Template:News/Breaking news stories

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Breaking news storiesE

(also known as the Yewtree Inquisition and the Savile Inquisition) is a police investigation into historical sexual abuse allegations in the UK some dating back more than 50 or 60 years.
Several British politicians including Harriet Harman (Labour Deputy) and Patricia Hewitt (Health Secretary) and a judge (Lord Justice Fulford) and Peter Thornton, the Chief Coroner have been servery criticized in the tabloid press for their peripheral connection with PIE while promoting civil liberty in the 70's and early 80's.
American film director, screenwriter and producer known for his work on the X-men series accused in a civil lawsuit of sexual assault of a minor.
The International Megan's Law bill now before Congress/ a systematic effort to erode the foreign travel rights of American “registered sex offenders. (News article, David Kennerly)
See also: “HOMELAND SECURITY'S” ASSAULT ON TRAVEL and DEAD END: The International Megan's Law's Assault on Everyone's Freedom of Travel
Bus driver Andrew Holland, 51, of Wrexham, Wales, experienced an Azov-Films-like moment of state-rape early in 2009 when he was arrested and charged with two counts of "possession of an extreme pornographic image. (News article, Bernie Najarian)