Template:Reform Sex Offender Laws News/News

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Revision as of 14:08, 18 December 2021 by Etenne (talk | contribs)


With Halloween again approaching, police around the country are again trying to protect Hansel and Gretel from the Wicked Old Witch known as, "the sex offender".
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, October 17, 2021
The Sheriff's Office was notified Dec. 16 that Maria Edina Walker is married to a registered sex offender, Jeffery Lynn Walker, and that he had been seen in a vehicle on the school campus, according to a HCSO news release. It is illegal for a registered sex offender to be on school property at any time.
(Staff reports, BlueRideNow, December 17, 2021 )
A sex offender from Iowa was arrested after failing to register his phone number with local authorities.
(Meta Minton, Village News, UK, November 30, 2021 )
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to consider whether states can require ID cards or drivers licenses to identify people as convicted sex offenders.
(Pete Williams, NBC News, US, October 4, 2021 )
U.S. Attorney Gretchen C.F. Shappert announced today that the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands has received a $400,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice in support of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.
(US Gov., ACSOL, US, October 25, 2021)
Each red dot is more than a hundred families on the registry
Our challenge to all who have ever made a mistake they regret deeply is to join us in pivoting from the annihilation of human beings to reasonable punishment followed by restoration. All children have the right to live without fear of harm. That includes children of those required to register.
(WAR Family Foundation, US, August 18, 2021)
Anthony Wayne Dendy, 44, held on $20,000.00 secure bond for failing to report he had a Facebook account.
( Lauren Souther, FetchYourNews.com, US, July 4, 2021)