glitter-arrest-jimmy-savile | accessdate = 29 October 2012 | newspaper = [[The Guardian]] | date = 28 October 2012 }}</ref> he was questioned at a London police station for more than nine hours and  bailed until December.<ref name=guardian-gary-glitter-arrested/>
Comedian Freddie Starr was arrested on 1 November on suspicion of related offences and released on bail the following day.<ref name="bbc011112">{{cite web | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20174081 | title = Freddie Starr arrested in Jimmy Savile abuse inquiry | date = 1 November 2011 | accessdate = 1 November 2011 | publisher = BBC News }}</ref><ref name="Freddie Starr bailed">{{cite news | url = http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/freddie-starr-bailed-by-jimmy-savile-investigation-police-8276523.html | title = Freddie Starr bailed by Jimmy Savile investigation police | date = 2 November 2011 | accessdate = 2 November 2011 | publisher = The Independent }}</ref> He was re-arrested on 24 April 2013.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22282769 | title = Operation Yewtree: Freddie Starr facing fresh claims | accessdate = 24 April 2013 | date = 24 April 2013 | publisher = BBC News}}</ref>
On 11 November, former BBC producer Wilfred De'ath, who had been interviewed for the ''Exposure'' documentary, was arrested in Cambridge on suspicion of connected sexual offences; he was later released on bail,<ref name="telegraph">{{cite web | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9670035/Jimmy-Savile-police-arrest-third-man-over-historic-sex-abuse-allegations.html | title = Jimmy Savile: police arrest third man over historic sex abuse allegations | publisher = Telegraph | accessdate = November 11, 2012 }}</ref> denying the claims made against him.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9670403/I-know-how-Lord-McAlpine-feels-says-ex-BBC-producer-arrested-for-sex-abuse.html | newspaper = The Telegraph | title = I know how Lord McAlpine feels }}</ref> No charges were brought against De'ath after the complainant withdrew her statement, confirmed Alison Saunders the chief crown prosecutor for CPS London in March 2013.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21930181|title=No charges against ex-BBC producer Wilfred De'Ath|publisher=BBC News|date=25 March 2013|accessdate=25 March 2013}}</ref> De'ath was later told that he would not face any charges, and said that the police action had been "overzealous".<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21936350| publisher = BBC News | title = Police's Savile Yewtree inquiry 'has gone too far'| date = 26 March 2013 | accessdate = 26 March 2013 }}</ref>
A fourth man, DJ Dave Lee Travis, was arrested in Bedfordshire on 15 November;<ref name=bbc15nov>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-20336798 | publisher = BBC News | title = Dave Lee Travis 'arrested in Jimmy Savile police inquiry | date = 15 November 2012 }}</ref>  and was later released on bail.  The police said allegations against him were unrelated to Savile, and Travis said his arrest had been on matters not linked to children.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20358716 | publisher = BBC News | title = DJ Dave Lee Travis says arrest not linked to children | date = 16 November 2012 | accessdate = 17 November 2012 }}</ref> Travis was re-arrested on 13 March 2013 on suspicion of further sexual offences.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21772616 |title=BBC News - Dave Lee Travis arrested over new sex offence claims |publisher=Bbc.co.uk |date=2013-03-13 |accessdate=2013-04-19}}</ref> Travis was charged on 15 August 2013 on suspicion of twelve historical sex offences.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23716575 Dave Lee Travis, ex-Radio 1 DJ, faces indecent assault charges]</ref> Following a trial at Southwark Crown Court, on 13 February 2014 Travis was found not guilty on twelve counts of sexual assault, with the jury unable to reach a decision on a further two counts.<ref name="BBC verdict">{{cite news | url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26177136| title= Dave Lee Travis trial: DJ cleared of indecent assault | work=BBC News | date=13 February 2014 | accessdate=13 February 2014}}</ref>
On 6 December, it was reported that publicist Max Clifford had been arrested as part of Operation Yewtree, on suspicion of sexual offences;<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20627765 | publisher = BBC News | title = Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation | date = 6 December 2012 | accessdate = 6 December 2012 }}</ref> after his release on bail, he denied what he termed the "damaging and totally untrue allegations".<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20635754 | publisher = BBC News | title = Max Clifford denies 'damaging' sex offence allegations | date = 6 December 2012 | accessdate = 6 December 2012 }}</ref> On 26 April 2013, Clifford was charged with 11 indecent assaults against girls and young women between 1965 and 1985.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/apr/26/max-clifford-charged-indecent-assault| publisher = The Guardian | title = Max Clifford charged with 11 counts of indecent assault| date = 26 April 2013 | accessdate = 30 April 2013 }}</ref>On 28 April 2014, Clifford was found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault, acquitted of two charges of indecent assault and the jury was hung on one charge of indecent assault.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27192600 | publisher = BBC News | title = Clifford guilty of indecent assaults | date = 28 April 2014 | accessdate = 28 April 2014 }}</ref> On 2 May 2014, Clifford was sentenced to eight years imprisonment at Southwark Crown Court. <ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27259318 Max Clifford jailed for eight years for sex assaults] BBC News, 2 May 2014. Retrieved 2 May 2014.</ref> <ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/max-clifford-whats-it-got-to-do-with-savile/14973#.U2TwdFe8PWR | title = Clifford is a creep, but what’s that got to do with Savile? | date = 1 May 2014 | accessdate = 3 May 2014 | publisher = spiked Ltd  }}</ref>
A man in his sixties unnamed at the time, later reported to be former BBC chauffeur David Smith, was arrested in London on 10 December.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20663293 | publisher = BBC News | title = Yewtree police arrest man in 60s | date = 10 December 2012 | accessdate = 10 December 2012 }}</ref> Smith was the first suspect to be charged in the investigation, on 3 April.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-david-smith-former-1806777| publisher = The Mirror | title = Operation Yewtree: Former BBC chauffeur David Smith becomes first to be prosecuted in Jimmy Savile probe  | date = 03 April 2013 | accessdate = 03 April 2013 }}</ref> Smith was found dead (suicide) on 28 October 2013, after failing to appear for a court appearance.<ref name = "Smith" />

An eighth man, former BBC radio producer Ted Beston, was arrested on 19 December.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20781149| publisher = BBC News | title = Jimmy Savile abuse: Ex-radio producer Ted Beston arrested| date = 19 December 2012 | accessdate = 19 December 2012 }}</ref> On 14 May 2013, it was reported that Beston would not face prosecution due to insufficient evidence.<ref>{{cite news |url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22526051 |work=BBC News |title= Savile producer Ted Beston 'relieved' as police drop action |date=14 May 2013 |accessdate=15 May 2013}}</ref>
An eighth man, former BBC radio producer Ted Beston, was arrested on 19 December.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20781149| publisher = BBC News | title = Jimmy Savile abuse: Ex-radio producer Ted Beston arrested| date = 19 December 2012 | accessdate = 19 December 2012 }}</ref> On 14 May 2013, it was reported that Beston would not face prosecution due to insufficient evidence.<ref>{{cite news |url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22526051 |work=BBC News |title= Savile producer Ted Beston 'relieved' as police drop action |date=14 May 2013 |accessdate=15 May 2013}}</ref>

