Template:News/Crimes against Boys

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Crimes against Boys

A dog crate where a 13-year-old New Mexico was forced to sleep and where he died in 2017 has been put on display by prosecutors, as his brother is sentenced over his torture and killing.
(Christina Coulter, Daily Mail, Uk, October 13, 2021)
An upstate New York woman has been arrested after she allegedly kept her boyfriend’s 7-year-old son locked in a room and starved him to death, prosecutors said.
(Jackie Salo, New York Post, US, October 10, 2021)
File:Dylan Redwine.jpg
A (teleiophile) Colorado father has been sentenced to 48 years in prison for killing his son after the boy found fetish pictures of him wearing a red bra and eating feces from a diaper. Mark Redwine, 60, was sentenced Friday by La Plata County District Court Chief Judge Jeffrey Wilson for the killing of 13-year-old son Dylan Redwine in 2012.
(Associated Press and Gina Martinez, Daily Mail, US, October 8, 2021)
Esther Callejas, 24, fatally shot her 2-year-old daughter at close range and then fired “at least” three shots at her 6-year-old son as he ran away from her in their Phoenix home
(Mark Lungariello, New York Post, US, September 30, 2021 )
Ureka Black, 32, was slapped with second-degree murder and attempted murder after she allegedly tossed her two boys into the waters of Cross Lake on Friday, the Shreveport Police Department announced on Friday.
(Patrick Reilly,NY Post, US, September 26, 2021 )
An 11-year-old boy in Colorado was murdered by his (teleiophile) stepmother in his bedroom before she stuffed his body in a suitcase, drove to Florida and threw the case off a bridge, a court has been told.
(Harriet Alexander and Rachel Sharp, Daily Mail, US, September 11, 2021)
A gay teenager who is just 14-years-old was punched and “stamped on the head” by a gang in St Helens, England, stoking further fear over an uptick of anti-LGBT+ violence in the area.
( Josh Milton, Pink News, UK, Sep. 1, 2021)