Historical boylove relationships

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For ancient Greece, Rome, Carthage and Persia, see Pederastic couples in classical antiquity. For Japan, see Pederastic couples in Japan.

Over the course of history there have been a number of known pederastic relationships between adult men and adolescent boys. In some of these cases both members became well-known historical figures, while in others, only one of the two did.

The legal status of these relationships has varied with culture and jurisdiction. At present pederastic relationships between unrelated individuals above the local age of consent are legal in most jurisdictions.

Though all such relationships are by definition homoerotic in nature, the individuals involved do not necessarily identify themselves as homosexuals. [1] The nature of the relationships have ranged from overtly sexual to what is now referred to as platonic,[2] sometimes out of religious principle.[3]

Problematics of the pederastic record

In the pre-modern and modern West, their equivocal status has made pederastic relationships difficult to document, since it was in the interest of both participants to keep the relationship secret. According to historian Michael Kaylor,

[S]ince in Victorian England ‘homosexual behaviour became subject to increased legal penalties, notably by the Labouchère Amendment of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, which extended the law to cover all male homosexual acts, whether committed in public or private’, expecting ‘verifiable data’ concerning their unconventional desires is the ultimate scholarly presumption.[4]

Another obstacle to the documentation of such relationships has been the destruction of "incriminating" personal and public records, either to "preserve the honor" of the individuals involved, or as retribution against their perceived transgressions.

Some examples of this destruction of personal records by solicitous next-of-kin are the burning of the papers of Richard Francis Burton (among which his autobiographical magnum opus) by his wife at the time of his death, a project reported to have taken a number of days. Likewise, the sister of Horatio Alger destroyed his correspondence upon his death. The same fate befell the personal papers of Philip II, Duke of Orléans, whose wife entered his chambers upon his death and disposed of his voluminous correspondence with his various minions. Death is not the only occasion when such records are lost. The wife of André Gide burned thirty years of almost daily correspondence between them ("The best of myself," he later claimed) upon learning of his elopement to London with Marc Allégret, his teenage boyfriend, declaring she had been left with "nothing else to do."

Nevertheless a very small percentage of these relationships have become public knowledge, usually because one of the members disclosed it as part of his artistic production, or because the relationship came to the attention of the authorities and the legal record was preserved. In recent years, with the greater public acceptance of homosexual expression, such information has become somewhat easier to come by, especially in those cases where the relationship is no longer illegal.

Known or presumed pederastic couples

In the following list the couples are listed in chronological order, and the name of the older partner precedes that of the younger. Though many more men are known to have engaged in such relationships, only those instances in which the name of the younger partner is known are included. In keeping with various traditions which allow (and actually privilege) chaste pederastic relationships (See Philosophy of pederasty and Nazar ila'l-murd), included below are also relationships in which there is evidence of an erotic component even in the absence of actual sexual relations.

Ancient and premodern Asia

Gong Wei and Wang Qi According to 孔子 Confucius, Gongshu Wuren, known as Gongwei, son of King Zhao of 魯 Lu, had Wang Qi as his boy-favorite. Gongwei rode to meet the army of 齊 Qi in his war chariot with his favorite beside him. The two died in battle and their wakes were held at the same time. The people of Lu considered not giving the lad Wang Qi a funeral. They consulted Confucius who said, "If someone can wield the lance to protect his country, how can you not give him a funeral?"[5] Confucius and Yan Hui Gaozu of Han and Jiri Reigned 206-195 BCE. Emperor Hui of Han and Hongru Reigned 194-188 BCE. Before the tradition of meritocracy took root, male favorites rose to rank and power.

Mahmud & Ayaz Mahmud & Ayaz

Yu Xin and Wang Shao

The great writer (513-581) was disowned by his beloved upon the latter's rise to power. Walibah ibn al-Hubab and Abu Nuwas Both poets, the younger (b. 756 C.E.) becoming by far the greater of the two.

Mahmud of Ghazni and Ayaz

The two, sultan and slave, are paragons of male love in Islamic culture. Their story depicts the power of love of a man for a youth, where the king becomes a slave to his slave. Mahmud appointed Ayaz ruler of Lahore in 1021. See Malik Ayaz for anecdotes of their relationship

Shah Hussain and Madho Lal

Shah Hussain's love for a Brahmin boy called "Madho" or "Madho Lal" is famous, and they are often referred to as a single person with the composite name of "Madho Laal Hussain." Madho's tomb lies next to Hussain's in the shrine.

Middle Ages

Ibn Ammar and Muhammad Ibn Abbad Al Mutamid

In 1053 the nineteen year old poet Ibn Ammar was appointed tutor to the thirteen year old future ruler of Sevilla, with whom he promptly fell in love. Separated from the boy by his father, they were later reunited but eventually fell out. Al Mutamid killed his old lover with his own hands in 1086, only to then give him a sumptuous funeral.[6]

Muhammad Ibn Abbad Al Mutamid and Saif

"Henri Peres tells us: 'Sodomy is practised in all the courts of the Muluk al-Tawaif. It is sufficient to point out here the love of al-Mutamid for Ibn Ammar and for his page Saif...'"[7]

Raoul II, Archbishop of Tours and Jean, Archbishop of Orléans

Raoul appointed his adolescent lover (also known as "Flora") in 1097 to the post in Orléans over the vehement objections of other prelates.[8]

Ailred of Rievaulx and Simon

Ailred, the abbot of the Cistercian monastery of Rievaulx who was in his mid-twenties in 1135, was in love with a young monk named Simon, about fourteen years of age. The relationship is thought to have remained chaste.[9]

