Anti-pedophile activism

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Anti-pedophile activism is expressing hatred towards pedophiles or fighting pedophilia. It can take very, very different forms and be used by very, different kinds of people, but it's always talked about right in the sense that "child sexual abuse" has to stop! While there are also those who want to stop child sexual abuse without engaging in anti-pedophile activism (Like Stop It Now!), anti-pedophile activism and "combating child sexual abuse" always go hand in hand.

Types of anti-pedophile activism


The least worst variant of anti-pedophile activism is helping pedophiles or people who are concerned about their sexual behavior towards children. People who do this think that violence and hatred is not the right or best way to stop pedosexuality. This kind of activism is always done from a health perspective, especially psychiatry. At the very least, these caregivers are not pedophile haters, as they don't do anything hateful to pedophiles.


The fact that LGBTQIA+ people or their own associations intentionally ignore pedophiles (even though they have done absolutely nothing wrong) is also a form of anti-pedophile activism. People justify this by saying that pedophilia has nothing to do with sexuality. This is just a huge fallacy, because according to that reasoning homosexuality should have nothing to do with the LGBTQIA+ movement. Second, there is indeed a link between pedophilia and pedosexuality (This has been confirmed by Harvast University, among others). LGBTQIA+ activists themselves say they do not want to be associated with "sexual child abuse". This is caused not only by the myth that pedosexuality is child sexual abuse, but also by extreme right-wing people who accuse homosexuals of pedophilia.


The government can make laws that can harm pedophiles. Although there are more laws these days that specifically harm paedosexuals, there is still far too little being done by the government against anti-pedophile activism, which also tries to exert its influence on the government. After all, the government is responsible for the age of consent laws and the ban on child marriage. On the other hand, the government can be tolerant of pedophiles by giving pedosexuals the right to freedom of expression or by having pedo hunters who play their own judges arrested and punished with a prison sentence. Also, under the "freedom of expression" norm, politicians and political parties are allowed to spread their hatred of pedophiles.


Anti-pedophile activism can also be institutional, because, for example, companies, associations or institutions deliberately devise their own rules against pedophilia. For example, companies fire people whose partners have been arrested for possession of child pornography or do not want to hire "released" pedophiles. Social media deliberately bans members because they only publicize their positive opinion about pedophilia. Associations such as football or scouting clubs do not allow pedophiles on purpose. Institutions such as political parties can also maintain an anti-pedo agenda.


Religious people and especially extremely religious people have a very, very bad reputation when it comes to accepting sexual minorities. Since religions tend to be anti-hedonistic, it's no surprise that they have more difficulty accepting not only heterophiles, but also homosexuals and pedophiles. Extremely religious people always use the fear of hell and the last judgment, for their hatred of homosexuals and pedophiles. Yet religious boarding schools and Buddhist temples are known for sexually satisfying young boys, since men or women who are not allowed to have sexual contact with literally anyone, have their sex drive satisfied by assaulting young children.

Protest actions

The hysterical anti-pedo masses can protest against, for example, the fact that an "openly known" pedophile is moving into their neighborhood. This always leads to vandalism against the pedophile. Other types of protests may be that some people gather en masse and demonstrate against the government, which they see as an institution that is "for" pedophilia. The establishment of associations for pedophilia, such as the PNVD, can also lead to massive protests.


The worst form of anti-pedophile activism is pedohunting, in which an adult pretends to be a minor online and directs pedophiles (or hebophiles or ephebophiles) to a certain address, in order to kill them. This form of anti-pedophile activism is actually playing for one's own justice, which fortunately is punishable in the Western world. Yet pedohunters are massively supported by the hysterical population in their fight against "sexual child abuse".

See also