The QR Project

From BoyWiki
Revision as of 18:37, 16 July 2023 by Etenne (talk | contribs)

The QR Project is an inter-site campaign of the MAP community with the goal of reaching more MAPs and educating the public about minor-attraction. All participating sites will maintain a repository of beautiful AI-generated QR codes that link to their own individual sites. [1]

The idea is to print these QR codes onto stickers or flyers and leave them in in public places such as: Bathrooms, bathrooms at gay bars, bathrooms in stadiums during sporting events/concerts, stairwells, parking garages etc... to help promote understanding of the Map Community.


A QR code (quick-response code) is a type of two-dimensional matrix barcode that was invented in 1994. A barcode is a machine-readable optical image that contains information specific to the labelled item. QR codes have become common in consumer advertising. Typically, a smartphone can be used as a QR code scanner, displaying the code and converting it to some useful form such as a standard URL for a BL website, thereby obviating the need for a user to type it into a web browser.

Standardized Formatting


External links