Nicoleto Marmagna and Giovanni Braganza

In 1357 the Venetian court I Signori di Notte ("The Gentlemen of the Night") sentenced the boatman and his young servant to be burned at the stake. Their relationship of many years standing had been discovered during a voyage from Mestre to Venice. Crompton, p.202)

Pre-modern period

Radu cel Frumos Radu cel Frumos

Mehmed II and Radu cel Frumos While a hostage at the Ottoman court in the 1440s, Radu (whose epithet, "cel Frumos" means "the Handsome"), younger brother of Vlad III the Impaler, became the beloved of the Sultan, after first refusing his favors and wounding him with his own sword.[10]

Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Cavalcanti Ficino lived with the youth at his villa for many years, only separating briefly in 1473, occasion of ardent love letters.[11]

il Salaino il Salaino

Leonardo da Vinci and Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno (il Salaino

Il Salaino entered his service in 1490 at 10, and remained for thirty years. [12] [13]

Babur and Baburi

According to Babur's autobiography, some time around the year 1500,

“In those leisurely days I discovered in myself a strange inclination, nay! as the verse says, I maddened and afflicted myself" for a boy in the camp-bazaar, his very name, Baburi, fitting in.... From time to time Baburi used to come to my presence but out of modesty and bashfulness, I could never look straight at him; how then could I make conversation and recital? In my joy and agitation I could not thank him (for coming); how was it possible for me to reproach him with going away? What power had I to command the duty service to myself? One day, during that time of desire and passion when I was going with companions along a lane and suddenly met him face to face, I got into such a state of confusion that I almost went right off. To look straight at him or put words together was impossible.... In that frothing up of desire and passion, and under that stress of youthful folly, I used to wander, barehead, bare-foot, through street and lane, orchard and vineyard.[14]

Leonardo da Vinci and Francesco Melzi

Melzi was Leonardo's last love. In 1505, he joined Leonardo's household at the age of 15. Later he went to France with him and finally inherited the artistic and scientific works of the great Italian master. [15]

Benedetto Varchi and Giovanni de' Pazzi

Varchi's first love affair was with Giovanni, the adolescent son of a local aristocrat. The father had Varchi knifed upon finding his son stole out of the house to spend his nights with his lover. Varchi survived to have other lovers.[16]

Nicholas Udall and Thomas Cheyney

Udall, headmaster at Eton College resigned in 1541 after confessing to having "committed buggery" with his pupil, for which he spent a short time in Marshalsea gaol.[14]

Cecchino de' Bracci Cecchino de' Bracci

Michelangelo and Cecchino de' Bracci

The artist composed fifty rhymed epitaphs for his friend, dead at sixteen in 1543. A few verses refer clearly to their shared physical joys.[17]

Pope Julius III and Cardinal Innocenzo Ciocchi Del Monte

The future pope hired the illiterate 14-year-old street urchin for his charms in 1547. Upon being appointed pope in 1550, he raised the boy to the post of cardinal and indulged in pederastic orgies with him and other young cardinals. (Larivière, 1997)

Theodore Beza and Audebert

Among his 1548 Juvenilia poems was one which was understood to point to his bisexuality, in which he compared his passion for two young lovers, "little Candida" and "little Audebert," concluding he loved Audebert the best. Later this poem would be held against him in particular and against Calvinists in general as a proof of moral failing.[15], [16]

Benvenuto Cellini and Fernando di Giovanni di Montepulciano

Ended after five years, in 1556, when Cellini, 56, had a falling out with his teen apprentice.

Francesco Boneri Francesco Boneri

Esmé Stewart, 1st Duke of Lennox and James I of England

Esmé Stewart became the first favourite of the future king of England, in 1579, when James was only thirteen years old. [18]

Anthony Bacon and Isaac Burgades

While living in Montauban, the elder brother of Francis Bacon was convicted of sodomy with a page who at the trial declared that "there was nothing wrong with sodomy" and that "Theodore Beza of Geneva approved of it."[19]

Prospero Farinacci and Berardino Rocchi

The Italian lawyer and judge, noted for his harsh sentencing of sodomites, was himself accused in 1595 of relations with Berardino Rocchi, a sixteen year old page.

Henry Wriothesley Henry Wriothesley

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford and Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton

Oxford and Southampton, besides having been lovers, are also thought by many to have been - the first - the pseudonymous author of the works ascribed to the historical William Shakespeare, and - the second - the youth known as the Fair Lord to whom most of the Sonnets are dedicated. [20]

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and Francesco ('Cecco') Boneri

The youthful Cecco modelled for many of Caravaggio's most famous paintings, including his 1602 Amor Vincit Omnia, and became a well-known artist himself, known as Cecco del Caravaggio.

Louis XIII Louis XIII

James I of England and Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset

The 41-year-old king fell in love with the 17-year-old ex-page at a 1606 jousting bout. Their love lasted several years, though as the boy matured the king was powerless to prevent Carr's “creeping back and withdrawing yourself from lying in my chamber, notwithstanding my many hundred times earnest soliciting you to the contrary.”

Charles de Luynes and Louis XIII of France

Counselor and friend to the Dauphin who was 23 years his junior, de Luynes was his lover from at least 1615, when the future Louis XIII - already experienced in male love - was 14.