Comedian [[Jim Davidson (comedian)|Jim Davidson]] and DJ [[Mike Osman]] were arrested on 2 January 2013.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20889817| publisher = BBC News | title = Two new arrests in Scotland Yard sexual abuse inquiry| date = 2 January 2013 | accessdate = 2 January 2013 }}</ref>  Another man, aged 65, was arrested in south London on 5 February.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21333623| publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Man, 65, arrested in London| date = 5 February 2013 | accessdate = 5 February 2013 }}</ref> It was later announced that Davidson and Osman would face no further action.<ref>http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jim-davidson-arrest-comedian-face-2202414</ref>
Comedian Jim Davidson and DJ Mike Osman were arrested on 2 January 2013.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20889817| publisher = BBC News | title = Two new arrests in Scotland Yard sexual abuse inquiry| date = 2 January 2013 | accessdate = 2 January 2013 }}</ref>  Another man, aged 65, was arrested in south London on 5 February.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21333623| publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Man, 65, arrested in London| date = 5 February 2013 | accessdate = 5 February 2013 }}</ref> It was later announced that Davidson and Osman would face no further action.<ref>http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jim-davidson-arrest-comedian-face-2202414</ref>
In late November 2012 an unnamed man in his 80s was questioned by the Metropolitan Police and his Berkshire house was searched.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20544939 | publisher = BBC News | title = Jimmy Savile investigation: Man in his 80s questioned | date = 29 November 2012 }}</ref> He was arrested in Berkshire on 28 March 2013.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21972689| publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Man, 82, arrested in Berkshire| date = 29 March 2013 | accessdate = 29 March 2013 }}</ref> On 19 April this was stated by the BBC and other media sources to be Rolf Harris.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22212131| publisher = BBC News | title = Rolf Harris questioned in Yewtree sex offence probe| date = 19 April 2013 | accessdate = 19 April 2013 }}</ref> On 29 August Harris was charged with 13 separate offences relating to the abuse of minors.<ref>[http://www.thejournal.ie/rolf-harris-child-abuse-1059445-Aug2013/ The Journal, "Rolf Harris charged with 13 child sex offences dating from 1980 to 2012", 29 August 2013]</ref> On 23 December 2013, Harris was charged with 3 further separate sexual assault charges which are against females aged 19 in 1984, aged seven or eight in 1968 or 1969, and aged 14 in 1975.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25489501| publisher = BBC News | title = Rolf Harris facing three further sexual assault charges| date = 23 December 2013 | accessdate = 24 December 2013 }}</ref>
Another unnamed man, aged 65, was arrested in Somerset on 4 April.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22024176| publisher = BBC News | title = Man arrested by Operation Yewtree officers| date = 4 April 2013 | accessdate = 4 April 2013 }}</ref> On 16 October it was confirmed he would not be prosecuted.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24549938 Man freed without charge by Yewtree inquiry police]</ref> Comedian Jimmy Tarbuck was arrested by North Yorkshire Police after an Operation Yewtree file was passed to them concerning a claim he sexually abused a young boy in the 1970s.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2321039/Jimmy-Tarbuck-police-row-concealing-comedians-arrest-weeks.html | publisher = Daily Mail | title = Police in 'secret arrest' row over Tarbuck after concealing comedian's arrest for almost two weeks| date = 8 May 2013 | accessdate = 8 May 2013 }}</ref>
Two unnamed men aged 64 and 74 were arrested on 29 October at separate addresses in South London,<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-two-men-aged-2652731 | publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Two men aged 64 and 74 arrested by Jimmy Savile police | date = 29 October 2013 | accessdate = 29 October 2013}}</ref> on 1 November 2013, it was reported that BBC broadcaster Paul Gambaccini was the 64 year old man arrested on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of Operation Yewtree.  His spokesman said that he denied the allegations.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref>
On 17 December 2013, Dr Michael Salmon, aged 78, who worked at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital where Savile allegedly abused some of his victims, was accused of assaulting four girls under the age of 16 between 1972 and 1985, including one count of rape.<ref>[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/operation-yewtree-stoke-mandeville-doctor-aged-78-charged-with-child-rape-and-indecent-assault-9010412.html  Oliver Duggan, "Operation Yewtree: Stoke Mandeville doctor aged 78 charged with child rape and indecent assault", ''The Independent'', 17 December 2013]. Retrieved 8 January 2014</ref>
On 8 April 2014, an unnamed 73 year old man was arrested in North London on suspicion of sexual offences.<ref name="Man arrested in Operation Yewtree">{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26941091 | publisher = BBC News | title = Man arrested in Operation Yewtree | date = 8 April 2014 | accessdate = 8 April 2014}}</ref>

In late November 2012 an unnamed man in his 80s was questioned by the Metropolitan Police and his Berkshire house was searched.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20544939 | publisher = BBC News | title = Jimmy Savile investigation: Man in his 80s questioned | date = 29 November 2012 }}</ref> He was arrested in Berkshire on 28 March 2013.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21972689| publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Man, 82, arrested in Berkshire| date = 29 March 2013 | accessdate = 29 March 2013 }}</ref> On 19 April this was stated by the [[BBC]] and other media sources to be [[Rolf Harris]].<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22212131| publisher = BBC News | title = Rolf Harris questioned in Yewtree sex offence probe| date = 19 April 2013 | accessdate = 19 April 2013 }}</ref> On 29 August Harris was charged with 13 separate offences relating to the abuse of minors.<ref>[http://www.thejournal.ie/rolf-harris-child-abuse-1059445-Aug2013/ The Journal, "Rolf Harris charged with 13 child sex offences dating from 1980 to 2012", 29 August 2013]</ref> On 23 December 2013, Harris was charged with 3 further separate sexual assault charges which are against females aged 19 in 1984, aged seven or eight in 1968 or 1969, and aged 14 in 1975.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25489501| publisher = BBC News | title = Rolf Harris facing three further sexual assault charges| date = 23 December 2013 | accessdate = 24 December 2013 }}</ref>

Another unnamed man, aged 65, was arrested in Somerset on 4 April.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22024176| publisher = BBC News | title = Man arrested by Operation Yewtree officers| date = 4 April 2013 | accessdate = 4 April 2013 }}</ref> On 16 October it was confirmed he would not be prosecuted.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24549938 Man freed without charge by Yewtree inquiry police]</ref> Comedian [[Jimmy Tarbuck]] was arrested by [[North Yorkshire Police]] after an Operation Yewtree file was passed to them concerning a claim he sexually abused a young boy in the 1970s.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2321039/Jimmy-Tarbuck-police-row-concealing-comedians-arrest-weeks.html | publisher = Daily Mail | title = Police in 'secret arrest' row over Tarbuck after concealing comedian's arrest for almost two weeks| date = 8 May 2013 | accessdate = 8 May 2013 }}</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! Date of arrest !! Suspect !! Background !! History <ref name="wikipedia" /> !! Status

