
From BoyWiki

Homosexuality, from the ancient greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex", is an artificial 19th-century construct created in response to increasing juridical and medical attention then being paid to so-called "deviant" human sexuality, but which has now become a widely accepted, though inaccurate, inexact, and unnecessary categorization of normal human sexual responses. The term "homosexual" was created as a descriptive term for what was seen by many men as just a normal form of human sexuality, in response to the criminalization and medicalization of sexuality by German jurists and psychiatrists, who wrongly condemned such sexual behavior as being "inverted" and "deviant".

In the 6th century AD, the Byzantine Roman Emperor Justinian I, in his novels no. 77 (dating 538) and no. 141 (dating 559) amended to his Corpus iuris civilis, and declared that Sodom's sin had been specifically same-sex activities and desire for them. He also linked "famines, earthquakes, and pestilences" upon cities as being due to "such crimes",[1] during a time of recent earthquakes and other disasters. He may have also used the anti-homosexual laws he enacted upon personal and political opponents, in case he could not prove them guilty of anything else. Starting in 14th century, homosexuals were commonly refereed to as "sodomites".

The creation of the term "homosexual" was an attempt by men who enjoyed or preferred sex with other men, rather than with women, to normalize male-male sexual activity and remove it from the disparaging, new, and artificially created, narrative of "sexual deviance" and to justify male-male sexual behavior as being just another normal expression of the human potential to engage in sexual activity with other humans. Before the late 19th century, there existed no concept of "homosexuals," "heterosexuals," "pedophiles," etc. There existed only men and woman -- and young boys and girls -- pursuing their sensual and sexual pleasures, usually with an opposite-sex partner, but sometimes with a same-sex partner.

Today homosexuality is described as a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender. Today it is often used to describe the mainstream teleiophile gay community, excluding male boylovers. As an orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectionate, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex. "It also refers to an individual's sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them."[2][3][4]

Boylovers v. Lesbians

Up until the late twentieth century, ephebophiles and hebephilies were not typically differentiated from male teleiophile homosexuals. It was only with the advent of the Gay Rights Movement in the late twentieth century that due to extreme pressure from the radical feminist lesbian faction that pederasts were excluded.[5] [6] Currently within the boylove community, there is a great deal of animosity toward the lesbian community originating from the events at that time as well as the ongoing efforts and agenda of the lesbian community to criminalize and punish boylovers and boys. Though male boylovers are by definition homosexual, most boylovers, especially younger BLs, no longer identify as being part of the Gay subculture. [7]


See also

External links

  • The German psychiatrist, Richard von Krafft-Ebing
  • "Primitive promiscuity" (but note that radical third-wave feminists have vandalized the Wikipedia article by falsely demonizing sexual promiscuity, which is otherwise a normal part of human (especially male) sexual behavior).
