Template:News/Art and Entertainment/Books and reviews

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Books and reviews

Many same-sex-attracted MAPs these days profess to feel completely separate from the gay community (sorry, LGBT-ETC-but-no-P community), but in reality, writings that are potentially relevant to us get published fairly often by members of that community. The opposite may happen, too – useful stuff published within our community may be out there for those LGBTs who are brave enough to take advantage.
Oscar Browning (1837-1923), Eton schoolmaster and Cambridge don, widely known as O.B., was an unusually colourful character even by the high standards of eccentricity often found in these ancient institutions.
A non-BL novel by a popular historical novelist with an interesting and positive portrayal of a pederastic affair.
This is a review of Lunch with Elizabeth David by Roger Williams (1999), of possible interest to some here as a novel mostly about the boyloving writer Norman Douglas.
Restored and retold by Andrew Calimach
The chart that follows presents a global view of the surviving Greek myths centered on paederastic desire. They are grouped by categories named “scenarios,” of which four principal types are identified, “Hybristic erastes;” “Enkratic erastes and collaborative eromenos;” “Imprudent erastes and eromenos;” and “Hybristic eromenos.” Each scenario type is labeled according to the dominant dynamic of the stories in the group.