Template:News/Breaking news stories

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Revision as of 17:52, 9 February 2015 by Etenne (talk | contribs)
Breaking news stories edit

Officially began on 1-17-2015. Please help BoyWiki stay on-line by making a donation.
The European Court of Human Rights rejected a complaint by pedophile advocacy association Martijn against the ban Dutch courts imposed on the group last year. The organization will remain prohibited.
(also known as the Yewtree Inquisition and the Savile Inquisition) is a police investigation into historical sexual abuse allegations in the UK some dating back more than 50 or 60 years.
The International Megan's Law bill now before Congress/ a systematic effort to erode the foreign travel rights of American “registered sex offenders. (News article, David Kennerly)
See also: “HOMELAND SECURITY'S” ASSAULT ON TRAVEL and DEAD END: The International Megan's Law's Assault on Everyone's Freedom of Travel
Bus driver Andrew Holland, 51, of Wrexham, Wales, experienced an Azov-Films-like moment of state-rape early in 2009 when he was arrested and charged with two counts of "possession of an extreme pornographic image. (News article, Bernie Najarian)