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This page contains lists of news articles that have appeared on [[Portal:Boylove News Channel]]
This page contains a list of news articles that were featured on [[Portal:Boylove News Channel]] in [[2014]].

{{Archive of news articles‎|2014}}
*[ Why you shouldn’t talk to your children about sexual abuse] -  The NSPCC certainly seems to be ahead of all other charities in grabbing headline news. Barely a day goes by without one of its press releases being turned, uncritically, into a shocking news story.  (Jane Sandeman - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 1-15-14 -->
[[File:Bloge.png|90 px|left|link=Portal:Boylove_News_Channel]]
* [[ Azov Films Prosecutions]]  Starting in 2012, some US customers of Azov Films have been arrested and charged with receipt and possession of child pornography: some of the nude visual material has been construed as illegal by US Law Enforcement Officers ("LEO's"), including agents of the United States Postal Inspection Service.

*[[2013 Free Spirits fundraiser]] - BoyWiki is hosted by Free Spirits and is in danger of being shut down along with all Free Spirits resources due to money problems.
* [[ Azov Films Prosecutions - Canada]]  

* [[BoyWiki Annual Report (december 2012)]] Since the English BoyWiki's reopening, the Recent Changes pages has been very active, listing new entries and updates. It documents a wide-ranging effort of sorting out, categorizing, tagging entries, updating, adapting and new creating templates.
*[[Azov Films Prosecutions - United Kingdom]]

*[ The Moral Structure of Pedophilia] - In contemporary America, condemnation of pedophilia rests on sentiment and not on moral reasoning. Nobody can simultaneously explain why pedophilia is so vile and uphold the first commandment of the sexual revolution: Fulfill thy desires. (The Witherspoon Institute)
* [[Mick Moran of Interpol and Pro-active Pedophile Policing]]  
::News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian) <!-- Added 2-25-14 -->

*[ Restricted Group Speaks Up, Saying Sex Crime Measures Go Too Far] - As local and state governments have imposed tough penalties for sex crimes in recent years, including restrictions on where sex offenders can live or even set foot, members of this highly stigmatized group have begun to fight back. (New York Times)
*[[Mark Schieldrop: press hostility to Azov accuracy]]
::News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)<!-- Added 2-15-14 -->

*[ What Can Be Done About Pedophilia?] - Interview with James Cantor, Ph.D. (The Atlantic)
*[[Pedophobe of the Year:Paul Krawczyk,Toronto Police]]
::News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)<!-- Added 1-5-14 -->

*[ Dawkins is blasted over ‘mild’ paedophilia claims] - FORMER Oxford University lecturer Richard Dawkins has come under fire after suggesting recent child sex abuse scandals have been overblown. ( OXFORD MAIL, UK)
*[[Spading Up Hate: Joanna Beaven-Desjardins’ Big Lie]]
::News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)<!-- Added 1-5-14 -->
*[[Sebastian Edathy]]
::German politician embroiled in controversy related to Azov Films.<!-- Added 3-7-14 -->

*[ No justice system for old men] -   Recent prosecutions involving decades-old sexual abuse are not delivering justice, they are undermining it - for everyone. (Rosamund Cuckston - spiked, UK)
*[[Operation Yewtree]]
::(also known as the Yewtree Inquisition and the Savile Inquisition) is a police investigation into [[Historical sex abuse (dictionary)|historical sexual abuse]] allegations in the [[UK]] some dating back more than  50 or 60 years.<!-- Added 3-2-14 -->

*[ These child-abuse stats are PANTS] -  The NSPCC’s new campaign is built on the dubious claim that five per cent of people were sexually assaulted as children. (Ken McLaughlin - spiked, UK)
*[[Paedophile Information Exchange]]
::Several British politicians including Harriet Harman (Labour Deputy) and Patricia Hewitt (Health Secretary) and a judge (Lord Justice Fulford) and Peter Thornton, the Chief Coroner have been servery criticized in the tabloid press for their peripheral connection with PIE while promoting civil liberty in the 70's and early 80's.  

