
From BoyWiki
Revision as of 14:28, 22 April 2016 by User4 (talk | contribs)

Hi guys!!!

Welcome to my page. As you can see, my name is Dragonlover. I began working as an Assistant Curator here at BoyWiki on April 20th, 2016. I bring with me to the table a good deal of Administrative experience. Where does that experience come from? Well, I am the Administrator on Enchanted Island Enchanted Island. I have been with EI since its inception two years ago. I have also worked on a number of BL boards in non-administrative capacities such as Moderator, Global Moderator, and Greeter.

As far as education goes, I have a Master of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in Creative Writing. I thoroughly enjoy learning new things, which is why I went so far in school. My fault is, I try and devour too much new information too quickly. But that served me well in school.

How did I find out about Boylove? I found out because I was a loved boy. Yes, at the age of five I met my Adult Friend (AF). That was 1975. He was my next door neighbor. To make a long story short, we had a great relationship right up until the time I grew up. At around age thirteen, George (not his real name) taught me about the concept of Boylove. What is acceptable and what is not. I have been involved in Boylove in some capacity for forty years.

My philosophy on Boylove is simple: Treat your Young Friend (s) as you would your own son, nephew or cousin; with love, honor and respect. Make him feel like the most special person in the world, and tell him you love him. OFTEN. Will things be perfect? Probably not. But if you keep those things in mind, they'll be as close to perfect as possible.

Hi. I'm an educator. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose any personal details about myself, as this would endanger my personal security. I can tell you a few things, though. I am extremely well-read on the topic of BoyLovers, and I have a huge and extensive library on the topic, including the "cons" (usually written by those who are poorly informed and/or completely misinformed) as well as the "pros" (including those serious researchers who have investigated the "problem" of BoyLove in a much less biased manner, which has lead them to a much clearer understanding.)
I have been involved in making many of these materials available to others, particularly to BoyLovers. I have studied the "problem" of BoyLovers within the context of Western cultures as well as that of many other cultures around the world. I am what is called by many a "pedophile apologist," and my studies have led me to understand exactly how U.S. 3rd-wave radical feminists and right-wing Republicans living in Western cultures have lied about BoyLove and BoyLovers.
So, because of opposition to my well-founded and well supported beliefs and understandings, many people (including many BoyLovers) place me in the strongly despised camp of what they refer to as "pro-contact."
I can demonstrate that, indeed, boys are rarely harmed by--and may often benefit from--sexual contact with others, including adults, as long as the contacts are not physically forced and no unduly strong coercion (such as threats, etc.) are used within the relationships.
I was previously involved with posting on BoyChat but, as BoyChat is run by, as well as frequented mostly by, BoyLovers who have "drunk the Kool-Aid" about the assumed, greatly exaggerated, and mostly unfounded "dangers of sexual contact to boys of sexual involvement with BoyLovers," my posting there disturbed many BoyLovers (and others) who are poorly informed or uniformed on the topic. My beliefs are so unpopular that they have made it impossible for me to continue to post on BoyChat.
As you apparently grew up in the 70s and 80s--and in the U.S--which was at a time and in a place when and where the "pedo-hysteria,"--as well as the distribution of misinformation about "pedophiles"--was beginning to peak, I would not be surprised if your understanding about pederasty and "pedophilia" has been strongly influenced by the huge amount of false and misleading "information" which has been disseminated by the media, and supported by the hegemony that the "psych-industries" have achieved in Western cultures, all of which is now (unfairly and wrongly) used to damn BoyLove and BoyLovers.
I would suggest, if you have not already done so, that you would be well advised to inform yourself better on the topics just mentioned. If you are interested in educating yourself about the real "problems" of BoyLovers in (particularly) Western societies, I would be happy to direct you to some reliable information which has been made available.
If you are not currently interested in informing yourself on these topics, then I personally believe that you should be very careful about voicing your current opinions, and that you should reserve your judgments about the opinions of others until you do have the opportunity to inform yourself better.
Anyway, that said, welcome aboard! Enjoy the ride! BoyWiki could most surely benefit from any literary skills you possess! User4 (talk) 13:59, 22 April 2016 (UTC)