Template:News/Crimes against Boys

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Crimes against Boys

Esther Callejas, 24, fatally shot her 2-year-old daughter at close range and then fired “at least” three shots at her 6-year-old son as he ran away from her in their Phoenix home
(Mark Lungariello, New York Post, US, September 30, 2021 )
An 11-year-old boy in Colorado was murdered by his (teleiophile) stepmother in his bedroom before she stuffed his body in a suitcase, drove to Florida and threw the case off a bridge, a court has been told.
(Harriet Alexander and Rachel Sharp, Daily Mail, US, September 11, 2021)
A gay teenager who is just 14-years-old was punched and “stamped on the head” by a gang in St Helens, England, stoking further fear over an uptick of anti-LGBT+ violence in the area.
( Josh Milton, Pink News, UK, Sep. 1, 2021)