Template:From the Gay Community/News

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From the Gay Community

File:Cap The New Nanny (2021).jpg
Twix’s sponsorship of a Halloween-themed episode of Hulu’s “Bite Size Halloween” series is spawning outrage online from conservatives who are scared of the spot’s inclusive message. The video has mistakenly been confused as a commercial but is only a short clip from the episode.
(Bil Browning, LGBTQ Nation, US, October 29, 2021)
YouTube Video
Twix - Bite Size Halloween: The New Nanny (2021)
“Let Life Happen” shows a boy dressed up in his mother’s clothes, jewellery and make-up as he gleefully dances round the house to the iconic Stevie Nicks hit “Edge of Seventeen”.
( Emma Powys Maurice , Pink News, Uk, October 13, 2021)
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LGBTQ rights organization Born Perfect has released a short film called “Bobby’s Big Problem” to educate the public about the dangers of conversion therapy.
(Selome Hailu, Variety, US, October 5, 2021)
“Being gay is wrong!” the unnamed landscape gardener, 28, allegedly yelled as he assaulted his son.“If they were adults, I would have killed them!” he reportedly screamed before hurling him to the floor.
(Donald Padgett, OUT Magazine, US, August 24, 2021)
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picture by Gage Skidmore
Jack Dylan Grazer just confirmed they are a part of the LGBTQ+ community!
(Raffy Ermac, OUT Magazine, US, July 2, 2021)
David Thorstad, who co-founded or ran some early LGBTQ groups following the Stonewall riots in 1969 that are seen as marking the start of the modern LGBTQ rights movement, died on August 1 from complications during heart surgery in a North Dakota hospital.
(Duncan Osborne, Gay City News, August 6, 2021)