User talk:FalseAlias

From BoyWiki
Revision as of 22:47, 22 October 2018 by Lister34 (talk | contribs)

Welcome to BoyWiki! We hope you will contribute much and well. You will probably want to read the help pages. Again, welcome and have fun! Etenne 20:35, 21 April 2018 (UTC)

Why I am leaving Boywiki for good

Hello, FalseAlias. First of all, I may have prejudged Boywiki. I don't really see anything that condones adult-child sexual activity. Boywiki is fine the way it is. Don't take any of what I am about to say personally, I have nothing against the people who edit here. One of the reasons that I am leaving Boywiki is that I don't personally agree with the political beliefs dominant on Boywiki. I am sorry. The second reason is that I don't want to associate myself with any political movement or controversial opinions online. I also don't want to do anything that would possibly make people suspicious of me and I don't want to look like I am working against the law, or for people to think or accuse me of doing unlawful activities, even if it's not true. I have always fully supported the law 100% and I will always follow and obey the law completely, no mater what., So I don,"t want any reason for people to think otherwise. I originally signed up to Boywiki to help contribute to Wikis with diverse viewpoints. I didn't realize that it could be unsafe for me to do so, So for this reason, I would like to leave Boywiki permanently. I am very sorry.

It's okay to choose to leave, and I'm not going to object to your ability to decide whether or not you wish to be a member. The only reason I questioned your decision is because it looked like you were leaving because you felt content was biased and electing to leave rather than to try fix the issue. To be clear, I didn't take any of this personally either. It was strange for me to read that you were choosing to leave while also having the power to fix what appeared (at the time of my reading) to be wrong.
That said, I do still wish to know what on BoyWiki (in your opinion) suggests that BoyWiki contributes towards a political movement or what might make people view you as a person who works against the law. If there is Wiki content which might appear to advocate for changes in existing laws those pieces should be edited (though I must state that there is a difference between the articles some users submit and the Wiki articles, which are to remain unbiased and objective in nature). I've no doubt that there are some parts of the wiki which were left with biased opinions or non-objective views (some of which I patched, but still many more to go), and I'll do my best to patch those as and when I find them. Pointers will be super helpful. If it's wiki content, and if I have that ability, I'll rewrite what's necessary to make it objective and non-advocative.
I understand your decision entirely, and completely respect it. While I think that contributing is safe, I understand how it could misrepresent a person by association. I don't have any ability to do anything with your account, that'll be something that Etenne has to do, but I understand and respect your decision. If you can help towards de-biasing Wiki articles before you go, that'll be extremely useful too (even if that's just pointing us to where edits need to be made). FalseAlias (talk) 01:59, 19 October 2018 (UTC)
Thank you very much for understanding. By the way, my views fall more onto the line of Virtuous Pedophiles which are: "Sexual activity between an adult and a child is always wrong", and I "oppose legalizing adult/child sexual activity or making it in any way more accepted", though I am not a pedophile myself. These are my beliefs, which I will always have. I also support what organizations like the American Psychological Association, have to say about pedophilia. It would be good to include the views of Non-Contact Minor Attracted Persons (NOMAPS) such as the views of this group to some of your articles, as well as pedophiles who view pedophilia as a psychiatric disorder and believe they need to be treated for it, so maybe their views could be represented on Boywiki, If you agree with that. I think that your article on pedophilia is well-balanced and scientific, though Wikipedia's article is a great guideline ( see: Also, I would like to know if going on to, making an account, and contributing to Boywiki is legal Outside of the U.S. (eg. Canada). Lister34 (talk) 19:38, 19 October 2018 (UTC)
I've no idea whether or not BoyWiki and/or contributing to it represents any legal issues in Canada. I think that depends largely on exactly what you contribute and for what purpose the contribution is being used for (as might be the case in most places). I wish I could say I was a legal expert but I am quite far from it. I try to know what I need to about what is and is not okay in the most common countries that boylovers originate from.
To address the line regarding content nature: I don't disagree with your views as much as you think. Personally, I don't believe all sexual contact between adult and children is harmful, but that is different to whether or not it is right or wrong. I think it's less up to the adult in those situations, that it is solely the child's choice only if they have all the information necessary to make a decision, but that's my personal opinion. I do, however, oppose any sort of legalisation or normalisation of sexual contact between adults and children without substantial research performed with large sample sizes evidencing that there are considerably more positive benefits from the contact than there are negative. To me, the notion that it should be normal in today's society is silly and unfounded in its entirety, and to make such a claim without having unbiased research to support such claims would be the demise of such a person socially, and potentially legally in some places.
With the above said, a wiki such as this is for the representation of known factual information (except for personal articles, which differ visually from primary wiki content so far as I am aware). If wiki content leans towards a particular viewpoint or unfairly represents factual information to bias it towards any view whether for or against contact, that content must be edited so that it is objective and presents only the factual information known to be correct (ideally this information can be cited, unless it does not need to be). If you want to direct me to wiki content that is in desperate need of revisions regarding objectivity, I will do my best to rework it so that it is objective and not attempting to advocate for anything other than understanding. I think that if opinions are represented in articles, the opinions on all sides need to be shown and not just the side we happen to relate the most to.
If it is of any help, we may be able to get in contact with one another external to here in which you pass me information on content which you feel needs editing for objectivity purposes or to remove biases, and I make those edits to the best of my ability thereby leaving your name out of things entirely. The contributions would be listed as mine, and since our communications would be private and encrypted you can remain safe knowing that both 1. I won't violate your right to privacy, and 2. your name will not come up as the author of an edit, keeping your name "clean". FalseAlias (talk) 01:39, 21 October 2018 (UTC)
O.K. Thank you very much for offering, but I am not comfortable in doing this. I made some changes to the article for Virtious Pedophiles. Please let me know what you think of it. Other than that, as a pointer, it would be good to include the opinions of different pedophile groups (Virtuous pedophiles supporting, Non-Contact MAPS, Christian pedophiles that oppose adult-child sex, etc.) to give their point- of - view on articles. Unrelated, I also wanted to say that I oppose attempts and arguments to lower the age of consent or to normalize Adult-Child romantic relationships (NOT sexual in nature), and I view pedophilia as a psychiatric disorder (like Bipolar disorder or OCD) as opposed to a sexual orientation. I also strongly believe that children can never give consent to romantic or sexual relationships and they can never give appropriate consent and it would be wrong and immoral to state or convince people otherwise. I'm sorry, but I now choose to no longer contribute to BoyWiki. Thank you for your understanding and your kindness that you shared me. You have been great friends. I wish the best for you guys, and I will miss you. You are not alone. This might sound off-topic, but I think that is important. I believe that Jesus loves everyone fully and equally, pedophile or not. If you don't believe me, that's o.k. Whether you believe me or not, there will always be people out there that care. (see: ) Also a good website: You may share if you agree with this, and if you don't, that's o.k. Please let Etenne know this as well. Lister34 (talk) 23:47, 21 October 2018 (UTC)