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In the last 14 days

One parent ranted about how the "inappropriate" Gay-Straight Alliance will be "trying to bait 10, 11 and 12 year old kids into their club meetings" with snacks.
(Alex Bollinger , LGBTQ Nation, US, December 17, 2021 )
The Sheriff's Office was notified Dec. 16 that Maria Edina Walker is married to a registered sex offender, Jeffery Lynn Walker, and that he had been seen in a vehicle on the school campus, according to a HCSO news release. It is illegal for a registered sex offender to be on school property at any time.
(Staff reports, BlueRideNow, December 17, 2021 )
Katee Churchill, from Michigan’s small, rural Clare County, told New York Magazine that the first sign that Finn, whose name has been changed, wanted to explore his gender came in 2014 when he was three years old.
(Lily Wakefield, PinkNews, UK, December 17, 2021 )
A six-year-old child was left in fear after a neighbor shouted anti-gay abuse at him, telling him that they’ll die of AIDS and calling him a faggot because his father is queer.
(Alex Bollinger , LGBTQ Nation, US, December 15, 2021 )
Sources at neighboring hospitals dispute claims made by MTC staff and tell the truth about the denial of routine care. Men at the Texas Civil Commitment Center (TCCC) are four times more likely to die than to complete the program successfully.
(moosejaw72, TACC, US, December 14, 2021 )
A poster in the window of Cahoots Corner Cafe—great potatoes, good coffee—advertised a family event at the Oakdale, California, rodeo grounds. There would be food trucks, carnival games, live music, a raffle, and the opportunity to support the cause of “freeing child sex slaves.”
( Kaitlyn Tiffany,The Atlantic, US, December 9, 2021 )
New holiday video of "The Little Drummer Boy" performed by Austin Ware and Jadon Perez, two very talented up-and-coming young artists.
(YouTube US, November 23, 2021)
File:Eli Fritchley.jpg
A 12-year-old in Tennessee took his own life over the Thanksgiving weekend after a long period of being bullied at school for being gay. Eli Fritchley was a seventh grader at Cascades Middle School in Bedford County. His parents told local news station WHNT he was a peaceful soul who played trombone in the marching band and wasn’t afraid to be himself.
(Randy Slovacek, Instinct, US, December 6, 2021 )
It’s not many fourth-graders who can impress the Wolf of Wall Street. But Jordan Belfort — the trader-turned-felon who inspired the Scorsese film — snapped up a painting this week by 10-year-old painter Andres Valencia. So did “Modern Family” star Sofia Vergara. Channing Tatum, Brooke Shields and artist Shepard Fairey also stopped by Andres’ booth at Art Miami after hearing about the prodigy.
(Jacquelynn Powers Maurice, NY Post, US, December 2, 2021 )
A sex offender from Iowa was arrested after failing to register his phone number with local authorities.
(Meta Minton, Village News, US, November 30, 2021 )