Two unnamed men aged 64 and 74 were arrested on 29 October at separate addresses in South London,<ref>[http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-two-men-aged-2652731]</ref> on 1 November 2013, it was reported that BBC broadcaster [[Paul Gambaccini]] was the 64 year old man arrested on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of Operation Yewtree.  His spokesman said that he denied the allegations.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref>
| 28 October 2012<ref name="telegraph-gary-glitter-arrested" /><ref name=bbc-news-gary-glitter-arrested /><ref name=guardian-gary-glitter-arrested /> || Gary Glitter || Former glam rock pop star and convicted sex offender || After being questioned at a London police station for more than nine hours, Glitter was released on bail until December 2013,<ref name=guardian-gary-glitter-arrested/> upon which he was rebailed until February 2014.<ref name=express-gary-glitter-bailed-until-2014>{{cite web|url=http://www.express.co.uk/news/showbiz/443013/Gary-Glitter-bailed-until-2014|title=Gary Glitter bailed until 2014|date=14 November 2013|accessdate=10 May 2014|publisher=Northern and Shell Media}}</ref> Following a further rebail, he is currently on bail until June 2014.<ref name=itv-news-gary-glitter-rebailed-over-sex-claims>{{cite web|url=http://www.itv.com/news/update/2014-03-28/gary-glitter-rebailed-over-sex-claims/|title=Gary Glitter rebailed over sex claims|date=29 March 2014|accessdate=10 May 2014|publisher=ITV News}}</ref> || On bail until June 2014.<ref name=itv-news-gary-glitter-rebailed-over-sex-claims />
| 1 November 2012<ref name="bbc011112" /><ref name="Freddie Starr bailed" /> || Freddie Starr || Comedian || Arrested a total of four times by February 2014.<ref>[http://news.sky.com/story/1210574/freddie-starr-rearrested-over-sex-abuse-claims Freddie Starr Rearrested Over Sex Abuse Claims] ''Sky News'', 12February 2014. Retrieved 12 February 2014.</ref>  On 6 May 2014, the Crown Prosecution Service announced that Starr would not be prosecuted.<ref name="The Guardian">{{cite web | url = http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/may/06/freddie-starr-not-prosecuted-sex-offence-allegations | title = Freddie Starr will not be prosecuted over sex offense allegations, says CPS | date = 6 May 2014 | accessdate = 6 May 2014 | publisher = The Guardian}}</ref> || No prosecution.<ref name="The Guardian"/>
| 11 November 2012 || Wilfred De'ath || Author, journalist and former BBC producer || Arrested in Cambridge on suspicion of connected sexual offences; he was later released on bail,<ref name="telegraph" /> denying the claims made against him.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/jimmy-savile/9670403/I-know-how-Lord-McAlpine-feels-says-ex-BBC-producer-arrested-for-sex-abuse.html | newspaper = The Telegraph | title = I know how Lord McAlpine feels }}</ref> No charges were brought against De'ath after the complainant withdrew her statement, confirmed Alison Saunders the chief crown prosecutor for CPS London in March 2013.<ref name="BBC News">{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21930181|title=No charges against ex-BBC producer Wilfred De'Ath|publisher=BBC News|date=25 March 2013|accessdate=25 March 2013}}</ref> De'ath was later told that he would not face any charges, and said that the police action had been "overzealous".<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21936350| publisher = BBC News | title = Police's Savile Yewtree inquiry 'has gone too far'| date = 26 March 2013 | accessdate = 26 March 2013 }}</ref> || No prosecution.<ref name="BBC News"/>
| 15 November 2012<ref name=bbc15nov/> || Dave Lee Travis || Disc jockey, radio and television presenter || Arrested in Bedfordshire on 15 November, Travis<ref name=bbc15nov/> was later released on bail.  The police said allegations against him were unrelated to Savile, and Travis said his arrest had been on matters not linked to children.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20358716 | publisher = BBC News | title = DJ Dave Lee Travis says arrest not linked to children | date = 16 November 2012 | accessdate = 17 November 2012 }}</ref> Travis was re-arrested on 13 March 2013 on suspicion of further sexual offences.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21772616 |title=BBC News - Dave Lee Travis arrested over new sex offence claims |publisher=Bbc.co.uk |date=2013-03-13 |accessdate=2013-04-19}}</ref> Travis was charged on 15 August 2013 on suspicion of twelve historical sex offences.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23716575 Dave Lee Travis, ex-Radio 1 DJ, faces indecent assault charges]</ref> Following a trial at Southwark Crown Court, on 13 February 2014 Travis was found not guilty on twelve counts of sexual assault, with the jury unable to reach a decision on a further two counts.<ref name="BBC verdict">{{cite news | url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26177136| title= Dave Lee Travis trial: DJ cleared of indecent assault | work=BBC News | date=13 February 2014 | accessdate=13 February 2014}}</ref> || Not guilty.<ref name="BBC verdict" />
| 6 December 2012<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20627765 | publisher = BBC News | title = Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation | date = 6 December 2012 | accessdate = 6 December 2012 }}</ref> || Max Clifford || Controversial publicist || after his release on bail, he denied what he termed the "damaging and totally untrue allegations".<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20635754 | publisher = BBC News | title = Max Clifford denies 'damaging' sex offence allegations | date = 6 December 2012 | accessdate = 6 December 2012 }}</ref> On 26 April 2013, Clifford was charged with eleven indecent assaults against girls and young women between 1965 and 1985.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/apr/26/max-clifford-charged-indecent-assault| publisher = The Guardian | title = Max Clifford charged with 11 counts of indecent assault| date = 26 April 2013 | accessdate = 30 April 2013 }}</ref> On 28 April 2014, Clifford was found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault, acquitted of two charges of indecent assault and the jury was hung on one charge of indecent assault.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27192600 | publisher = BBC News | title = Clifford guilty of indecent assaults | date = 28 April 2014 | accessdate = 28 April 2014 }}</ref> On 2 May 2014, Clifford was sentenced to eight years imprisonment at Southwark Crown Court.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27259318 Max Clifford jailed for eight years for sex assaults] BBC News, 2 May 2014. Retrieved 2 May 2014.</ref> || Incarcerated on 2 May 2014 for eight years in HM Prison Wandsworth.<ref>{{cite news|author=Paul Gallagher |url=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/max-clifford-sentenced-to-eight-years-in-prison-9314642.html |title=Max Clifford sentenced to eight years in prison - Crime - UK |publisher=The Independent |date=2014-03-19 |accessdate=2014-05-02}}</ref>
| 10 December 2012 || David Smith || BBC chauffeur || Smith was the first suspect to be charged in the investigation on 3 April, and was arrested on 10 December.<ref>[http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-david-smith-former-1806777]</ref> On 28 October 2013, Smith was found dead after failing to appear for a court appearance.<ref name="theguardian.com">{{cite news | url = http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/29/jimmy-savile-accused-driver-found-dead | publisher = The Guardian | title = Former driver for BBC personalities found dead after failing to show in court | date = 29 October 2013 | accessdate = 29 October 2013}}</ref>  The coroner found that he had taken his own life.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26852406 | publisher = BBC News | title = First Yewtree suspect David Smith 'took own life' | date = 2 April 2014 | accessdate = 2 April 2014}}</ref> || Deceased.<ref name="theguardian.com"/>