* [ Dutch Court Says Pedophilia Advocacy Group Martijn Can Continue ]  - Judges in the Netherlands have ruled that an organization that wants to legalize pedophilia can continue to exist. Cintia Taylor speaks with the group’s most recent leader. (The Daily Beast)
*[[Bryan Singer]] :
::American film director, screenwriter and producer known for his work on the X-men series  accused in a civil lawsuit of sexual assault of a minor.<!-- Added 4-19-14 -->

* [ ‘If you question the Savile crusade, you're seen as evil’]  - Frank Furedi on his new book about Jimmy Savile, and why it's so hard, but so important, to challenge the moral crusade on child abuse. (spiked  UK)
*[[The thin wedge to immobilize citizens]]
::The International Megan's Law bill now before Congress/ a systematic effort to erode the foreign travel rights of American “registered sex offenders. (News article, David Kennerly)<!-- Added 6-29-14 -->

*[ Artist Graham Ovenden jailed after 'unduly lenient' sentence] - Internationally-renowned artist Graham Ovenden has been jailed after his suspended sentence for child sex offences was found by the Court of Appeal to be "unduly lenient". (BBC, UK)
*[[DEAD END: The International Megan's Law's Assault on Everyone's Freedom of Travel]]<!-- Added 6-29-14 -->

*[ 4 dead in triple-murder suicide pact linked to child porn probe, police say] - Three men and a woman were found dead of shotgun blasts in north Alabama after two of them were targeted in a Tennessee child pornography investigation. (CNN)
*[ White supremacists sentenced to life in prison for murdering sex offender, wife]
::Moodys targeted Charles Parker because he was a registered sex offender, and Jeremy Moody admitted to authorities that he had planned to kill another registered sex offender before being caught.(TIM KIMZEY -<!-- Added 5-7-14 -->
*[ Jeremy Forrest: schoolgirl says she 'groomed' teacher who abducted her] - Schoolgirl says she instigated relationship with her maths teacher and hopes to marry him when he is released from jail. (The Guardian, UK)

*[ Teen Commits Suicide One Week After Arrest For Streaking During Football Game] - Christian Adamek 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for streaking prank at high school football game (Youtube)
*[ Victims of child pornography can be paid for their losses, but within limits, high court says]
::The justices said in a 5-4 ruling that a 1994 federal law gives victims the right to seek restitution from offenders, but only to the extent that the victim’s losses are tied to the offenders’ actions.” (Mark Sherman, Daily Journal) (See: [[Voodoo Molestation and US Law]])<!-- Added 4-24-14 -->

*[ Porn’s negative effect on teen sexuality exaggerated, study says ]  - In spite of widespread warnings that pornography is warping young people’s sex lives, new research suggests parents have no need to panic: It may not be as influential on teens’ sexual behaviour as we may think. (The Globe and Mail)
*[ Labour’s paedo problems: no reason to gloat]
::Harman and pals are discovering the cost of putting the past on trial. (Tim Black - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 2-24-14 -->

*[ Restricted Group Speaks Up, Saying Sex Crime Measures Go Too Far] - As local and state governments have imposed tough penalties for sex crimes in recent years, including restrictions on where sex offenders can live or even set foot, members of this highly stigmatized group have begun to fight back. (New York Times)<!-- Added 10/13 -->
*[ Jesse Ryan Loskarn, former Lamar Alexander aide, dead in suicide]
::Jesse Ryan Loskarn, a former aide to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) who faced charges of possessing and distributing child pornography, hanged himself and died Thursday in a Maryland home, his family and police officials said Friday. ( Article related to [[ Azov Films Prosecutions]].<!-- Added 1-25-14 -->  

