Template:News/Popular interest

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Popular interest

When I was growing up, in a Jewish family in Brooklyn in the 1950s, Hitler and the Holocaust were common subjects of conversation in my household. Though at the time it all seemed like ancient history — (David Post - The Washington Post, US, January 6, 2016)
It would be a perversion of justice to put the deceased on trial.
How a charity and two social workers succeeded in witch-hunting an entire island. (Barbara Hewson - spiked, UK, December 21, 2015)
This huge inquiry into child abuse has nothing to do with truth. (Luke Gittos - spiked, UK, December 1, 2015)
A new report is light on facts and heavy on scaremongering. (Joanna Williams - spiked, UK, November 26, 2015)
He successfully challenged Canada's obscenity laws, but opinion in political queer circles was divided on the self-styled rebel pervert. (See also:Robin Sharpe) (Maria-Belén Ordóñez, Robert Teixeira - NOW, Ca, November 8, 2015)
Watson is being sacrificed to save the child-abuse crusade. (Tim Black - spiked, UK, October 14, 2015)
The crusade against historical sex abuse is destroying due process. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK, September 28, 2015)
On June 15, U.S. District Judge Donovan W. Frank struck down Minnesota's law allowing for the civil commitment of so-called sexually violent predators. SVP laws allow a person to be locked away indefinitely after he has completed his maximum prison sentence. Twenty states and the federal government have passed such laws, and over 5,000 SVPs are incarcerated at an annual cost in excess of 450 million dollars. (Lave and McCrary, The Huffington Post, US, September 15, 2015)