Billy Elliot (film)

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Billy Elliot‎ is the story of 11-year-old boy and his introduction to the world of dance and it has become a gay and BL cult classic. Set in northern England during the 1984-5 coal miners' strike, Billy lives with his father and brother who work in the coal mines and he helps to take care of his grandmother. His mother is deceased.

Billy and his friend Michael take boxing lessons at local gym. Billy is apathetic about boxing but wishes to please his father. At the same time, a ballet class is using the back of the gym for classes because their usual basement studio is temporarily being used as a soup kitchen for the striking miners. After his boxing lessons, Billy stays to watch the dancers. Seeing that Billy is staying to watch the class, the ballet teacher Mrs. Wilkinson encourages Billy to join in. Secretly, Billy quits boxing and uses the money his father gives him to take ballet lessons. Mrs. Wilkinson believes that Billy has what it takes to become a professional dancer.

When Billy’s’ father and brother find out that he is taking ballet lessons, they are furious with Billy and his father forbids him from continuing believing that others will think him a “poof”.(i.e. the British equivalent of a fag). Mrs. Wilkinson confronts Billy’s father but he is unyielding. She continues to give Billy dancing lessons in private despite his father’s objections.

During this time, Billy’s friend Michael has been questioning him about his motivations for taking ballet. He is building toward his own coming out to Billy and perhaps wishing that Billy too is gay. Billy is not gay but accepts and is supportive of Michael when he finally discovers Michael’s truth.

Billy Elliot the Film

Movie Facts
Year Released: 2000
MPAA Rating (USA): PG-13
Director: Stephen Daldry
Starring: Jamie Bell
Stuart Wells

When the film was released in the United States, the Motion Picture Association of America gave it an R rating due to language. When released on video, it was re-cut to a PG-13 rating for "some thematic elements"; this version edited out many uses of profanity.[1]

Billy Elliot the Musical


External links