The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam (film)

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The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam is a video (available to view on YouTube) which explains how psychiatric categories are created simply by taking a vote among a small group of psychiatrists (no empirical scientific studies are ever done) in order to decide which "mental illnesses" should be included in the DSM (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) of the American Psychiatric Association (the A.P.A) The DSM does not contain any statistics, by the way -- it just makes the manual sound more "scientific".

A must watch for everyone. It is the DSM that makes BoyLovers crazy (literally), as it (formerly) did with its classification of homosexuals.


From the YouTube channel:

"[The DSM is] psychiatry's best-selling catalog of mental illness — 943 pages long and covering everything from depression and anxiety to stuttering, cigarette addiction, fear of spiders, nightmares, problems with math and even disorder of infancy — all reinterpreted and labeled as a brain disease."

Relevance to BoyLovers

You wouldn't even be here reading this post if it weren't for psychiatrists and their fraudulent theories.

See also

External links

  • The DSM: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam at YouTube: