Template:News/Popular interest

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Popular interest

The child-protection industry is constructing the crime it claims to combat. (Tim Black - spiked, UK)
Former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert allegedly paid hush money to cover up sexual misconduct with a male student dating to his time as a coach and teacher in Yorkville, according to a source familiar with the investigation. ( Natasha Korecki - Chicago Sun Times, US)
J. Dennis Hastert, the longest-serving Republican speaker in the history of the U.S. House, was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury on charges that he violated banking laws in a bid to pay $3.5 million to an unnamed person to cover up “past misconduct.” (Paul Kane, Mike DeBonis and Mark Berman - The Washington Post, US)
Police trawling for child-abuse cases is an affront to justice. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
Brian Way whose Queensway video business (Azov Films), where a 2011 police raid garnered 187,000 images and 8,000 videos, had international impact was convicted on 15/17 charges. (Robert Cribb - Toronto Star, Ca)
Demands to try Janner show how unhinged the child-sex panic has become. (Luke Gittos - spiked, UK)
The UK justice system needs to face facts: 'recovered memories' simply aren't credible. (Barbara Hewson - spiked, UK)
On Tuesday night, The Current hosted what their editor in chief referred to no fewer than three times as a “groundbreaking” discussion about the psychology of pedophilia. Thrilled just to be invited, Bwog’s own Editor in Chief Taylor Grasdalen attended to learn more. (BWOG)
In the current climate, it’s all too easy for fantasists to be taken seriously. (Barbara Hewson - spiked, UK)
Meet the activist (Tom O'Carroll) whose life’s work is arguing that pedophilia is OK. (Corinne Purtill - Global Post, US)
Why politicians love to pose as the grand protectors of children. (Ken McLaughlin - spiked, UK)
The Child Protection Federation of Lower Saxony has rejected the €5,000 which ex-MP Sebastian Edathy was ordered to pay them for illegally downloading child pornography, saying they didn't want to endorse his escape from punishment. (The Local, de)
In order to avoid a trial and possible imprisonment, Sebastian Edathy confessed in court to using his official work laptop to download pornographic videos and images of children from the Internet. Following Edathy's admission, the Verden District Court in the German state of Lower Saxony on Monday handed the former Social Democrats (SPD) deputy a fine of 5,000 euros ($5,600), bringing the trial to an end. (Deutsche Welle)