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In the Jewish religion, a boy of 13 - the approximate age of puberty - is considered an adult. This means he can be counted as part of a minyan (quorum of 10 men for prayer - women are not counted in Orthodox Judaism) and contract marriage and do other adult functions under Jewish law. (Do not confuse Jewish law with Israeli law.)

Judaism, like Islam, and in striking contrast to Catholicism, is very sex-positive. Sex is good and everybody ought to have it, the more the better. Be fruitful and multiply (though abortion is all but a non-issue in Judaism). Orthodox Jewry is openly positive on oral and anal sex among married couples. Prostitutes typically have disproportionate numbers of Jewish clients, definitely including Orthodox Jews. One may be seen in the movie "The Girlfriend Experience".

If you're an Orthodox Jew you can't watch TV or drive a car on the Sabbath. But you can definitely have sex. Rabbis openly recommend it. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabbat#Encouraged_activities And it's definitely not limited to procreative sex, though babies are wanted. In a traditional Jewish marriage contract (ketuba) the groom must agree to keep his wife sexually satisfied. Sex during the menstrual period is prohibited, though this is justified by saying that it makes sex on the days it is permitted hotter.

Among Sephardic (formerly Spanish) Jews who used to live in Islamic countries, multiple wives were permitted, as in Islam.

Orthodox Jews do not cooperate with the police in the case of pedophile rabbis, of whom there are more than a handful.

Judaism is riven from within by religious disputes. See for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F

Liberal wings of Judaism -Reform, Reconstructionist, and to a lesser extent Conservative - are dropping fast in membership. In contrast, Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox (or Haredi) Judaism are growing strongly everywhere Jews are found. These sectors are far more pedophile-friendly than the earlier ones.

(i'm not finished.)