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Australia is an Oceanian country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Neighboring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to the north-east; and New Zealand to the south-east. Australia is considered by boylovers to be part of the Axis of evil.

It is estimated that 5.7 to 16% of Australian boys experience non-penetrative, and 1.4 to 8% experience penetrative, "child sexual abuse".[1]


In April, 2010, the Australian Government introduced changes to legislation which increased the penalties applying to certain offenses pertaining to adult-child sex. Australians who groom or procure a child for sexual activity overseas can be imprisoned for up to 15 years. The reforms also enhanced the coverage of offenses for using a carriage service, such as the internet, for sexual activity with a child or for child abuse material.

The Australian Government has created offenses for this behavior under the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995. It is a crime for Australian citizens, permanent residents or bodies corporate to engage in, facilitate or benefit from sexual activity with children (under 16 years of age) while overseas. These offences carry penalties of up to 25 years imprisonment for individuals and up to $500,000 in fines for companies. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has a role in preventing, disrupting and investigating Australians who are associated with such offenses, in conjunction with relevant State, Commonwealth and international law enforcement partners.

These offenses have provisions applying an extended geographical jurisdiction that enables offenses committed overseas to be investigated and prosecuted in Australia. Other offenses contained in the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 include reference to offenses associated with using a carriage service (for example, a mobile phone or the internet) to commit offenses related to the sexual exploitation of children. Again, these offenses have extended geographical jurisdiction so that they will be investigated and prosecuted in Australia.

In April 2010, the Australian Government introduced changes which increased the penalties that apply to these offenses and introduced a new offense. It is now an offense to prepare for or plan to commit a child sex tourism offense, or to groom or procure a child for sexual activity overseas. The offenses carry penalties of up to 15 years imprisonment.

The Australian Federal Police actively monitors and prosecutes those involved in child sex tourism. Convictions often result in significant jail sentences.


Child Wise is the Australian representative of ECPAT International.
