Template:In the news

From BoyWiki
Revision as of 18:35, 6 December 2021 by Etenne (talk | contribs)
On November 30, 2021 at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan, 15-year-old sophomore Ethan Crumbley is reported to have opened fire with a Sig Sauer 9mm semiautomatic handgun killing four students and injuring seven others, including one teacher.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, December 5, 2021
As schools and students attempt to stop bulling and promote inclusiveness, some parents, politicians and outsiders are doing their best to sabotage those efforts.
Staff Writer, BoyWiki, November 8, 2021
  • Were they Warned?
    Fear mongering news reporters once again have distracted us from the real danger.
    Staff Writer, BoyWiki, November 1, 2021
With Halloween again approaching, police around the country are again trying to protect Hansel and Gretel from the Wicked Old Witch known as, "the sex offender"..
(Staff Writer, BoyWiki, US, October 17, 2021 )