Marquis de Cinq-Mars Marquis de Cinq-Mars

Louis XIII, King of France, and the Marquis de Cinq-Mars

Cardinal Richelieu introduced the twelve-year-old marquis to his king in 1632, thinking the youth would be easy to control. Instead, the marquis tried to convince the king to have Richelieu executed. Cinq-Mars induced some French nobility into revolt, but the effort failed and Richelieu had him beheaded in 1642.[21]

William Courtenay (Kitty) William Courtenay (Kitty)

Jean-Baptiste Lully and Brunet

In 1685 the 53-year-old composer was denounced for his dalliances with his young page. The boy confessed to Roman orgies involving so many of the great lords that all was hushed up.

Hans Hermann von Katte and Frederick II of Prussia

The 18-year-old crown prince Frederick sought to flee his brutal father in 1730, together with his twenty six year old lover, whom he had met during private instruction in mathematics and mechanics the previous year. Betrayed, they were caught, von Katte being sentenced to death before his friend's eyes. Catching sight of each other at the last moment, the prince exclaimed: "Pardonnez moi, mon cher Katte," (Forgive me, my dear Katte!) "La mort est douce pour un si aimable Prince," (Death is sweet, for such a kind prince,) came the answer.[22]

Luc de Clapiers, marquis de Vauvenargues and Hippolyte de Seytres

Both belonged to a French regiment that fought in Bohemia since 1740. Hippolyte, also an aristocrat, was 18 and Vauvenargue 8 years older when they became companions. The younger of the two died during the Siege of Prague in 1742. De Clapiers addressed his philosophical work Conseil à un jeune homme (Advice to a young Man) to Hippolyte de Seytres. "He understood all the passions and opinions, even the most singular, that the world blames." —Vauvenargues about his friend.

William Thomas Beckford and William Courtenay

Beckford, 19, fell in love with Courtenay, 10, nicknamed Kitty and "one of the most beautiful boys in England," in 1789. Both pursued lifelong involvement with boys. In a letter to Courtenay's aunt he describes his feelings: "You know, he was never so happy as when he reclined by my side listening to my wild musick or the strange stories which sprang up in my fancy for his amusement. Those were the most delightful hours of my existence."[23]

Nineteenth century

Ali Pasha and Athanasi Vaya

A native of Tepeleni, the same town as Ali Pasha, the Greek youth eventually rose to be the most trusted subordinate of the Pasha.[24]

Arthur Rimbaud Arthur Rimbaud

Cheng I and Chang Pao (Cheung Po Tsai in Cantonese)

Cheng I was a pirate of the Chinese coast, who kidnapped the 15 years old Chang Pao in 1801. Chang Pao later became the leader of Cheng's pirate fleet.

Lord Byron and Nicolò Giraud

Lord Byron fell in love with the French-Italian lad in 1810, when the boy was 15. [25] "It is about two hours since, that, after informing me he was most desirous to follow him (that is me) over the world, he concluded by telling me it was proper for us not only to live, but 'morire insieme'. The latter I hope to avoid - as much of the former as he pleases." —Byron in his letter to John Cam Hobhouse - The Convent, Athens, August 23rd, 1810

Franz Desgouttes and Daniel Hammeler

Daniel moved in with his twenty five year old lover, a Swiss lawyer, at the age of sixteen in 1810, and lived with him for seven years, until he was murdered by Frantz in a fit of jealousy. His lover was executed by being broken on the wheel, an event that galvanized the early Swiss homosexual emancipation movement.[26]

Edward Fitzgerald and William Kenworthy Browne

While on a steamship crossing in 1832, Fitzgerald met the sixteen year old boy and fell in love with him. Their friendship continued until his friend's death in a riding accident in 1859. The poem Euphranor: A Dialogue on Youth was a glorification of Browne.

Edward John Eyre and Wylie

The Australian explorer met Wylie in 1840 and took him as companion, together with two other Aboriginee boys and a European, on his 1841 expedition across the Nullarbor Plain. Afterwards he formed repeated close associations with such boys.[27]

Hail-Storm and Rabbit

Of the two Oglala Lakota he met in 1847, Parkman recounts, "Hail-Storm and [Rabbit] were inseparable: they ate, slept and hunted together, and shared with one another almost all that they possessed. If there be anything that deserves to be called romantic in the Indian character, it is to be sought for in friendships such as this, which are quite common among many of the prairie tribes." Hail-Storm was an older adolescent entering manhood, while Rabbit was still a boy. [28]

James Brooke and Charles (Doddy) Grant

Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, a man uninterested in women and with a penchant for falling in love with adolescent boys, fell in love with a young recruit, Charles Grant (grandson of the seventh Earl of Elgin), sixteen at the time. His love was reciprocated by the boy.[29]

William Johnson Cory and Charles Wood

William Johnson, master at Eton, wrote a book of Uranian verse, Ionica, dedicated to his pupil, in 1850.

Charles John Vaughan and Alfred Pretor

Vaughn, headmaster at Harrow School, in 1851 was engaged in a long-standing love affair with Pretor, the head boy at the school, a youth known as "the house tart."[30] Pretor boasted of the affair to his friend, John Addington Symonds. The latter eventually divulged matters to his father who blackmailed Vaughn into resigning. Pretor never forgave John his indiscretion.[31]

John C. Frémont and Jesse Shepard

The adventurer and politician took on the thirteen year old boy as his page, a role he filled for two years, until 1863. Jesse had been chosen because he was queer, and the two were constantly together.[32]

