Template:Reform Sex Offender Laws News/Civil commitment

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Revision as of 15:01, 27 September 2021 by Etenne (talk | contribs)
The Texas Civil Commitment Office (TCCO) and the contractor, Management & Trading Corporation (MTC) operating the Texas Civil Commitment Center (TCCC) have created a slave labor camp.
(TCCC Resident, Texans against civil commitment, US, September 27, 2021 )
Behind barbed wire fences a protest movement is swelling for an end to Minnesota’s Shadow Prisons, “treatment facilities” that detainees say are an unconstitutional death sentence. Nearly 800 people are held indefinitely outside of any criminal proceedings, after finishing prison sentences or without being convicted of a crime on civil allegations of being “mental ill” and “sexually dangerous”.
(murphey73, TACC, US, August 29, 2021)
For many men serving time for committing sex offenses in Texas, their prison term never really ends—even if they complete their sentence. That's because they're required to enter a live-in mental health facility before returning to society.
(Lenore Skenazy, Reason, US, August 12, 2021)