*[ Manufacturing Fear: Halloween Laws for Sex Offenders] - Why worry about sex offenders on Halloween? Research shows no evidence of increased child sex abuse on Halloween and no evidence that a child was ever a victim of sexual abuse by a stranger while out trick-or-treating. ( The Huffington Post)<!-- Added 10-27-13 -->
*[ Is ‘eat your peas!’ emotional abuse?]
::How the language of child protection can be used to undermine adult authority. (Dennis Hayes - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 4-5-14 -->

*[ Convicted pedophile writes a tell-all book, but publishers aren’t interested] - When police arrested David Goldberg in his N.D.G. home 18 months ago on child pornography charges, his first thoughts weren’t that his days as a baseball coach and community newspaper editor abruptly ended in shame, but rather that he’d like to write a book. (Montreal Gazette, Ca) <!-- Added 10-24-13 -->  
*[ Yewtree: more propaganda than police investigation]
::The failure of a few prosecutions won't stop the crusade. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 2-20-14 -->

*[ 4 dead in triple-murder suicide pact linked to child porn probe, police say] - Three men and a woman were found dead of shotgun blasts in north Alabama after two of them were targeted in a Tennessee child pornography investigation. (CNN)<!-- Added 10/13 -->
*[ Why you shouldn’t talk to your children about sexual abuse]
::The NSPCC certainly seems to be ahead of all other charities in grabbing headline news. Barely a day goes by without one of its press releases being turned, uncritically, into a shocking news story. (Jane Sandeman - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 1-15-14 -->

*[ Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says In New DSM] - In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires. ( The Huffington Post)<!-- Added 11-3-13 -->  
*[ Ex-missionary jailed for porn with Amazon tribal children]  
::A former missionary who admitted taking pornographic photos of children while working with a tribe in the Amazon region of Brazil was sentenced on Tuesday to 58 years in a US prison. (South China Morning Post) <!-- Added 2-10-14 -->