Russell Conwell and John Ring

During the American Civil War Conwell, a non-believer at the time, was attended by a sixteen year old aide de camp named Johnny Ring, a youth who shared his tent and was also charged with safeguarding the captain's saber and was devoutly Christian. The boy "idolized Conwell and was always with him," an affection which Conwell returned. On one occasion, Conwell being away from camp, the platoon was forced into a hasty retreat, setting fire to a bridge to block pursuit. Ring, attempting to save his captain's sword, crossed the burning bridge and enemy lines, retrieving the sword and crossing back through the flames, dying later of his burns. Upon hearing the news, Conwell lost consciousness and spent days in delirium of grief, converting later so as to be able to rejoin his friend after death. According to his own account, is is the memory of the love they shared that gave him the energy to accomplish his works in life.[33]

John Addington Symonds and Norman Moor

Symonds was introduced to the schoolboy in 1868 by a common friend, and for Norman's sake sought an appointment as teacher at his school, Clifton College.[34]

Il Moro Il Moro

Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud

Both major poets, they became lovers in 1871, at 27 and 17 respectively. [35]

Henry Morton Stanley and Kalalu

Stanley wrote a book about his love for the African boy, around 1870, "My Kalalu."

Reginald Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher and Ernlé Johnson

Inspired by his teacher and close friend William Johnson Cory, Brett engages the fifteen year old Ernlé in a romantic but chaste mentorship of many years duration starting in 1874.[36]

Oscar Browning and George Curzon

After fifteen years a master at Eton College, OB, a former student of William Johnson-Cory,[37] was dismissed in 1875 over his "overly amorous"[38] (but purportedly chaste) relationship with the sixteen year old Curzon.[39][40]

Jules Verne and Aristide Briand

Verne engaged in a "curiously" close and extended relationship with Aristide Briand, whom he met in Nantes in 1876 when the young man was a fifteen year old lycéen and schoolmate of his son Michel.[41] He frequently picked up Briand from the lycée and brought him to his house.[42] Love between a man and a handsome youth is a quasi-universal theme in Verne's novels, and the author is thought to have expressed his own feelings in the description of one such relationship:

Halg was the only one able to move this disaffected man, who knew no love other than the one he felt for a child... Is it because they have some dim notion of this disproportion that, despite its resplendent beauty, such an emotion astonishes more than it charms other men, and seems inhuman to them, even though it is above them?[43]

Wilhelm von Gloeden and Pancrazio Bucini

Von Gloeden, a famous fin de siècle photographer of Italian youths, hired Bucini in the early 1880s, when the boy was 13 or 14. Bucini, called "il Moro," was his lover, assistant and finally his heir. In 1936 Bucini, as curator of the collection, successfully defended himself against the charge of keeping pornography, accusation made by the Italian fascists, who destroyed most of the remaining three thousand picture plates.

Lord Henry Somerset and Henry Smith

Though Somerset had met the commoner when the boy was only seven, their intimate relationship only blossomed about ten years later. The lord had to take refuge (and permanent exile) in Italy shortly thereafter as a result of his irate wife publicizing the affair.[44] Driven to poetry, he produced a collection titled Songs of Adieu which was reviewed by Oscar Wilde:

Lord Henry Somerset's verse is not so good as his music. Most of the Songs of Adieu are marred by their excessive sentimentality of feeling and by the commonplace character of their weak and lax form. There is nothing that is new and little that is true in verse of this kind [...] It can be produced in any quantity. Lord Henry Somerset has too much heart and too little art to make a good poet, and such art as he does possess is devoid of almost every intellectual quality and entirely lacking in any intellectual strength. He has nothing to say and says it.[45]

Walt Whitman and Bill Duckett

They were together from 1884 to 1889

Robert Ross at twenty-four Robert Ross at twenty-four

Oscar Wilde and Robert Baldwin Ross

Ross, at 17 a journalist and future literary executor to Wilde, seduced his 32 year old mentor in 1886. [46]

Charles Kains Jackson and Cecil Castle

Jackson, active in the turn-of-the-century Uranian circles had the fourteen year old Castle as his boyfriend in 1888. The boy also posed nude for Henry Scott Tuke's The Bathers and for Frederick Rolfe's camera. (Rictor Norton on British pederastic art)

Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky and Vladimir Lvovich Davïdov

The composer and his nephew (b. 1871) were lovers for five years, from c. 1888 until the elder's death at 53. (R. Norton's article on their relationship and the composer's forced suicide)

Lord Arthur Somerset and Algernon Alleys

Somerset, an intimate of the Prince of Wales, fell in love with a London telegraph boy who moonlighted at at Charles Hammond's male brothel at 19 Cleveland Street. He wrote the lad a number of incriminating letters, which, once revealed in the investigation of the Cleveland Street scandal, prompted his self-imposed exile on the continent in 1889.[47]

Frank Hird Frank Hird

John Ellingham Brooks and Somerset Maugham

Brooks, an impoverished British pianist about twenty six at the time, had an affair in 1890 with the sixteen year old Maugham in Heidelberg, where the latter was at university. It was the boy's first sexual experience.[48]

Charles D. Williamson and Salvatore

Williamson, a former pupil of Johnson Cory and former beloved of Reginald Brett, took Catholic orders and moved to Italy, where in 1892 he developed a relationship with a fifteen year old youth whom he also appointed as houseboy. They were together for four years, until the boy's death.[49]

André Gide and Ali

The first homoerotic encounter of the young writer, in North Africa, with a young Arab.[50]

Lord Ronald Gower and Frank Hird

Gower, the model for Lord Henry Wotton in Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray", adopted the boy (no later than 1894) and lived with him in what became a life-long relationship.[51] "Gower may be seen, but not Hird." —Oscar Wilde

John Gambril Nicholson and William Alexander (Alec) Melling

One of the poet's boyish muses, Melling was the dedicatee of Nicholsen's collection of Uranian poems, A Chaplet of Southernwood, published in 1896.

