David Riegel

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David L. Riegel (b. 1931) is an independent writer and researcher on the topic of sexually expressed boy/older male relationships. After already having retired twice from dissimilar fields, in 1999 he was recruited by a McGraw Hill textbook editor to submit an essay on the Rind controversy. This was accepted by the editor but withheld from publication by the management until 2005. In 2000 he published the first of his four paperback books.[1] In cooperation with several others, and over an eight year period, a Philosophy of Responsible Boylove[2] was developed, which is hosted on SafeHaven Foundation.[3] A recent innovation is Peer Support Exchange[4], and further information is available on his personal website.

BoyLove Media Watch and Review was a website operated by Riegel and another volunteer, that encouraged supporters to politely lobby journalists who wrote about boys' sexual relationships with older males. At one point, Riegel planned to publish a Journal of the Sexuality of Boys.



Riegel offers a set of publications, the nature of which is simply unparalleled elsewhere.

Criticised for veneering a polemic with scholarly tones, Riegel's research is without peer review and his underpinning philosophy is sometimes curiously rigid. It would be dishonest not to mention that this has caused as much controversy within the boylove community as outside of it. However, there are undoubted upsides to the work of David Riegel, including his dedication to exposing, even popularising suppressed data and his often incisive commentary against the victimological point of view.

Seniority in years is a major driver in Riegel's unlikely rise to minor prominence. His unique situation helps us understand why younger authors are so often unable to express themselves freely in regard to this topic.

Those with an interest in an objective, non-polemic, peer-reviewed analysis with wider acceptance among academics are directed towards Bruce Rind.

See also


Riegel, D. (2011) The Role of Androphilia in the Psychosexual Development of Boys. International Journal of Sexual Health 23 (1)2-13.

Riegel, D. (2010) The Participating Victim: Complement to Mal�n. Archives of Sexual Behavior 38

Riegel, D. (2009) Boyhood Sexual Experiences with Older Males: Using the Internet for Behavioral Research. Archives of Sexual Behavior 38 (5) 626-630.

Riegel, D. (2009) 'Querying' the Queering of Science: Response to Yuill and Durber. Sexuality & Culture 13 (2), 115-116.

Riegel, D. (2006) Propuesta de una tipolog�a de hombres con atracci�n sexual hacia los muchachos. Bolet�n de Informaci�n Sexol�gica, 50 1-3.

Riegel, D. (2005)Abused to Abuser": An examination of new non-clinical and non-prison data. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 16(4) 39-57.

Riegel, D. (2005) The Real Evil Among Us. In W. Taverner (Ed.) Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality (Ninth Edition)Issue 13: "Is Pedophilia Always Harmful, pp.205-210. Guilford CT: McGraw Hill/Dushkin.

Riegel, D. (2005) Pedophilia, Pejoration, and Prejudice: Inquiry by Insinuation, Argument by Accusation. Sexuality & Culture, 9 (1) 88-97.

Riegel, D.(2004)Effects on Boy-Attracted Pedosexual Males of Viewing Boy Erotica. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 33(4) 321-323.


External links