*[ APA says making pedophilia a sexual orientation was a mistake] - A mainstream Christian news site and a number of smaller, right-wing blogs published stories this week alleging that the American Psychiatric Association, or APA, had classified pedophilia as a sexual orientation. ( The Huffington Post)<!-- Added 11-3-13 -->
*[ Our misguided child porn laws do little to protect children]
::The legal treatment of people caught with child pornography is so harsh that they can end up serving longer sentences than people who actually abuse children. (The Washington Post)<!-- Added 2-15-14 -->
*[ Capitol Punishment: The Troubling Consequences of Federal Child Pornography Laws]
::The legislative scheme underlying current child pornography laws in the U.S. goes much further than addressing the actual harm caused by viewing or possessing such images. ( The Huffington Post)<!-- Added 2-21-14 -->
*[ Australia bans award-winning Swedish film Children's Island over child porn concerns]
::Censors have refused classification for a 30-year-old award-winning Swedish film (aka [[Barnens ö (Children's Island) (1980) (Film)|Barnens ö]]), in effect banning it, after an application by the Australian Federal Police. (The Sydney Morning Herald, Au)<!-- Added 2-28-14 -->
*[ How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations]
::One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. (The Intercept) <!-- Added 3-20-14 -->
*[ Scotland: Every Child to Have “State Guardian” From Birth]
::Every child in Scotland is to be assigned a “state minder” from birth under draconian new proposals that would enable the government to spy on families under the justification of preventing “child abuse”. (<!-- Added 2-28-14 -->
*[ Clifford is a creep, but what’s that got to do with Savile?]
::The first celebrity to be hanged from [[Operation Yewtree|Yewtree]] is unlikely to be the last. (Mick Hume - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 5-3-14 -->
*[ The war on paedos: grooming the public’s fears]
::For some time now, paedophilia has been serving as a metaphor for the dread and self-loathing that dominates the imagination of Western elite culture. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 4-24-14 -->
*[ Cyril Smith: no justice for dead men]
::The moral crusade against child abuse invents its own truth. (Tim Black - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 4-28-14 -->
*[ Second top judge faces probe over 'defence' of paedophiles after links with controversial campaign group are exposed]
::“As a barrister, Mr Thornton criticised the prosecution of the [[Paedophile Information Exchange]] (PIE) after its leader was jailed.” ( The Daily Mail, UK)<!-- Added 3-23-14 -->
*[ What PIE and the NSPCC have in common]
::Both believe in saving children from their parents. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK) See: [[Paedophile Information Exchange]].<!-- Added 3-11-14 -->
*[ The NCCL was right to affiliate with PIE]
::If civil liberties groups won't defend free speech for the unpopular, what's the point of them? (Brendan O’Neill - spiked, UK)  <!-- Added 2-27-14 -->
*[ German politician Edathy rejects child porn allegation]
::[[Sebastian Edathy]] the politician who last year presented the German parliament's acclaimed report on bungled police probes into a neo-Nazi murder spree has denied a media allegation of possessing child pornography. ( Deutsche Welle)<!-- Added 3-2-14 -->
*[ Keep the emotion police out of family life]
::The dangers behind the NSPCC’s campaign to criminalise ‘emotional abuse’.(Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 5-31-14 -->
*[ NSPCC: not in the best interests of the child]
::Making reporting of child abuse mandatory will not help children. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 7-10-14 -->
*[ Our need for paedos: why society obsesses over child abuse]
::After Rolf, the Westminster ‘child sex ring’: why the paedo-scare won’t die. (Brendan O’Neill - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 7-7-14 -->
*[ ‘Named persons’: child protection at its most dystopian]
::Discussion of the new act which will mean that, from birth, each child in Scotland will have a specific state-appointed professional, a ‘named person’, to oversee their interests, and, in particular, to oversee their safety. (Stuart Waiton - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 5-19-14 -->
*[ Was I a Teenage Sexual Predator?]
::Account of a teenages exploits with older men. (Mark S. King - HuffPost )<!-- Added 6-2-14 -->
*[ Dancing In His Underwear for the Garbage Man, Noah Embraced Queerness and Sexuality Since Childhood]
::"One of my earliest memories though was of me being in love with our garbage man." ( Noah Michelson - Driftwood)<!-- Added 6-13-14 -->
*[ The Center for Sexual Justice: How the Criminalization of the Queer Community Affects Us All]
::The Center for Sexual Justice and the criminalization of gay youth.<br> (Andrew Extein, MSW - HuffPost )<!-- Added 6-11-14 -->
*[ Named persons: spies in the family home]
::The Scottish government’s plan to provide every child with a ‘state guardian’ is downright scary. (Josie Appleton - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 6-29-14 -->
*[ Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime]
::An editorial  from The New York Times on Pedophilia.(Margo Kaplan  - New York Times, US)<!-- Added 10-6-14 -->
*[ Cliff Richard: the moral annihilation of a celebrity]
