Pro-pedo activists who have "become turncoats"

From BoyWiki

Floyd M Martinson, in one of his final publications before his death, renounced his long-held beliefs that unforced, uncoerced adult-child sex is usually harmless, and therefore should not be prohibited by law.

Now we find that Wayne R. Dynes, in 2010, has "changed his views" as well.

The antisexuals and sexophobes bring tremendous pressure to bear on those who express pro-pedophilia opinions.

Those who have not bent to the will of the "psych-industry" propagandists have usually found themselves out of a job, if not without their careers totally destroyed. A good example is the huge outpouring of undeserved criticism direct at Judith Levine for the publication of her book, Harmful To Minors: The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex. An even better example is the complete meltdown of the career of Susan Clancy, who lost her accredited position at a U.S. university and was forced to flee the U.S. after the publication of her book, The Trauma Myth: The Truth About the Sexual Abuse of Children -- and Its Aftermath.

The "psych-industry" forces of the medical-industrial complex (similar to the Prison-industrial complex) allow absolutely no deviation from the politically correct "party line" about the Child abuse narrative and child sexual abuse.

For a parallel, see the 1950s McCarthy-era "turncoats" to the communist cause which they had previously espoused.

For Dynes' turncoat activity, see: "Is pedophilia ever acceptable?", originally published in Dyneslines (, Feb. 28, 2010