Template:Politics/Political Reform

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Political Reform

In the United States, up to 70 percent of sexual offenses against children are perpetrated by other children, typically a slightly older relative or playmate who offends in the context of ignorance, impulsivity, and convenience, not predation. Many states subject these kids to the same criminal consequences as adults who have been convicted of sex crimes; the most impactful of which can be registration and public notification, which typically lasts for decades or life, depending upon the conviction or adjudication offense.
( Elizabeth Letourneau and Luke Malone, Slate, US, February 1, 2022 )
If the proposed SORNA regulations are finalized, many registrants will be required to register up to four times a year. In addition, all registrants will be required to reveal all of their remote communication identifiers.
(Staff, ACSOL, US, November 1, 2021 )