| 19 December 2012 || Ted Beston || BBC radio producer || Arrested on 19 December.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20781149| publisher = BBC News | title = Jimmy Savile abuse: Ex-radio producer Ted Beston arrested| date = 19 December 2012 | accessdate = 19 December 2012 }}</ref> On 14 May 2013, it was reported that Beston would not face prosecution due to insufficient evidence.<ref name="bbc.co.uk">{{cite news |url= http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22526051 |work=BBC News |title= Savile producer Ted Beston 'relieved' as police drop action |date=14 May 2013 |accessdate=15 May 2013}}</ref> || No prosecution.<ref name="bbc.co.uk"/>
| 2 January 2013 || Jim Davidson || Comedian || Arrested on 2 January 2013.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20889817| publisher = BBC News | title = Two new arrests in Scotland Yard sexual abuse inquiry| date = 2 January 2013 | accessdate = 2 January 2013 }}</ref>  It was later announced that he would face no further action.<ref name="mirror.co.uk">http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jim-davidson-arrest-comedian-face-2202414</ref> || No prosecution.<ref name="mirror.co.uk"/>
| 5 February 2013 || Unnamed 65-year-old man || Unknown || Arrested in South London on 5 February.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21333623| publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Man, 65, arrested in London| date = 5 February 2013 | accessdate = 5 February 2013 }}</ref>  || No prosecution.<ref name="mirror.co.uk"/>
| 28 March 2013 || Rolf Harris || Australian-born musician, singer-songwriter, painter, and television personality || In late November 2012 an unnamed man in his 80s was questioned by the Metropolitan Police and his Berkshire house was searched.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20544939 | publisher = BBC News | title = Jimmy Savile investigation: Man in his 80s questioned | date = 29 November 2012 }}</ref> He was arrested in Berkshire on 28 March 2013.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21972689| publisher = BBC News | title = Operation Yewtree: Man, 82, arrested in Berkshire| date = 29 March 2013 | accessdate = 29 March 2013 }}</ref> On 19 April this was stated by the BBC and other media sources to be Rolf Harris.<ref>{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22212131| publisher = BBC News | title = Rolf Harris questioned in Yewtree sex offence probe| date = 19 April 2013 | accessdate = 19 April 2013 }}</ref> On 29 August Harris was charged with 13 separate offences relating to the abuse of minors.<ref>[http://www.thejournal.ie/rolf-harris-child-abuse-1059445-Aug2013/ The Journal, "Rolf Harris charged with 13 child sex offences dating from 1980 to 2012", 29 August 2013]</ref> On 23 December 2013, Harris was charged with 3 further separate sexual assault charges which are against females aged 19 in 1984, aged seven or eight in 1968 or 1969, and aged 14 in 1975.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25489501| publisher = BBC News | title = Rolf Harris facing three further sexual assault charges| date = 23 December 2013 | accessdate = 24 December 2013 }}</ref> Harris's trial began on 6 May 2014,<ref name=lbc-rolf-harris-trial>{{cite web|url=http://www.lbc.co.uk/rolf-harris-appears-in-court-for-assault-trial-89960|title=Rolf Harris Appears In Court For Assault Trial|date=6 May 2014|accessdate=10 May 2014|publisher=LBC}}</ref> involving him being accused of grooming a friend of his daughter's from the age of 13 with evidence being an 'apology letter' allegedly written by Harris to the victim's family. Sasha Wass QC, prosecuting, said "Mr Harris was too famous, too powerful and his reputation made him untouchable".<ref name=bbc-news-rolf-harris-trial-letter>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27340134|title=Rolf Harris trial: Entertainer 'assaulted friend of daughter'|date=9 May 2014|accessdate=10 May 2014|publisher=BBC News}}</ref> || Found guilty on 30 June 2014. Sentenced to five years and nine months in prison.<ref>{{cite news|title=Rolf Harris jailed for five years and nine months|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28163593|work=BBC News|accessdate=4 July 2014}}</ref> Incarcerated at HM Prison Wandsworth.
| 4 April 2013<ref name="ReferenceA">{{cite news | url = http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22024176| publisher = BBC News | title = Man arrested by Operation Yewtree officers| date = 4 April 2013 | accessdate = 4 April 2013 }}</ref>  || Unnamed 65-year-old man || Unknown || Arrested in Somerset on 4 April.<ref name="ReferenceA"/> On 16 October it was confirmed he would not be prosecuted.<ref name="ReferenceB">[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24549938 Man freed without charge by Yewtree inquiry police]</ref> || No prosecution.<ref name="ReferenceB"/>
| 26 April 2013<ref name="Daily Mail">{{cite news | url = http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2321039/Jimmy-Tarbuck-police-row-concealing-comedians-arrest-weeks.html | publisher = Daily Mail | title = Police in 'secret arrest' row over Tarbuck after concealing comedian's arrest for almost two weeks| date = 8 May 2013 | accessdate = 8 May 2013 }}</ref> || Jimmy Tarbuck || Comedian || Arrested by North Yorkshire Police after an Operation Yewtree file was passed to them concerning a claim he sexually abused a young boy in the 1970s.<ref name="Daily Mail"/>  On 24 March 2014, it was announced that he had been released without charge.<ref name="ReferenceC">{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-26723469|title=Jimmy Tarbuck will not face abuse charges|date=24 March 2014|work=BBC News|accessdate=24 March 2014}}</ref> || No prosecution.<ref name="ReferenceC"/>
| June 2013<ref>{{cite news
|title=Former Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning held on suspicion of sexual offences
|date=6 June 2013
|publisher=''The Guardian''}}</ref> || Chris Denning || Former Radio 1 disc-jockey and convicted sex offender || Arrested in June 2013 and bailed until September. On 22 May 2014, he was charged with 41 sex offences.<ref>{{cite news
|title=Ex-Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning charged with 41 sex offences
|date=22 May 2014
|publisher=''BBC''}}</ref> || Awaiting trial.
| 29 October 2013<ref>[http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-two-men-aged-2652731]</ref><ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref> || Paul Gambaccini || American-British radio and television presenter and author || Two unnamed men aged 64 and 74 were arrested on 29 October at separate addresses in South London,<ref>[http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-two-men-aged-2652731]</ref> on 1 November 2013, and it was reported that BBC broadcaster Paul Gambaccini was the 64 year old man arrested on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of Operation Yewtree.  Gambaccini was given bail, and his spokesman said that he denied the allegations.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref> || On bail.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref>
| 29 October 2013<ref>[http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/operation-yewtree-two-men-aged-2652731]</ref><ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref> || Unnamed 74-year-old man || Unknown || Arrested in South London, and given bail, alongside Gambaccini. || On bail.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24779908  BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013]</ref>
| 17 December 2013 <ref name="independent.co.uk">[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/operation-yewtree-stoke-mandeville-doctor-aged-78-charged-with-child-rape-and-indecent-assault-9010412.html  Oliver Duggan, "Operation Yewtree: Stoke Mandeville doctor aged 78 charged with child rape and indecent assault", ''The Independent'', 17 December 2013]. Retrieved 8 January 2014</ref> || Michael Salmon || Medical doctor at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where Savile allegedly abused some of his victims || Accused of assaulting four girls under the age of 16 between 1972 and 1985, including one count of rape.<ref name="independent.co.uk"/> || On bail.<ref name="independent.co.uk"/>
| 8 April 2014<ref name="Man arrested in Operation Yewtree" /> || Unnamed 73-year-old man || Unknown || Arrested in North London on suspicion of sexual offences.<ref name="Man arrested in Operation Yewtree"/> || On bail.<ref name="Man arrested in Operation Yewtree"/>

