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  Roman Emperors were the rulers of the Roman state during the imperial period, conventionally considered to have started when the Roman Senate gave Octavian the titles Augustus and Princeps Senatus in 27 BC, and to have ended when the empire in the west finally fell in AD 476. Despite their initially similar titles, the later emperors in the east are generally termed Byzantine rather than Roman.

  Augustus is reckoned to have been the first Roman Emperor from 27 BC, when the Roman Senate gave him the titles Augustus and Princeps Senatus.

  Commodus was sole Roman Emperor from 180 until his death, having been co-Emperor with his father since 177.

   The Little League World Series (often abbreviated as LLWS) is a youth baseball championship which is held every August in Williamsport, PA. The LLWS includes representatives from nearly every part of the globe, although rule changes implemented in the mid-1990s ensure that one US team always plays in the championship game.

December 27, 2014

   International Boylove Day - commonly referred to as IBLD, is celebrated by many boylovers in the online boylove community. The celebrations began with participants from Free Spirits and SafeHaven. It is a day for boylovers to come together in solidarity, to remind each other of our good and loving natures, and a day for remembrance.