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It’s little wonder people are fearful of making abuse allegations.
(Barbara Hewson - spiked, UK, May 25, 2016)
Based on studies of prison and clinical populations, various authors have claimed correlations between pedophilia and stature, handedness, IQ, and various other physical and mental traits. These authors have also implied generalization of these correlations to all pedophiles, but examination of the non-prison, non-clinical, voluntary, "free range" Internet sample used in this paper does not support such sweeping assumptions. (May 16, 2016)
Lurid and salacious court cases have always compelled the public's attention. Much of the nation will therefore have been gripped by the recent trial of a woman accused of paying a 12-year-old boy for sex — with Mars Bars as the currency — while working decades ago as a matron at a boarding school in Eastbourne.
(Dominic Lawson, the Daily Mail, UK, May 15, 2016)
A white supremacist couple smiled and kissed yesterday when sentenced to two consecutive life sentences each for killing a sex offender and his wife.
(Charles Smith, Watchthis! , US, May 14, 2016)
Florida kicked off the Halloween season early and made some inroads into Thanksgiving and Christmas also. They approved changes in the language of the law that addresses where those designated as sexual offenders and sexual predators may not go and what decorations they cannot display.
(Sandy, RSOL, US, May 11, 2016)