On 17 December 2013, Dr Michael Salmon, aged 78, who worked at the [[Stoke Mandeville Hospital]] where Savile allegedly abused some of his victims, was accused of assaulting four girls under the age of 16 between 1972 and 1985, including one count of rape.<ref>[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/operation-yewtree-stoke-mandeville-doctor-aged-78-charged-with-child-rape-and-indecent-assault-9010412.html  Oliver Duggan, "Operation Yewtree: Stoke Mandeville doctor aged 78 charged with child rape and indecent assault", ''The Independent'', 17 December 2013]. Retrieved 8 January 2014</ref>
==Operation Hydrant==
'''Operation Hydrant''' is a British police investigation into allegations of [[child sexual abuse]]. It co-ordinates a number of other investigations by police forces throughout the United Kingdom.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/news/2015/may/update-on-operation-hydrant-child-sex-abuse-investigation|title=Update on Operation Hydrant child sex abuse investigations | publisher=Police Scotland|date=May 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.exaronews.com/articles/5568/police-investigate-76-politicians-over-claims-of-child-sex-abuse|title=Police investigate 76 politicians over claims of child sex abuse|publisher=Exaro News|date=28 May 2015|author=Mark Watts and Mark Conrad}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/may/20/1400-suspects-operation-hydrant-politician-and-celebrity-child-sex-abuse-inquiry|title=1,400 investigated in child sex abuse inquiry, including politicians |author=Sandra Laville|date=20 May 2015|publisher=The Guardian}}</ref> It is headed by Simon Bailey, the Chief Constable of Norfolk.<ref name=NPCCMay2015/>
According to the National Police Chiefs' Council, as of May 2015, Operation Hydrant had information on "1433 suspects of which 216 are deceased, 666 suspects related to institutions, 261 classified as people of public prominence, [of which] 506 are classified as unidentified, [and] 357 institutions have been identified within the scope of the operation".<ref name=NPCCMay2015>{{cite web|url=http://news.npcc.police.uk/releases/over-1400-suspects-investigated-for-child-sexual-abuse-by-people-of-public-prominence-or-within-institutions|title=Over 1400 suspects investigated for child sexual abuse by people of public prominence, or within institutions|date=20 May 2015|publisher=National Police Chiefs' Council}}</ref> "The traditional role of the police – to solve crimes brought to the police’s attention – has been transformed. This new inquisitorial form of policing is oriented towards the discovery of crimes not yet reported. So by regularly calling for people to come forth as victims of abuse, the police are indulging in a form of crime construction."<ref>[http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/operation-hydrant-an-inquisition-for-the-21st-century/17008#.VaaIYfmk5OB Operation Hydrant: an Inquisition for the 21st century]</ref>

