Template:Reform Sex Offender Laws News/News

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Attorney Catherine Carpenter serves on the board of CA RSOL. She spoke at RSOL's 2013 conference. Catherine has published a new paper dealing with the practice of putting our children on the sex offender registry. She states, “It is about the deeply flawed and inherently unjust practice of making children as young as ten register as sex offenders for life. It is a subject that fills me with anguish and anger.” (Sandy - RSOL, US)

RSOL Chair to Mass lawmakers: registration is government-sanctioned prejudice, segregation of citizens

State House News Service . . . A host of bills dealing with sex offender registration encountered pushback Tuesday from advocates and offenders who urged lawmakers to consider whether the measures were meant to prevent recidivism or to serve as additional punishments. (Katie Lannan, RSOL, US)
  • California Reform Sex Offender Laws Organization won a victory on October 26 when a compromise was reached to halt one of the restrictions enforced by the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation during “Operation Boo”. Sex offender parolees will no longer have to place a sign on their door saying, “We Do Not Participate in Trick or Treating" on Halloween night. (SAN DIEGO (CBS 8), US)
How our sex offender laws punish more than just the convicted. ( Radley Balko, The Washington Post, US)
“predator-free zones” put an entire town or county off limits, sometimes for life, even for those whose offenses had nothing to do with children. (The New York Times, US)
Sex offender registries are premised on the belief that there is a correlation between re-offense and victim proximity. The underlying assumption is that more sexual assaults will occur in places where sex offenders live. (David Booth - CSJ, US)