Template:Reform Sex Offender Laws News/Criminalization of youth

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... the young man from Elkhart, Indiana, whose harsh punishment for consensual sex with an underage teenager he wrongly believed was 17 made headlines around the country in 2015, has been arrested for violating his probation. (Lenore Skenazy, reason.com, October 15, 2017)
A major increase in the number of children sexually attacking other kids has seen more than 3000 young people involved in sex crimes in NSW in the past five years.
(Emily Crane, The Daily Mail, AUS, October 10, 2016)
An 11-year-old girl in Michigan streaking in front of her brothers was charged with a sex crime.
A 14-year-old boy in Minnesota was charged with distributing child pornography after sending a photo of his genitals to a female classmate
(LOUISE WREGE, The Herald Palladium, US, October 10, 2016)
They said that all they were going to do was delete the photos from the phone, so I blindly signed a paper allowing them to access it.' "After being arrested, I was suicidal and hopeless," Austin Yabandith, a 17-year-old from Superior, Wisconsin, recalls. "As of right now, I am just hoping for the best and preparing for the worst."
(Robby Soave, Reason.com, US, Sep. 12, 2016)
A boy believed to be Britain’s youngest ever convicted rapist abused his younger sister twice when he was just 11, a court heard today.
( Mark Duell, The Daily Mail, UK, Aug. 25, 2016)
An online petition is calling for a judge in Massachusetts to be removed from the bench after sentencing an 18-year-old accused of sexually assaulting two classmates with two years of probation.
When Matthew Grottalio was 10 years old, he and his older brother initiated a touching “game” with their 8-year-old sister. “None of us knew what we were doing,” he said, and he soon forgot about the episode.
(ERIC BERKOWITZ, The New York Times, US, July 30, 2016)
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - Nebraska’s attorney general is appealing a federal judge’s decision to block the state from putting a 13-year-old boy who moved to Nebraska from Minnesota on its public list of sex offenders.
( Associated Press, Washington Times US, April 9, 2016)
DENVER - A proposal to ratchet back criminal penalties for teens exchanging nude images of themselves has failed in the state Legislature. (Marshall Zelinger, - Associated Press, April 6, 2016)
Troopers said the teen, who resides in the town of Wayland, allegedly formed a relationship with the child through social media channels. (Staff reporter - Democrat & Chronicle, US, April 1, 2016)
The Bellevue Police Department says the arrests are the result of an investigation beginning on October, 30, 2015, when investigators received a report of teens using cellphones to exchange sexually explicit images of children. (Marjorie Sturgeon - KMTV News US, April 1, 2016)
Redding, Connecticut, cops arrested a 14-year-old boy and charged him with possession of child pornography, harassment, and obscenity. He must be quite the evil young man. (Robby Soave - Reason.com, US, March 30, 2016)