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In the last 14 days

A protester who used a hammer to attack a statue by known paedophile Eric Gill on the outside of the BBC's Broadcasting House is a notorious Fathers 4 Justice campaigner. David Chick, 52, had most recently been seen last year above a crane in East London in April last year dressed in his familiar Spiderman mask.
( Dan Sales, The Daily Mail, UK, January 13, 2022 )
File:Damari Perry.jpg
A six-year-old Chicago boy who was found dead in freezing temperatures in Indiana on Saturday morning was ruled to have been the victim of a homicide, a medical coroner said Tuesday.
( Tommy Taylor, The Daily Mail, UK, January 12, 2022 )
Failure to Register, in most states, is a serious felony, punishable by jail or prison time.
(Nicole Blank Becker, The Legal Reader, US, January 11, 2022 )
The Connecticut high school hockey player who died this week after his neck was slit open by a skate during a tragic incident on the ice has been identified. Teddy Balkind, a 10th grader at the St. Luke’s School in New Canaan, was fatally injured Thursday night during a private-school matchup.
(Patrick Reilly, New York Post, US, January 7, 2022 )
A 9-year-old UK boy named Zac Morey nearly lost his sight after contracting “COVID-eye,” an alleged side effect of the coronavirus.
( Ben Cost, New York Post, US, January 5, 2022 )