Norman Douglas and Michele

Douglas had an affair with the youth, 15, in Capri in 1897.

Hector MacDonald and Alaister Robertson

At the time of the Battle of Paardeberg in 1900, MacDonald's principal friend was Alaister Robertson, a Glenalmond schoolboy from Aberdeen whose photograph he kept on his desk and with whom he corresponded.[52][53]

20th century

Selim Ahmed Selim Ahmed Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru

Lytton Strachey and Duncan Grant

Despite Grant's alleged reply to his elder cousin's propositioning, Relations we may be: have them, we may not, the two, former childhood friends, became lovers in 1902 when Grant was a house guest of the Stracheys in London. He was seventeen and Strachey twenty two.[54]

Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen and Loulou Locré

Loulou was a pupil at the Lycée Carnot, involved with Fersen in 1903.[55]

Stefan George and Max Kronberger (Maximin)

A chaste love (one of many for George) which lasted one year, till the boy's death at 16 in 1904. George was then creating a cult that lifted Maximin to a godlike status. [56]

St. John Lucas and Rupert Brooke[citation needed]

Whilst at Rugby in 1904, the 16-year-old RB had a relationship with 25-year-old St. John Lucas, an author and aesthete who gave a great deal of encouragement to RB, and introduced him to the 1890s poets (Wilde, Dowson, etc.).

Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen and Nino Cesarini

The baron, 24, met the 14 year old laborer in Rome, 1904. They lived in Capri till Fersen's 1923 suicide.

Ferdinand Brooks and Jawaharlal Nehru

Before his enrollment in the Harrow School in 1905 the young Nehru had a relationship with Brooks, his Theosophist French teacher. [57]

Frederick Rolfe and Ermenegildo Vianello

The writer, also known as "Baron Corvo" met the boy, a young gondolier of around seventeen years of age, in Venice in 1908 [17]

John Moray Stuart-Young and Thomas Olman Todd

Described as "the love of his life," Tommy Todd, son of the Sunderland occultist by the same name, visited Stuart-Young during his school vacations. Their relationship deepened over the years.[58]

T. E. Lawrence and Selim Ahmed (Dahoum)[59]

For love of a Syrian boy of 15 met in 1912 at 24, Lawrence fought for Arab independence. "I liked a particular Arab very much, and I thought that freedom for the race would be an acceptable present." —T.E. Lawrence

Noel Coward Noel Coward

Philip Streatfeild and Noel Coward

Streatfeild, a 35 year old painter and member of the Uranian Society, took the 14 year old child actor in and introduced him to high society in 1913. Coward is thought to have modeled for his painting of nude boys on the beach.[60][61]

André Gide and Marc Allégret

Became lovers in 1916 when they were 47 and 15, remained friends for life. Allégret was the son of Elie Allégret, best man at Gide's 1895 wedding, and later became a renowned filmmaker. [62]

Forrest Reid and Kenneth Hamilton

From 1916 until 1920 the two were linked by an intimate friendship, interrupted by the boy, now sixteen, leaving to join the Merchant Service and then, at eighteen, cattle ranching in Australia. Shortly thereafter he rode off alone into the bush, where he is thought to have died.[63]

John Henry Mackay and Atti

Mackay fell deeply in love with the Berlin schoolboy in early 1916 during a school holiday.[64]

E. M. Forster and Mohammed el-Adl

Forster met the 17 year old boy in Ramlah around 1917. Their love served as inspiration for much of the writer's later work.

Jean Cocteau and Raymond Radiguet (contested)

Cocteau met the young poet in 1918 at 29, when the boy was 15 years old. The two collaborated extensively, socialized, and undertook many journeys and vacations together. Cocteau got the youth exempted from military service and exerted his influence to garner the "Nouveau Monde" literary prize for Radiguet's novel, Le Diable au Corps. Some sources suggest that their friendship was loving and sexual.[65][66] Their relationship has been placed in the context of "a series of younger lovers and collaborators"[67] despite the fact that towards the end of his life Cocteau repudiated Radiguet and any suggestion of intimacy between himself and the young man.

Raymond Radiguet Raymond Radiguet Mohammed el-Adl Mohammed el-Adl

Karol Szymanowski and Boris Kochno

Szymanowski, 37, the foremost early 20th c. Polish composer, met Kochno, 15, a poet and dancer, in Elisavetgrad, 1919. The composer wrote four love poems to the boy, and also gave him a Russian translation of "Symposium," the central chapter of his legendary lost novel, Efebos.[68]

Boris Kochno Boris Kochno

Gustav Wyneken and Viktor Behrens

In late 1920, Wyneken had a love affair with his seventeen year old student. A year later he was brought to trial and convicted of acts of frottage.[69]

Sergei Diaghilev and Boris Kochno

Diaghilev's librettist for 8 years, till Sergei's death in 1929 at 57. Later, Monte Carlo ballet director.[70]

Willem de Mérode and Ekko Ubbens

Ekko, whom he met in 1922, was one of de Mérode's chaste pederastic friendships.[71]

E. M. Forster and Kanaya

While serving in 1923 as secretary to the Maharajah of Dewas, Forster entered into a regular relationship with Kanaya, a boy barber provided to him by the Maharajah for sexual purposes "if the boy agrees." The relationship lasted six months.