Line 48: Line 119:
*[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2560018/Freddie-Starr-vows-bring-Operation-Yewtree-knees-fourth-arrest-historical-sex-abuse-claims.html Freddie Starr vows to bring Operation Yewtree 'down on its knees' after fourth arrest over historical sex abuse claims]
*[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2560018/Freddie-Starr-vows-bring-Operation-Yewtree-knees-fourth-arrest-historical-sex-abuse-claims.html Freddie Starr vows to bring Operation Yewtree 'down on its knees' after fourth arrest over historical sex abuse claims]

*[http://tomocarroll.wordpress.com/2013/05/11/hail-an-improbable-age-of-consent-heroine/ Hail, an improbable age of consent heroine!]
*[http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/max-clifford-whats-it-got-to-do-with-savile/14973#.U2TilFe8PWQ Clifford is a creep, but what’s that got to do with Savile?]
[[Category:United Kingdom]]
[[Category:United Kingdom]]

Latest revision as of 16:53, 10 December 2015

Operation Yewtree (also known as the Yewtree Inquisition and the Savile Inquisition) is a police investigation into historical sexual abuse allegations in the UK[1], some dating back more than 50 or 60 years. It began with the investigation into the British media personality Jimmy Savile (who died in 2011). The investigation led by the Metropolitan Police Service started in October 2012 but quickly expanded. After satisfying its original objectives instead of disbanding, it became a full criminal investigation involving inquiries into many living people (mostly involved in the entertainment industry). Described as a modern day witch hunt, it has so far led to 16 arrests [2] and one death. [3]

During the course of the Yewtree Inquisition, a new term emerged in the British press called, historic or historical sex abuse investigation and allegations.

Barbara Hewson

In May, 2013, a leading barrister Barbara Hewson [4] came under fire in the British press for an article she wrote that appeared on the Spiked news website where she described Yewtree as a "witch-hunt" against aging celebrities that echoed the Soviet Union. She stated, "I do not support the persecution of old men. The manipulation of the rule of law by the Savile Inquisition – otherwise known as Operation Yewtree – and its attendant zealots poses a far graver threat to society than anything Jimmy Savile ever did." The article which was entitled, "Yewtree is destroying the rule of law", [5] lead to a storm of controversy and moral panic where Hewson was descibed in the British press as " ‘vermin’, a ‘fucking animal’ who deserves to ‘rot in hell’, a ‘cretin’, a ‘scumbag’, a ‘paedophile sympathiser’, a ‘whore’, a ‘cunt’, a ‘paedo-loving slag’, and, of course, a ‘witch’." [6] Hewson summed up her article with the following statment:

"It’s time to end this prurient charade, which has nothing to do with justice or the public interest. Adults and law-enforcement agencies must stop fetishising victimhood. Instead, we should focus on arming today’s youngsters with the savoir-faire and social skills to avoid drifting into compromising situations, and prosecute modern crime. As for law reform, now regrettably necessary, my recommendations are: remove complainant anonymity; introduce a strict statute of limitations for criminal prosecutions and civil actions; and reduce the age of consent to 13." [5]

Other criticism

Some have labelled Operation Yewtree a "witch-hunt",[7][8][9] including director Terry Gilliam,[7] TV presenter Chris Tarrant,[7] and newspaper tycoon Eddy Shah.[9]

In an article for The Spectator, Rod Liddle criticised the handling of these cases by police, especially in the case of Freddie Starr, who was arrested four times and bailed nine times before being told he would not be charged, claiming: "the way the police have conducted the process is hugely unfair".[10] In the aftermath of Cliff Richard's August 2014 property search, human rights barrister Geoffrey Robertson wrote in The Independent that the long delays before announcing charges amounted to "outrageous treatment", adding: "This has been one of the most intolerable features of other high-profile arrests for 'historic' offences, namely the inability of police and prosecutors to deliver Magna Carta’s truly historic promise that justice will not be delayed."[11] After others, including Jim Davidson and Paul Gambaccini, were left on bail for many months before being told they would not face charges, Home Secretary Theresa May proposed that bail time be limited to 28 days.[12][13]

People arrested

[1] Former pop star and convicted sex offender Gary Glitter was arrested as part of the investigations into Savile on 28 October 2012;[14][15][16] he was questioned at a London police station for more than nine hours and bailed until December.[16]

Comedian Freddie Starr was arrested on 1 November on suspicion of related offences and released on bail the following day.[17][18] He was re-arrested on 24 April 2013.[19]

On 11 November, former BBC producer Wilfred De'ath, who had been interviewed for the Exposure documentary, was arrested in Cambridge on suspicion of connected sexual offences; he was later released on bail,[20] denying the claims made against him.[21] No charges were brought against De'ath after the complainant withdrew her statement, confirmed Alison Saunders the chief crown prosecutor for CPS London in March 2013.[22] De'ath was later told that he would not face any charges, and said that the police action had been "overzealous".[23]