::Justice is the greatest victim of these PR-driven witch-hunts. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 8-18-14 -->
*[ Hero firefighter who saved thousands of people in Japanese tsunami is jailed for child porn]
::Michael Buckley admitted to police that he had been downloading child porn on a near-daily basis since 2005 (Chris Osuh - the Daily Mirror)<!-- Added 8-3-14 -->
*[ I Know My 9-Year-Old Son's 'Type': Pretty Boys With Dark Hair]
::9 year-old is already well known for his crush on Darren Criss of Glee. His father 'Dave' writes: (HuffPost)<!-- Added 6-11-14 -->
*[ Sexting among youth more prevalent than thought? Minors unaware of harsh legal consequences, survey shows]
::Sexting among youth is more prevalent than previously thought, according to a new study. More than 50 percent of those surveyed reported that they had exchanged sexually explicit text messages, with or without photographic images, as minors. The study also found that the majority of young people are not aware of the legal ramifications of underage sexting. (ScienceDaily)<!-- Added 6-30-14 -->
*[ Abuse inquiry: built on conspiracy theories?]
::The myth of powerful, protected perverts has been around for decades. (Barbara Hewson - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 7-21-14 -->
*[ The sex ring at the heart of the British establishment… 100 years ago]
::Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens’ file is supposed to name the paedophiles at the heart of the British establishment – but much the same was alleged by Noel Pemberton Billing in 1918. (James Heartfield - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 7-10-14 -->
*[ What Rotherham reveals about the corrosion of community life]
::The abuse scandal exposes the dangers of welfarism and multiculturalism. (Brendan O’Neill - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 8-30-14 -->
*[ Sex Offender Laws Have Gone Too Far]
::Our draconian policies about sex offenses reflect our ignorance of them. (Matt Mellema, Chanakya Sethi, and Jane Shim - Slate, US)<!-- Added 8-12-14 --> 
*[ Paedophile panics: an unhealthy obsession]
::Podcast: Frank Furedi, Barbara Hewson and Luke Gittos on the latest scandals. (spiked podcast - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 8-1-14 -->
*[ Why the Sayreville Bombers Shouldn't be Prosecuted]
::The “Sex Offender” Regime is Cruel and Unusual Punishment ([[Judith Levine]] -  CounterPunch, US)<!-- Added 10-25-14 --> 
*[ Child porn charges against artist Paul Yore dismissed, Visual Arts association welcomes decision]
::THE peak group representing Australian artists has welcomed the Magistrates’ Court’s dismissal of child porn charges against artist Paul Yore, who walked free this morning. (Dana McCauley - Port Phillip Leader, AU) <!-- Added 10-1-14 -->
*[ Thorpe Hall School deputy head Martin Goldberg found dead after indecent pictures of children discovered on computer]
::Martin Goldberg's body was discovered in his home on September 10, one day after he was visited by police officers investigating allegations that he had bought material online, from abroad, which may have included images of naked teenage boys.(Luke Jacobs  - Essex Chronicle, UK)<!-- Added 10-1-14 -->
*[ Alleged sexual assault victim defends accused]
::An alleged victim of sexual assault is speaking out and defending the woman accused in the case. He contacted CTV Ottawa saying he wanted to share his side of the story. (Katie Griffin  - CTV-Video, Ca)<!-- Added 10-15-14 -->
*[ Child-abuse inquiry: no way to the truth]
::A culture of mistrust in Westminster meant this inquiry was doomed to unravel. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 11-4-14 -->
*[ Brian Martens: Nudist dad gets prison for child porn possession]
::When a South Florida man was arrested a year ago, he insisted that inappropriate photographs of his three young children were simply normal "family portraits" of his nudist family. (WPTV- from  the Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla)<!-- Added 11-14-14 -->
*[ The Home Office allegedly funded a paedophile group in the 1970s. Why?]
::The Home Office may have covered up [[Historical sex abuse (dictionary)|historic child abuse allegations]] - but what of the "[[Paedophile Information Exchange]]" group that was allegedly funded by the department? (Anna Leach, Sophie Warnes - The Mirror, UK)<!-- Added 11-4-14 -->
*[ Country Singer Billy Gilman Comes Out As Gay]
::Country singer [[Billy Gilman]], who shot to stardom at age 11 with "One Voice," has come out as gay. (Curtis M. Wong - The Huffington Post ) <!-- Added 11-27-14 -->
*[ Pedophilia and DSM-5: The Importance of Clearly Defining the Nature of a Pedophilic Disorder]
::Psychiatric terminology should convey information in as clear and unambiguous a manner as possible. In light of the associated stigma, that is especially so of the terms Pedophilia and Pedophilic Disorder. Although from a psychiatric perspective the term Pedophilia is intended to define a recognized clinical entity, in the collective consciousness of contemporary society, the term has become a demonizing pejorative. (Fred S. Berlin, MD, PhD - the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law) <!-- Added 12-24-14 -->
*[ Turning all adults into panto villains]
::Lionel Blair’s retirement from panto is a sad sign of the times. (Josie Appleton - spiked, UK)<!-- Added 12-7-14 -->  
==See also==
*[[Portal:Boylove News Channel]]
[[Category:Archive of news articles‎]]