J. R. Ackerley and Ivan Alderman

In 1924, having acquired a taste for working class youths, Ackerley spotted the fifteen year old Ivan, who was gay and about to enter art school. The two struck up a relationship, for Ivan his first with an adult, which was to last close to a year.[72]

John Henry Mackay and Otto Hannemann

At Mackay's death in 1933, Otto was one of the two executors, being the one boy of Mackay who remained a friend for life.[73]

Benjamin Britten and Wulff Scherchen

The composer met the thirteen year old son of Hermann Scherchen in 1934. Their relationship lasted six years, and inspired at least one major work, Young Apollo."[74]

W.H. Auden and Michael Yates

In 1934 the poet took his former pupil, aged fifteen and by Auden's own account one of the five great loves of his life, on travels through Europe, and was inspired by him to write some of his tenderest love poems, such as Lullaby ("Lay your sleeping head, my love . . .")

Edgar de Evia and Robert Denning

They met in 1942 - de Evia was 32, Denning, 15, their relationship lasted 18 years until Denning met Vincent Fourcade, but they remained close friends for life. [75]

Giovanni Comisso and Guido Bottegal

In 1943 the novelist Comisso (1895 - 1969) fell in love with the 16 years old Guido, who later was shot by partisans for being mistaken for a fascist spy.

"Walt" and Rudi van Dantzig

The 1945 relationship between the twelve year old van Dantzig and a Canadian soldier was dramatized in van Dantzig's autobiographical book and movie by the same name, For a Lost Soldier.[76]

Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein and Lucien Trueb

Monty fell passionately in love the twelve-year-old Swiss youth in 1946, and would spend time with him at his chalet in Gstaad. The intimacy only went as far as bathing the boy and towelling him off. They corresponded for many years.[18][19]

Bill Tilden and Bobby

Tilden, thought at the time of this death to have been the greatest tennis player in history, was apprehended in late 1946 while fondling his fourteen year old friend as the boy was at the wheel of Tilden's car in Beverly Hills. Though Bobby's father, a film studio executive, did not want Tilden incarcerated, he nonetheless served seven months of a one-year sentence.[77]

Sandro Penna and Raffaele

The Italian poet took the 14 years old streetboy from Rome to his home in 1956 and lived with him for several years.

William S. Burroughs and Kiki

During the years in which William S. Burroughs was living in Tangier he had a relationship with a Spanish teenager named "Kiki".

René Schérer and Guy Hocquenghem

Guy Hocquenghem began an affair with his teacher in 1959, when he was 15. The gay activist Hocquenghem and the philosopher Scherer remained lifelong friends.

Pier Paolo Pasolini and N.D.

The Italian poet, novelist and film director Pasolini started a relationship with a 15 year old Calabrian boy in 1963 and let him play many Comic roles in his movies. [78]

Roger Peyrefitte and Alain-Philippe Malagnac d'Argens de Villèle

Peyrefitte met the 14 year old aristocrat during the filming of his novel Les Amitiés particulières in late 1963. Their love is described in Notre amour and L'Enfant de cœur. Malagnac lived with him from the age of 16, was adopted by Peyrefitte, and eventually married Amanda Lear.

Walter Breen and G.F.

Breen, married, a numismatist and writer, was engaged in a relationship with G., then about fourteen, in 1964. Breen's wife, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and G.'s mother, were aware of the relationship and did not impede it.[79]

Alexander Ziegler and Stephan (Mutscha)

In 1966 the twenty two year old Swiss actor and writer was sentenced to a two and a half year jail term for a love affair with the sixteen year old Stephan, documented in the autobiographical novel Die Konsequenz and later turned into a movie by director Wolfgang Petersen.

Anthony Mercieca and M. F.

Father Mercieca and the future US Congressman engaged in a two year relationship starting in 1967, when F. was thirteen years old.[80]

Jan Hanlo and Mohammed

In 1969, when they were 57 and 12 - a chaste relationship, as were his others.

David Le Brocq and K. D.

Reading, England, drama teacher David Le Brocq, twenty seven at the time, returned the love shown him by K. D., his fifteen year old pupil, engaging in a six-month long relationship which only became "fully sexual" on the boy's sixteenth birthday. The youth's mother was aware of, and supportive of his relationship with the older man, maintaining he was a positive influence on her son. Le Brocq was regarded as a brilliant teacher, and had been nominated for the National Teacher of the Year award. The two broke up in August 2004 when Le Brocq revealed he had a girlfriend and was expecting a child with her, disappointing the boy's expectations of a life together. Following the public exposure of the relationship, Le Brocq was first inconclusively tried, only to be found guilty at a retrial. Though the judge declared himself "wholly satisfied that this is not one of those cases where an adult has acted in a predatory, grooming way towards a young person" he gave Le Brocq a one-year sentence for engaging in sexual activity while in a position of trust. After the sentencing K. D. declared that he is glad the episode is over, as did the mother, who concluded that her son had fallen in love with "the wrong person."[81][82]


