Template:News/Art and Entertainment/In Film and video

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Art and Entertainment E

Coming soon to DVD/Blu-Ray

Due to be released on DVD/Blu-Ray in November

Ellos Volvieron (aka They Returned) official poster
Ellos Volvieron (aka They Returned) official poster

Ellos Volvieron is Ivan Noel’s sixth feature movie, and is a beautifully touching and unnerving story about the unexplained disappearance of three children, two boys and one girl, and their reappearance three days later in a semi-autistic state. Not even the children themselves are able to help anyone understand what happened. No clues or signs are left, other than the fact that, as we discover later, two of them were mutilated.

Also to be released by Noel Films in November, Limbo.

Books and reviews

Short story available on-line at Academia.edu. Andrew Calimach
We cannot choose who we are sexually attracted to – so stop judging.