Latest revision as of 12:17, 16 June 2015

This page contains a list of news articles that were featured on Portal:Boylove News Channel in 2014.

Archive of news articles: | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)
News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)
News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)
News article related to Azov Films. (Bernie Najarian)
German politician embroiled in controversy related to Azov Films.
(also known as the Yewtree Inquisition and the Savile Inquisition) is a police investigation into historical sexual abuse allegations in the UK some dating back more than 50 or 60 years.
Several British politicians including Harriet Harman (Labour Deputy) and Patricia Hewitt (Health Secretary) and a judge (Lord Justice Fulford) and Peter Thornton, the Chief Coroner have been servery criticized in the tabloid press for their peripheral connection with PIE while promoting civil liberty in the 70's and early 80's.
American film director, screenwriter and producer known for his work on the X-men series accused in a civil lawsuit of sexual assault of a minor.
The International Megan's Law bill now before Congress/ a systematic effort to erode the foreign travel rights of American “registered sex offenders. (News article, David Kennerly)
Moodys targeted Charles Parker because he was a registered sex offender, and Jeremy Moody admitted to authorities that he had planned to kill another registered sex offender before being caught.(TIM KIMZEY -
The justices said in a 5-4 ruling that a 1994 federal law gives victims the right to seek restitution from offenders, but only to the extent that the victim’s losses are tied to the offenders’ actions.” (Mark Sherman, Daily Journal) (See: Voodoo Molestation and US Law)
Harman and pals are discovering the cost of putting the past on trial. (Tim Black - spiked, UK)
Jesse Ryan Loskarn, a former aide to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) who faced charges of possessing and distributing child pornography, hanged himself and died Thursday in a Maryland home, his family and police officials said Friday. ( Article related to Azov Films Prosecutions.
How the language of child protection can be used to undermine adult authority. (Dennis Hayes - spiked, UK)
The failure of a few prosecutions won't stop the crusade. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
The NSPCC certainly seems to be ahead of all other charities in grabbing headline news. Barely a day goes by without one of its press releases being turned, uncritically, into a shocking news story. (Jane Sandeman - spiked, UK)
A former missionary who admitted taking pornographic photos of children while working with a tribe in the Amazon region of Brazil was sentenced on Tuesday to 58 years in a US prison. (South China Morning Post)
The legal treatment of people caught with child pornography is so harsh that they can end up serving longer sentences than people who actually abuse children. (The Washington Post)
The legislative scheme underlying current child pornography laws in the U.S. goes much further than addressing the actual harm caused by viewing or possessing such images. ( The Huffington Post)
Censors have refused classification for a 30-year-old award-winning Swedish film (aka Barnens ö), in effect banning it, after an application by the Australian Federal Police. (The Sydney Morning Herald, Au)
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. (The Intercept)
Every child in Scotland is to be assigned a “state minder” from birth under draconian new proposals that would enable the government to spy on families under the justification of preventing “child abuse”. (
The first celebrity to be hanged from Yewtree is unlikely to be the last. (Mick Hume - spiked, UK)
For some time now, paedophilia has been serving as a metaphor for the dread and self-loathing that dominates the imagination of Western elite culture. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
The moral crusade against child abuse invents its own truth. (Tim Black - spiked, UK)
“As a barrister, Mr Thornton criticised the prosecution of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) after its leader was jailed.” ( The Daily Mail, UK)
Both believe in saving children from their parents. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK) See: Paedophile Information Exchange.
If civil liberties groups won't defend free speech for the unpopular, what's the point of them? (Brendan O’Neill - spiked, UK)
Sebastian Edathy the politician who last year presented the German parliament's acclaimed report on bungled police probes into a neo-Nazi murder spree has denied a media allegation of possessing child pornography. ( Deutsche Welle)