  1. Richard A. Posner, Sex and Reason; p148 N3
  2. Hubbard, Thomas K. "Introduction" to Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. pg. 9.
  3. ^ El-Rouayheb, Khaled (2005) The Love of Boys in Arabic Poetry of the Early Ottoman Period, 1500 – 1800, Middle Eastern Literatures 8,1:3-22.
  4. Kaylor, Michael M. Secreted Desires: The Major Uranians: Hopkins, Pater and Wilde. Brno, CZ: Masaryk University Press, 2006.
  5. The Teachings of Confucius, Chapter 10:1
  6. Louis Crompton, Homosexuality and Civilization, p.167
  7. Ibn Warraq, Why I Am Not a Muslim p.342
  8. Eugene Rice, in glbtq[1]
  9. Crompton, p.183
  10. Radu R Florescu, Raymond McNally, Dracula, Prince of Many Faces: His Life and His Times p.48
  11. Beurdeley, Cécile. L'amour bleu, Fribourg 1977
  12. Bramly, Serge. Leonardo : The Artist and the Man, 1994
  13. Clark, Kenneth. Leonardo da Vinci, Cambridge University Press, 1939
  14. 14.0 14.1 Zahir ud-Din Mohammad (2002-09-10). in Thackston, Wheeler M.: The Baburnama: Memoirs of Babur, Prince and Emperor. Modern Library Classics. ISBN 0-375-76137-3.
  15. Bramly, Serge. Leonardo : The Artist and the Man, 1994
  16. "Giovanni dall'Orto: "[4a] La vicenda (perfino un poco bocaccesca) è narrata in dettaglio in due biografie anonime del XVI secolo intitolate Vita di Benedetto Varchi, che si leggono in: Benedetto Varchi, Storie fiorentine, Le Monnier, Firenze 1857, vol. I. Per l'episodio in questione vedi le pp. XVII-XVIII e 355-357. Cfr. anche Manacorda, Op. cit., p. 11." [2]

   ^ "Qui la carne, ora ridotta a polvere, e le mie ossa/ prive dei begli occhi e della mia bellezza/ rendono testimonianza a colui a cui portai grazia nel letto,/ che abbracciavo, e nel quale la mia anima continua a vivere." "MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI" by Giovanni Dall'Orto Babilonia n. 85, January 1991, pp. 14-16 [3]
   ^ Bergeron, David M. King James and Letters of Homoerotic Desire, Iowa City: University of Iowa P, 1999
   ^ Crompton, op.cit., p.390
   ^ MICHAEL SATCHELL, "Hunting for good Will: Will the real Shakespeare please stand up?" in US News and World Report;7/24/00
   ^ 12 septembre 1642 : décapitation du jeune marquis de Cinq-Mars
   ^ Edward Carpenter, Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship; 1917
   ^ Guy Chapman, Beckford (1940), pp81-2
   ^ Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe, Islamic Homosexualities, p.189-191
   ^ Eisler, Benita. Byron: Child of Passion, Fool of Fame, Vintage Books USA, May 2000
   ^ Hubert Kennedy, Book review in Journal of Homosexuality 35(2) (1998): 85–101. Eros: Die Männerliebe der Griechen, ihre Beziehungen zur Geschichte, Erziehung, Literatur und Gesetzgebung aller Zeiten by Heinrich Hössli
   ^ Empire and Sexuality: The British Experience, Ronald Hyam; p47
   ^ Francis jr. Parkman"The Oregon Trail" Ch. XV and XVIII
   ^ Empire and Sexuality: The British Experience, Ronald Hyam; pp.44-45
   ^ Bradley Wintertonin, "What Palmerston Knew" in London Review of Books, Letters, Vol. 25 No. 10 Cover date: 22 May 2003 [4]
   ^ Literary Encyclopedia: John Addington Symonds
   ^ Charley Shively, Drum Beat: Walt Whitman's Civil War Boy Lovers, pp.47-48
   ^ Charley Shively, Drum Beats: Walt Whitman's Civil War Boy Lovers, p.44
   ^ Oliver S. Buckton, Secret Selves: Confession and Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Autobiography p.95
   ^ Beurdeley, Cécile. L'amour bleu, Fribourg 1977
   ^ Morris B.Kaplan, "Sodom on the Thames; p.150
   ^ H. Montgomery Hyde, The Love That Dared not Speak its Name; p.118
   ^ Linda Dowling, Hellenism and Homosexuality in Victorian Oxford p.115
   ^ Bart Schultz Henry Sidgwick: Eye of the Universe - An Intellectual Biography p.411
   ^ Morris B. Kaplan, Sodom on the Thames: Sex, Love, and Scandal in Wilde Times p.107
   ^ Raymond Queneau, introduction to Marcel Moré The Very Curious Jules Verne
   ^ Frederick W. Haberman, Irwin Abrams. Peace p.4; 1997. ISBN 9810234155
   ^ Michel Larivière, Homosexuels et bisexuels célèbres.pp.331-2
   ^ Kaylor, 2006 p.299-300
   ^ Oscar Wilde, "THE POETS' CORNER--IX" in Pall Mall Gazette, March 30, 1889.
   ^ Beurdeley, Cécile. L'amour bleu, Fribourg 1977
   ^ H. Montgomery Hyde, The Love That Dared not Speak its Name; pp.123-5
   ^ Morgan, Ted Somerset Maugham, Jonathan Cape, 1980. ISBN 0-224-01813-2; p.24
   ^ Morris B.Kaplan, op.cit. p.153-162
   ^ Andre Gide, Si le grain ne meurt
   ^ H. Montgomery Hyde, op.cit. p.156
   ^ Empire: The British Imperial Experience from 1765 to the Present; Dennis Judd, pp171-172
   ^ Empire and Sexuality: The British Experience, Ronald Hyam; pp.34-35
   ^ "When he was 17, it was decided that he would join the vast household of his London cousins, the Stracheys. It was not long before Lytton Strachey, five years Grant's senior and openly homosexual, declared himself besotted with his handsome cousin. After several rebuffs -- legend has it Grant told Strachey, Relations we may be: have them, we may not -- Strachey finally had his way, becoming the first of Grant's many male lovers." in New York Times June 6, 1999: "Bloomsbury's Secret" By ANDREA BARNET; book review of Duncan Grant: A Biography by Frances Spalding.
   ^ Will H.L. Ogrinc (2006), "FRÈRE JACQUES: A SHRINE TO LOVE AND SORROW Jacques d’Adelswärd-Fersen (1880-1923)" Revised and augmented version of the first edition, published in Paidika. The Journal of Paedophilia 3:2 (1994), pp. 30-58. Will H.L. A German version was published in Hamburg (MännerschwarmSkript Verlag) in 2005
   ^ David, Claude. Stefan George. Son Oeuvre Poétique, Paris 1952
   ^ Stanley Wolpert, in Nehru: A Tryst With Destiny)
   ^ Stephanie Newell, The Forger's Tale: The Search for Odeziaku p.86
   ^ Robert Aldrich, Gay Life and Culture p.15
   ^ Arthur Lazere, review of The Noel Coward Story (on PBS in January, 1999) "His "friendship" at age 14 with painter Philip Streatfield (the only relationship about which the program is somewhat coy - homosexuality may have reached a greater level of acceptance today, but man-boy sex is still taboo) led to a connection with aristocrat Mrs. Astley-Cooper, and indeed, residence at the Cooper estate."[5]
   ^ Philip Hoare, Noel Coward: A Biography p.32-33
   ^ Martin, Claude. André Gide par lui-même, Paris 1963
   ^ M. M. Kaylor, Ed. The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys p.xxvii
   ^ Hubert Kennedy, Book review of "John Henry Mackay als Mensch" in Paidika Winter 1988.3
   ^ François Bott, Radiguet, Flammarion, 1995;
   ^ Michel Larivière, Homosexuels et bisexuels célèbres, Delétraz, 1997
   ^ Charles Shively, "Cocteau, Jean" in glbtq: An Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture [6]
   ^ Hubert Kennedy in Paidika 1994, 3.3 p.28
   ^ Edward Brongersma, Book review of De pedagogische Eros in het geding - Gustav Wyneken en de pedagogische vriendshap in de Freie Schulgemeinde Vickersdorf tussen 1906-1931 by Thijs C.M.M. Maasen, (Utrecht, Homostudies, 1988) in Paidika Summer 1989.2.1
   ^ Hubert Kennedy in Paidika 1994, 3.3 p.28
   ^ Willem de Mérode Information Center and Museum [7]
   ^ In [8] after Peter Parker, (1989), "Ackerley: A life of J. R. Ackerley", London: Constable
   ^ Hubert Kennedy, Book review of "John Henry Mackay als Mensch" in Paidika Winter 1988.3
   ^ Lie back and think of Britten "Adam Mars-Jones finds that John Bridcut has set himself a daunting task in Britten's Children - to prove whether 'Darling Benjamin' was a mentor or a menace to boys" Sunday June 4, 2006; The Observer [9]
   ^ "Robert Denning Dies at 78; Champion of Lavish Décor", by Mitchell Owens, September 4, 2005, New York Times obituary
   ^ Joel Crawford, Movie review of For a Lost Soldier, in Paidika Winter 1993.3.1
   ^ Frank Deford, Big Bill Tilden pp198-207
   ^ Siciliano, Enzo. Pasolini: A Biography. Trans. John Shepley. New York: Random House, 1982.
   ^ Public deposition posted here:[10]
   ^ MATTHEW DOIG and MAURICE TAMMAN, "Priest offers further details about his relations with ..." in The Herald Tribune "Father Anthony Mercieca said Thursday he never had sexual intercourse with former U.S. Rep. M. F., but throughout the day offered more details to national media outlets about his intimate relationship with the then-Lake Worth altar boy. Mercieca told the Washington Post he and F. once engaged in "light touching" and told CNN he fondled F. when he was a teen, though he didn't consider the contact abuse because F. "seemed to like it."[11]
   ^ "Teacher who had gay affair with boy pupil is given a year in jail" by David Sanderson in The Times On Line[12]
   ^ Daily Mail "Gay teacher jailed for affair with male pupil" Last updated at 13:06pm on 19th June 2007[13]

