Template:The boy Zone

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Revision as of 15:31, 15 November 2014 by Etenne (talk | contribs)

The Boy Zone (on the lighter side) E

Griffin Gluck appears in the RED BAND SOCIETY. Wednesdays on FOX.
(Who wouldn't want to have Griffin in their dreams?)

Once Upon a Time: The residents of Storybrooke are feeling kind of 'Frozen'
(Some say Jared maybe getting a GF, BL's weep)

The Walking Dead Sundays 9/8c on AMC
( Anyone blame the guys at Terminus for wanting to eat Carl up? )

Jace Norman in Henry Danger a crime-fighting children's comedy television series airing on Nickelodeon Saturdays @ 8/7c.
(Who doesn't love a boy to the rescue?)