A fourth man, DJ Dave Lee Travis, was arrested in Bedfordshire on 15 November;[24] and was later released on bail. The police said allegations against him were unrelated to Savile, and Travis said his arrest had been on matters not linked to children.[25] Travis was re-arrested on 13 March 2013 on suspicion of further sexual offences.[26] Travis was charged on 15 August 2013 on suspicion of twelve historical sex offences.[27] Following a trial at Southwark Crown Court, on 13 February 2014 Travis was found not guilty on twelve counts of sexual assault, with the jury unable to reach a decision on a further two counts.[28]

On 6 December, it was reported that publicist Max Clifford had been arrested as part of Operation Yewtree, on suspicion of sexual offences;[29] after his release on bail, he denied what he termed the "damaging and totally untrue allegations".[30] On 26 April 2013, Clifford was charged with 11 indecent assaults against girls and young women between 1965 and 1985.[31]On 28 April 2014, Clifford was found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault, acquitted of two charges of indecent assault and the jury was hung on one charge of indecent assault.[32] On 2 May 2014, Clifford was sentenced to eight years imprisonment at Southwark Crown Court. [33] [34]

A man in his sixties unnamed at the time, later reported to be former BBC chauffeur David Smith, was arrested in London on 10 December.[35] Smith was the first suspect to be charged in the investigation, on 3 April.[36] Smith was found dead (suicide) on 28 October 2013, after failing to appear for a court appearance.[3]

An eighth man, former BBC radio producer Ted Beston, was arrested on 19 December.[37] On 14 May 2013, it was reported that Beston would not face prosecution due to insufficient evidence.[38]

Comedian Jim Davidson and DJ Mike Osman were arrested on 2 January 2013.[39] Another man, aged 65, was arrested in south London on 5 February.[40] It was later announced that Davidson and Osman would face no further action.[41]

In late November 2012 an unnamed man in his 80s was questioned by the Metropolitan Police and his Berkshire house was searched.[42] He was arrested in Berkshire on 28 March 2013.[43] On 19 April this was stated by the BBC and other media sources to be Rolf Harris.[44] On 29 August Harris was charged with 13 separate offences relating to the abuse of minors.[45] On 23 December 2013, Harris was charged with 3 further separate sexual assault charges which are against females aged 19 in 1984, aged seven or eight in 1968 or 1969, and aged 14 in 1975.[46]

Another unnamed man, aged 65, was arrested in Somerset on 4 April.[47] On 16 October it was confirmed he would not be prosecuted.[48] Comedian Jimmy Tarbuck was arrested by North Yorkshire Police after an Operation Yewtree file was passed to them concerning a claim he sexually abused a young boy in the 1970s.[49]

Two unnamed men aged 64 and 74 were arrested on 29 October at separate addresses in South London,[50] on 1 November 2013, it was reported that BBC broadcaster Paul Gambaccini was the 64 year old man arrested on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of Operation Yewtree. His spokesman said that he denied the allegations.[51]

On 17 December 2013, Dr Michael Salmon, aged 78, who worked at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital where Savile allegedly abused some of his victims, was accused of assaulting four girls under the age of 16 between 1972 and 1985, including one count of rape.[52]

On 8 April 2014, an unnamed 73 year old man was arrested in North London on suspicion of sexual offences.[53]

Date of arrest Suspect Background History [1] Status
28 October 2012[14][15][16] Gary Glitter Former glam rock pop star and convicted sex offender After being questioned at a London police station for more than nine hours, Glitter was released on bail until December 2013,[16] upon which he was rebailed until February 2014.[54] Following a further rebail, he is currently on bail until June 2014.[55] On bail until June 2014.[55]
1 November 2012[17][18] Freddie Starr Comedian Arrested a total of four times by February 2014.[56] On 6 May 2014, the Crown Prosecution Service announced that Starr would not be prosecuted.[57] No prosecution.[57]
11 November 2012 Wilfred De'ath Author, journalist and former BBC producer Arrested in Cambridge on suspicion of connected sexual offences; he was later released on bail,[20] denying the claims made against him.[58] No charges were brought against De'ath after the complainant withdrew her statement, confirmed Alison Saunders the chief crown prosecutor for CPS London in March 2013.[59] De'ath was later told that he would not face any charges, and said that the police action had been "overzealous".[60] No prosecution.[59]
15 November 2012[24] Dave Lee Travis Disc jockey, radio and television presenter Arrested in Bedfordshire on 15 November, Travis[24] was later released on bail. The police said allegations against him were unrelated to Savile, and Travis said his arrest had been on matters not linked to children.[61] Travis was re-arrested on 13 March 2013 on suspicion of further sexual offences.[62] Travis was charged on 15 August 2013 on suspicion of twelve historical sex offences.[63] Following a trial at Southwark Crown Court, on 13 February 2014 Travis was found not guilty on twelve counts of sexual assault, with the jury unable to reach a decision on a further two counts.[28] Not guilty.[28]
6 December 2012[64] Max Clifford Controversial publicist after his release on bail, he denied what he termed the "damaging and totally untrue allegations".[65] On 26 April 2013, Clifford was charged with eleven indecent assaults against girls and young women between 1965 and 1985.[66] On 28 April 2014, Clifford was found guilty of eight charges of indecent assault, acquitted of two charges of indecent assault and the jury was hung on one charge of indecent assault.[67] On 2 May 2014, Clifford was sentenced to eight years imprisonment at Southwark Crown Court.[68] Incarcerated on 2 May 2014 for eight years in HM Prison Wandsworth.[69]
10 December 2012 David Smith BBC chauffeur Smith was the first suspect to be charged in the investigation on 3 April, and was arrested on 10 December.[70] On 28 October 2013, Smith was found dead after failing to appear for a court appearance.[71] The coroner found that he had taken his own life.[72] Deceased.[71]
19 December 2012 Ted Beston BBC radio producer Arrested on 19 December.[73] On 14 May 2013, it was reported that Beston would not face prosecution due to insufficient evidence.[74] No prosecution.[74]
2 January 2013 Jim Davidson Comedian Arrested on 2 January 2013.[75] It was later announced that he would face no further action.[76] No prosecution.[76]
5 February 2013 Unnamed 65-year-old man Unknown Arrested in South London on 5 February.[77] No prosecution.[76]
28 March 2013 Rolf Harris Australian-born musician, singer-songwriter, painter, and television personality In late November 2012 an unnamed man in his 80s was questioned by the Metropolitan Police and his Berkshire house was searched.[78] He was arrested in Berkshire on 28 March 2013.[79] On 19 April this was stated by the BBC and other media sources to be Rolf Harris.[80] On 29 August Harris was charged with 13 separate offences relating to the abuse of minors.[81] On 23 December 2013, Harris was charged with 3 further separate sexual assault charges which are against females aged 19 in 1984, aged seven or eight in 1968 or 1969, and aged 14 in 1975.[82] Harris's trial began on 6 May 2014,[83] involving him being accused of grooming a friend of his daughter's from the age of 13 with evidence being an 'apology letter' allegedly written by Harris to the victim's family. Sasha Wass QC, prosecuting, said "Mr Harris was too famous, too powerful and his reputation made him untouchable".[84] Found guilty on 30 June 2014. Sentenced to five years and nine months in prison.[85] Incarcerated at HM Prison Wandsworth.
4 April 2013[86] Unnamed 65-year-old man Unknown Arrested in Somerset on 4 April.[86] On 16 October it was confirmed he would not be prosecuted.[87] No prosecution.[87]
26 April 2013[88] Jimmy Tarbuck Comedian Arrested by North Yorkshire Police after an Operation Yewtree file was passed to them concerning a claim he sexually abused a young boy in the 1970s.[88] On 24 March 2014, it was announced that he had been released without charge.[89] No prosecution.[89]
June 2013[90] Chris Denning Former Radio 1 disc-jockey and convicted sex offender Arrested in June 2013 and bailed until September. On 22 May 2014, he was charged with 41 sex offences.[91] Awaiting trial.
29 October 2013[92][93] Paul Gambaccini American-British radio and television presenter and author Two unnamed men aged 64 and 74 were arrested on 29 October at separate addresses in South London,[94] on 1 November 2013, and it was reported that BBC broadcaster Paul Gambaccini was the 64 year old man arrested on suspicion of historical sexual offences as part of Operation Yewtree. Gambaccini was given bail, and his spokesman said that he denied the allegations.[95] On bail.[96]
29 October 2013[97][98] Unnamed 74-year-old man Unknown Arrested in South London, and given bail, alongside Gambaccini. On bail.[99]
17 December 2013 [100] Michael Salmon Medical doctor at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where Savile allegedly abused some of his victims Accused of assaulting four girls under the age of 16 between 1972 and 1985, including one count of rape.[100] On bail.[100]
8 April 2014[53] Unnamed 73-year-old man Unknown Arrested in North London on suspicion of sexual offences.[53] On bail.[53]