[edit] See also

   Greek love
   Pederasty in ancient Greece
   Pederastic couples in classical antiquity
   Platonic love
   Pederastic couples in Japan

[edit] Sources Look up pederastic in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.


   Louis Crompton. Homosexuality and Civilization, Cambridge, Mass. and London, 2003. ISBN 0-674-01197-X
   Michel Larivière. Homosexuels et bisexuels célèbres, Delétraz Editions, 1997. ISBN 2-911110-19-6

Muslim Lands

   Stephen O. Murray and Will Roscoe, et al. Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature, New York: New York University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8147-7468-7
   J. Wright & Everett Rowson. Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature. 1998.
   'Homosexuality' & other articles in the Encyclopædia Iranica


   Chinese couples documented in Hinsch, 1990, p.37, 69.

Pre-Modern Period

   Serge Bramly. Leonardo : The Artist and the Man, Penguin, 1994. ISBN 0-14-023175-7


   Marcel Moré. Le très curieux Jules Verne : Le problème du père dans les Voyages extraordinaires, Gallimard, 2005. ISBN 2-07-077367-1
   Michael Matthew Kaylor, Secreted Desires: The Major Uranians: Hopkins, Pater and Wilde (2006)Michael Matthew Kaylor, Secreted Desires: The Major Uranians: Hopkins, Pater and Wilde (2006), a 500-page scholarly volume that considers the major Victorian pederastic writers and their relationships (the author has made this volume available in a free, open-access, PDF version).

External links

   World history of homosexual relationships (including pederastic ones)