Template:In the news

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Revision as of 19:44, 26 August 2021 by Etenne (talk | contribs)
The noted film maker and music composer Ivan Noel's body was found on Monday 7-19-21.
(Staff Writer - July 19, 2021)
Scotty Bowers was a Hollywood petrol-pump attendant and later bartender, but these occupations were easily eclipsed by his role in the sex lives of the film stars and other major celebrities who frequented his adopted town.
(Edmund Marlowe, October 17, 2016 )
Out of the blue and after ten years of no communication, Australian teacher Fred Musgrove receives a telephone call from recently widowed, young Jonno, his lost love.
(Book Review, Edmund Marlowe, August 28, 2016 )
Hello. Many of you know me as Dragonlover on the various Boylove sites. But, there is one thing that you may not know about me: that I am a registered sex offender.
(Dragonlover, Editorial, US, July 10, 2016)