Template:News/Popular interest

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Popular interest

R.C. Fox (Carl Kirkwood), a fursuiter who was charged for criminal possession of child pornography back in October 2017, committed suicide last week. The news started to spread after posts on Twitter linked him with a news story from the Pennsylvania-based Times Online.
(Sonious (Tantroo McNally) , flayrah], US, March 18, 2018)
( Amos Yee, YouTube, US, November 15, 2017)
Last Monday evening, a troubling image made its way across Twitter.
(Alexander Nazaryan , Newsweek], US, November 7, 2017)
Following reports that Netflix may kill off Kevin Spacey's character on "House of Cards," the streaming service announced Friday that it is severing ties with the actor.
(Staff Writer , - Fox News, US, November 4, 2017)
Your kids are more likely to end up on the registry than to be molested by someone on it.
(Lenore Skenazy , - Times Ledger, US, October 19, 2017)