The dangers behind the NSPCC’s campaign to criminalise ‘emotional abuse’.(Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
Making reporting of child abuse mandatory will not help children. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
After Rolf, the Westminster ‘child sex ring’: why the paedo-scare won’t die. (Brendan O’Neill - spiked, UK)
Discussion of the new act which will mean that, from birth, each child in Scotland will have a specific state-appointed professional, a ‘named person’, to oversee their interests, and, in particular, to oversee their safety. (Stuart Waiton - spiked, UK)
Account of a teenages exploits with older men. (Mark S. King - HuffPost )
"One of my earliest memories though was of me being in love with our garbage man." ( Noah Michelson - Driftwood)
The Center for Sexual Justice and the criminalization of gay youth.
(Andrew Extein, MSW - HuffPost )
The Scottish government’s plan to provide every child with a ‘state guardian’ is downright scary. (Josie Appleton - spiked, UK)
An editorial from The New York Times on Pedophilia.(Margo Kaplan - New York Times, US)
Justice is the greatest victim of these PR-driven witch-hunts. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
Michael Buckley admitted to police that he had been downloading child porn on a near-daily basis since 2005 (Chris Osuh - the Daily Mirror)
9 year-old is already well known for his crush on Darren Criss of Glee. His father 'Dave' writes: (HuffPost)
Sexting among youth is more prevalent than previously thought, according to a new study. More than 50 percent of those surveyed reported that they had exchanged sexually explicit text messages, with or without photographic images, as minors. The study also found that the majority of young people are not aware of the legal ramifications of underage sexting. (ScienceDaily)
The myth of powerful, protected perverts has been around for decades. (Barbara Hewson - spiked, UK)
Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens’ file is supposed to name the paedophiles at the heart of the British establishment – but much the same was alleged by Noel Pemberton Billing in 1918. (James Heartfield - spiked, UK)
The abuse scandal exposes the dangers of welfarism and multiculturalism. (Brendan O’Neill - spiked, UK)
Our draconian policies about sex offenses reflect our ignorance of them. (Matt Mellema, Chanakya Sethi, and Jane Shim - Slate, US)
Podcast: Frank Furedi, Barbara Hewson and Luke Gittos on the latest scandals. (spiked podcast - spiked, UK)
The “Sex Offender” Regime is Cruel and Unusual Punishment (Judith Levine - CounterPunch, US)
THE peak group representing Australian artists has welcomed the Magistrates’ Court’s dismissal of child porn charges against artist Paul Yore, who walked free this morning. (Dana McCauley - Port Phillip Leader, AU)
Martin Goldberg's body was discovered in his home on September 10, one day after he was visited by police officers investigating allegations that he had bought material online, from abroad, which may have included images of naked teenage boys.(Luke Jacobs - Essex Chronicle, UK)
An alleged victim of sexual assault is speaking out and defending the woman accused in the case. He contacted CTV Ottawa saying he wanted to share his side of the story. (Katie Griffin - CTV-Video, Ca)
A culture of mistrust in Westminster meant this inquiry was doomed to unravel. (Frank Furedi - spiked, UK)
When a South Florida man was arrested a year ago, he insisted that inappropriate photographs of his three young children were simply normal "family portraits" of his nudist family. (WPTV- from the Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla)
The Home Office may have covered up historic child abuse allegations - but what of the "Paedophile Information Exchange" group that was allegedly funded by the department? (Anna Leach, Sophie Warnes - The Mirror, UK)
Country singer Billy Gilman, who shot to stardom at age 11 with "One Voice," has come out as gay. (Curtis M. Wong - The Huffington Post )
Psychiatric terminology should convey information in as clear and unambiguous a manner as possible. In light of the associated stigma, that is especially so of the terms Pedophilia and Pedophilic Disorder. Although from a psychiatric perspective the term Pedophilia is intended to define a recognized clinical entity, in the collective consciousness of contemporary society, the term has become a demonizing pejorative. (Fred S. Berlin, MD, PhD - the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law)
Lionel Blair’s retirement from panto is a sad sign of the times. (Josie Appleton - spiked, UK)

See also