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Revision as of 15:42, 7 February 2022 by Etenne (talk | contribs)

In the last 14 days

A substitute teacher in California berated a 13-year-old student for wearing a pro-police mask, claiming the face covering was the new version of the Confederate flag, video shows.
(Jackie Salo, The NY Post, US, February 6, 2022 )
People don’t want outsiders reading their private messages —not their physical mail, not their texts, not their DMs, nothing. It’s a clear and obvious point, but one place it doesn’t seem to have reached is the U.S. Senate.
(Joe Mullin, EFF, US, February 3, 2022 )
When a bigoted Mississippi mayor recently threatened to pull funding from a local library unless they removed their LGBTQ books, an online group of furries responded by raising tens of thousands for the library.
(By LGBTQ Nation, US, February 3, 2022 )
A group of approximately 100 people and students gathered outside the Pride Center in Wilton Manors, Florida, on Tuesday (1 February) to speak out against the anti-LGBT+ bill.
(Maggie Baska , Pink News, UK, February 3, 2022 )
State University of New York at Fredonia professor is under investigation by the school after videos emerged of him defending pedophilia and insisting it wasn’t “obvious” to him why it was wrong, according to a report.
(Yaron Steinbuch, NY Post, US, February 2, 2022 )
The bill would allow parents to sue teachers for $10,000 "per incident, per individual." The fine would need to be paid by the teacher "from personal resources" and the educator cannot "receive any assistance from individuals or groups" or they'll be fired.
(Bil Browning, LGBTQ Nation, US, February 2, 2022 )
Not content with making wild accusations about transgender students, now they're making ridiculous claims that kids are becoming "furries" and schools are making federally-mandated accommodations.
(Bil Browning, LGBTQ Nation, US, February 1, 2022 )
In the United States, up to 70 percent of sexual offenses against children are perpetrated by other children, typically a slightly older relative or playmate who offends in the context of ignorance, impulsivity, and convenience, not predation. Many states subject these kids to the same criminal consequences as adults who have been convicted of sex crimes; the most impactful of which can be registration and public notification, which typically lasts for decades or life, depending upon the conviction or adjudication offense.
( Elizabeth Letourneau and Luke Malone, Slate, US, February 1, 2022 )
When a publisher stops printing an old Dr. Seuss book nobody read because it contained harmful racial stereotypes, Fox News and the entire Republican party lose their minds over “cancel culture.”
(Ryan Grenoble, Huffpost, US, January 28, 2022 )
The artwork featured a rainbow Pride flag, an umbrella, and the words “Gay is OK”, and was drawn by a student at Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School, in Athens, Georgia, which teaches children aged five to 11.
(Lily Wakefield, Pink News, UK, January 28, 2022 )