Operation Hydrant

Operation Hydrant is a British police investigation into allegations of child sexual abuse. It co-ordinates a number of other investigations by police forces throughout the United Kingdom.[101][102][103] It is headed by Simon Bailey, the Chief Constable of Norfolk.[104]

According to the National Police Chiefs' Council, as of May 2015, Operation Hydrant had information on "1433 suspects of which 216 are deceased, 666 suspects related to institutions, 261 classified as people of public prominence, [of which] 506 are classified as unidentified, [and] 357 institutions have been identified within the scope of the operation".[104] "The traditional role of the police – to solve crimes brought to the police’s attention – has been transformed. This new inquisitorial form of policing is oriented towards the discovery of crimes not yet reported. So by regularly calling for people to come forth as victims of abuse, the police are indulging in a form of crime construction."[105]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Operation Yewtree - Wikipedia
  2. Freddie Starr vows to bring Operation Yewtree 'down on its knees' after fourth arrest over historical sex abuse claims
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Former driver for BBC personalities found dead after failing to show in court", The Guardian, 29 October 2013. Retrieved on 29 October 2013. 
  4. http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/author/Barbara%20Hewson
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  6. The moral lynching of Barbara Hewson. Spiked News (13 May 2013). Retrieved on 3 March 2014.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Smith, Joan (30 June 2014). The Rolf Harris conviction is a vindication of Operation Yewtree. The Guardian. Retrieved on 7 August 2014.
  8. "'Witch-hunt' Operation Yewtree vindicated by Rolf Harris case", The Daily Telegraph, 30 June 2014. Retrieved on 7 August 2014. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Yewtree no witch hunt: Met chief", Daily Express, 13 August 2013. Retrieved on 7 August 2014. 
  10. Liddle, Rod (19 April 2014). The Nigel Evans case proves that juries are smarter than our liberal elite. The Spectator.
  11. Robertson, Geoffrey (16 August 2014). The way the police have treated Cliff Richard is completely unacceptable. The Independent. Retrieved on 16 August 2014.
  12. "Police bail time limit for suspects considered", BBC, 15 October 2014. Retrieved on 30 October 2014. 
  13. "Bail Limit Planned After Celebrities' Delays", Sky News, 18 December 2014. Retrieved on 18 December 2014. 
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Jimmy Savile investigation: Gary Glitter arrested on 'sexual offences'", 28 October 2012. Retrieved on 28 October 2012. 
  15. 15.0 15.1 Jimmy Savile: Former pop star Gary Glitter arrested by police. BBC News (28 October 2011). Retrieved on 28 October 2011.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Booth, Robert. "Gary Glitter arrested by police on Jimmy Savile case", 28 October 2012. Retrieved on 29 October 2012. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 Freddie Starr arrested in Jimmy Savile abuse inquiry. BBC News (1 November 2011). Retrieved on 1 November 2011.
  18. 18.0 18.1 "Freddie Starr bailed by Jimmy Savile investigation police", The Independent, 2 November 2011. Retrieved on 2 November 2011. 
  19. Operation Yewtree: Freddie Starr facing fresh claims. BBC News (24 April 2013). Retrieved on 24 April 2013.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Jimmy Savile: police arrest third man over historic sex abuse allegations. Telegraph. Retrieved on November 11, 2012.
  21. "I know how Lord McAlpine feels". 
  22. No charges against ex-BBC producer Wilfred De'Ath. BBC News (25 March 2013). Retrieved on 25 March 2013.
  23. "Police's Savile Yewtree inquiry 'has gone too far'", BBC News, 26 March 2013. Retrieved on 26 March 2013. 
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 "Dave Lee Travis 'arrested in Jimmy Savile police inquiry", BBC News, 15 November 2012. 
  25. "DJ Dave Lee Travis says arrest not linked to children", BBC News, 16 November 2012. Retrieved on 17 November 2012. 
  26. BBC News - Dave Lee Travis arrested over new sex offence claims. Bbc.co.uk (2013-03-13). Retrieved on 2013-04-19.
  27. Dave Lee Travis, ex-Radio 1 DJ, faces indecent assault charges
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 "Dave Lee Travis trial: DJ cleared of indecent assault", BBC News, 13 February 2014. Retrieved on 13 February 2014. 
  29. "Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation", BBC News, 6 December 2012. Retrieved on 6 December 2012. 
  30. "Max Clifford denies 'damaging' sex offence allegations", BBC News, 6 December 2012. Retrieved on 6 December 2012. 
  31. "Max Clifford charged with 11 counts of indecent assault", The Guardian, 26 April 2013. Retrieved on 30 April 2013. 
  32. "Clifford guilty of indecent assaults", BBC News, 28 April 2014. Retrieved on 28 April 2014. 
  33. Max Clifford jailed for eight years for sex assaults BBC News, 2 May 2014. Retrieved 2 May 2014.
  34. "Clifford is a creep, but what’s that got to do with Savile?", spiked Ltd, 1 May 2014. Retrieved on 3 May 2014. 
  35. "Yewtree police arrest man in 60s", BBC News, 10 December 2012. Retrieved on 10 December 2012. 
  36. "Operation Yewtree: Former BBC chauffeur David Smith becomes first to be prosecuted in Jimmy Savile probe", The Mirror, 03 April 2013. Retrieved on 03 April 2013. 
  37. "Jimmy Savile abuse: Ex-radio producer Ted Beston arrested", BBC News, 19 December 2012. Retrieved on 19 December 2012. 
  38. "Savile producer Ted Beston 'relieved' as police drop action", BBC News, 14 May 2013. Retrieved on 15 May 2013. 
  39. "Two new arrests in Scotland Yard sexual abuse inquiry", BBC News, 2 January 2013. Retrieved on 2 January 2013. 
  40. "Operation Yewtree: Man, 65, arrested in London", BBC News, 5 February 2013. Retrieved on 5 February 2013. 
  41. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jim-davidson-arrest-comedian-face-2202414
  42. "Jimmy Savile investigation: Man in his 80s questioned", BBC News, 29 November 2012. 
  43. "Operation Yewtree: Man, 82, arrested in Berkshire", BBC News, 29 March 2013. Retrieved on 29 March 2013. 
  44. "Rolf Harris questioned in Yewtree sex offence probe", BBC News, 19 April 2013. Retrieved on 19 April 2013. 
  45. The Journal, "Rolf Harris charged with 13 child sex offences dating from 1980 to 2012", 29 August 2013
  46. "Rolf Harris facing three further sexual assault charges", BBC News, 23 December 2013. Retrieved on 24 December 2013. 
  47. "Man arrested by Operation Yewtree officers", BBC News, 4 April 2013. Retrieved on 4 April 2013. 
  48. Man freed without charge by Yewtree inquiry police
  49. "Police in 'secret arrest' row over Tarbuck after concealing comedian's arrest for almost two weeks", Daily Mail, 8 May 2013. Retrieved on 8 May 2013. 
  50. "Operation Yewtree: Two men aged 64 and 74 arrested by Jimmy Savile police", BBC News, 29 October 2013. Retrieved on 29 October 2013. 
  51. BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013
  52. Oliver Duggan, "Operation Yewtree: Stoke Mandeville doctor aged 78 charged with child rape and indecent assault", The Independent, 17 December 2013. Retrieved 8 January 2014
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 "Man arrested in Operation Yewtree", BBC News, 8 April 2014. Retrieved on 8 April 2014. 
  54. Gary Glitter bailed until 2014. Northern and Shell Media (14 November 2013). Retrieved on 10 May 2014.
  55. 55.0 55.1 Gary Glitter rebailed over sex claims. ITV News (29 March 2014). Retrieved on 10 May 2014.
  56. Freddie Starr Rearrested Over Sex Abuse Claims Sky News, 12February 2014. Retrieved 12 February 2014.
  57. 57.0 57.1 Freddie Starr will not be prosecuted over sex offense allegations, says CPS. The Guardian (6 May 2014). Retrieved on 6 May 2014.
  58. "I know how Lord McAlpine feels". 
  59. 59.0 59.1 No charges against ex-BBC producer Wilfred De'Ath. BBC News (25 March 2013). Retrieved on 25 March 2013.
  60. "Police's Savile Yewtree inquiry 'has gone too far'", BBC News, 26 March 2013. Retrieved on 26 March 2013. 
  61. "DJ Dave Lee Travis says arrest not linked to children", BBC News, 16 November 2012. Retrieved on 17 November 2012. 
  62. BBC News - Dave Lee Travis arrested over new sex offence claims. Bbc.co.uk (2013-03-13). Retrieved on 2013-04-19.
  63. Dave Lee Travis, ex-Radio 1 DJ, faces indecent assault charges
  64. "Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation", BBC News, 6 December 2012. Retrieved on 6 December 2012. 
  65. "Max Clifford denies 'damaging' sex offence allegations", BBC News, 6 December 2012. Retrieved on 6 December 2012. 
  66. "Max Clifford charged with 11 counts of indecent assault", The Guardian, 26 April 2013. Retrieved on 30 April 2013. 
  67. "Clifford guilty of indecent assaults", BBC News, 28 April 2014. Retrieved on 28 April 2014. 
  68. Max Clifford jailed for eight years for sex assaults BBC News, 2 May 2014. Retrieved 2 May 2014.
  69. Paul Gallagher. "Max Clifford sentenced to eight years in prison - Crime - UK", The Independent, 2014-03-19. Retrieved on 2014-05-02. 
  70. [1]
  71. 71.0 71.1 "Former driver for BBC personalities found dead after failing to show in court", The Guardian, 29 October 2013. Retrieved on 29 October 2013. 
  72. "First Yewtree suspect David Smith 'took own life'", BBC News, 2 April 2014. Retrieved on 2 April 2014. 
  73. "Jimmy Savile abuse: Ex-radio producer Ted Beston arrested", BBC News, 19 December 2012. Retrieved on 19 December 2012. 
  74. 74.0 74.1 "Savile producer Ted Beston 'relieved' as police drop action", BBC News, 14 May 2013. Retrieved on 15 May 2013. 
  75. "Two new arrests in Scotland Yard sexual abuse inquiry", BBC News, 2 January 2013. Retrieved on 2 January 2013. 
  76. 76.0 76.1 76.2 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jim-davidson-arrest-comedian-face-2202414
  77. "Operation Yewtree: Man, 65, arrested in London", BBC News, 5 February 2013. Retrieved on 5 February 2013. 
  78. "Jimmy Savile investigation: Man in his 80s questioned", BBC News, 29 November 2012. 
  79. "Operation Yewtree: Man, 82, arrested in Berkshire", BBC News, 29 March 2013. Retrieved on 29 March 2013. 
  80. "Rolf Harris questioned in Yewtree sex offence probe", BBC News, 19 April 2013. Retrieved on 19 April 2013. 
  81. The Journal, "Rolf Harris charged with 13 child sex offences dating from 1980 to 2012", 29 August 2013
  82. "Rolf Harris facing three further sexual assault charges", BBC News, 23 December 2013. Retrieved on 24 December 2013. 
  83. Rolf Harris Appears In Court For Assault Trial. LBC (6 May 2014). Retrieved on 10 May 2014.
  84. Rolf Harris trial: Entertainer 'assaulted friend of daughter'. BBC News (9 May 2014). Retrieved on 10 May 2014.
  85. "Rolf Harris jailed for five years and nine months", BBC News. Retrieved on 4 July 2014. 
  86. 86.0 86.1 "Man arrested by Operation Yewtree officers", BBC News, 4 April 2013. Retrieved on 4 April 2013. 
  87. 87.0 87.1 Man freed without charge by Yewtree inquiry police
  88. 88.0 88.1 "Police in 'secret arrest' row over Tarbuck after concealing comedian's arrest for almost two weeks", Daily Mail, 8 May 2013. Retrieved on 8 May 2013. 
  89. 89.0 89.1 "Jimmy Tarbuck will not face abuse charges", BBC News, 24 March 2014. Retrieved on 24 March 2014. 
  90. Halliday, Josh. "Former Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning held on suspicion of sexual offences", The Guardian, 6 June 2013. 
  91. "Ex-Radio 1 DJ Chris Denning charged with 41 sex offences", BBC, 22 May 2014. 
  92. [2]
  93. BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013
  94. [3]
  95. BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013
  96. BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013
  97. [4]
  98. BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013
  99. BBC News, "Paul Gambaccini arrested in Operation Yewtree inquiry", 1 November 2013
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 Oliver Duggan, "Operation Yewtree: Stoke Mandeville doctor aged 78 charged with child rape and indecent assault", The Independent, 17 December 2013. Retrieved 8 January 2014
  101. Update on Operation Hydrant child sex abuse investigations. Police Scotland (May 2015).
  102. Mark Watts and Mark Conrad (28 May 2015). Police investigate 76 politicians over claims of child sex abuse. Exaro News.
  103. Sandra Laville (20 May 2015). 1,400 investigated in child sex abuse inquiry, including politicians. The Guardian.
  104. 104.0 104.1 Over 1400 suspects investigated for child sexual abuse by people of public prominence, or within institutions. National Police Chiefs' Council (20 May 2015).
  105. Operation Hydrant: an Inquisition for the 21st century

External links