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(Sorry I took so long - it still needs corrections, and it is truncated - I have to fix that.)
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=== Man-boy sex ===
=== Man-boy sex ===
The [[]]
[[5 Modern Japan]]
* [[5.1 Sex man-boy]]
* [[5.2 erotic materials]]
** [[5.2.1 real and virtual Pornography]]
** [[5.2.2 Other Equipment]]
[[6 Literature]]
[[7 Fine Arts]]
* [[7.1 Painting]]
** [[7.1.1 shunga]]
** [[7.1.2 manga]]
*** [[ The shota]]
[[8 Cinema]]
* [[8.1 Erotic videos]]
[[9 Personalities and foreign works related to Japan]]
[[10 Citations]]
[[11 See also]]
* [[11.1 References]]
* [[11.2 Related Articles]]
[[12 External links]]
[[13 Notes and references]]
== Notes on Japanese mentality ==
The order of precedence in the social
Japanese is: first come the [[samurai]]
(warrior), then the farmers, artisans, and finally the traders.
However, the structure by age is greater than that
by status.
There are no Japanese [[taboo]] [[anal]]
(excrement is not seen as an impure waste, but as a fertilizer).
The [[sodomy]]
therefore not a problem but a possible pain and the role [[liability]]
is neither demeaning nor feminizing.
We note in this regard that the chrysanthemum
flower is both the symbol of the [[Emperor]]
, and the anus in ''nanshoku.''
== Nanshoku and wakashudō ==
A samurai and his young disciple (shudo tale, 1661)
In the pre-modern period, the [[pederasty]] Japanese was generally designated by two rather different terms:
* ''nanshoku''男色(or ''danshoku)'' means "manly lust" "lust between males". It refers to pederasty or sex [[homosexual]] .
* ''wakashud&#333;''&#33509;&#34886;&#36947;consists of ''d&#333;''&#36947;character that reminds the Chinese tao, the path along which we progress; and the word ''Wakash&#363;''&#33509;&#34886;, &quot;young person&quot; or more accurately &quot;boy&quot;: it is literally the &quot;way of the boys.&quot; <br>
It also meets the abbreviated forms ''shudo''&#34886;&#36947;&#33509;&#36947;and ''nyakud&#333;.''
* Also included in the same direction ''Bido''&#32654;&#36947;, &quot;beautiful way&quot;.
To sum &#8203;&#8203;up, ''nanshoku'' evokes
pleasure, passion, virility; while ''wakashud&#333;'' and our
refers to a pursuit of wisdom focuses on young boys.
The ''Wakash&#363;'' (boy) to be involved in the
''wakashud&#333;'' corresponded to a defined age group, but with
very fluctuating boundaries as appropriate. He could have, in the
extreme, from five to twenty-five. It is often considered the best
age from fourteen to eighteen years. However puberty was probably
later today; Furthermore, the low hairiness of the Japanese gives
them a more sustainable youthful appearance as European
== Religions ==
It is found mainly in Japan cult [[Shinto]]
and [[Buddhist]]
, often mixed with a view [[Confucian]]
. Christians now account for 2% of the population, the [[Islam]]
is almost nonexistent.
There is no sexual taboo in Shinto, which considers
it an absolute pleasure as well. Similarly to Confucianism.
In Buddhism, each [[monk]]
vowed to abandon all sexual thoughts towards [[women]]
. While the [[abstinence]]
total is preferable, the [[sexuality]]
with males is seen as a last resort, to calm the inevitable
reproductive ardor.
The [[Taoism]]
, which strongly influenced the Japanese Zen Buddhism cares about
balance. He says the reports [[heterosexual]]
cause in humans a catastrophic loss of energy, and therefore should
be moderate. This risk does not exist in the case of homosexual
None of these [[religions]]
considers pederasty and homosexuality as practices [[against nature]] .
=== Shinto deities ===
During Tokugawa shogunate (from the
to the nineteenth century), many [[gods]]
Shinto were considered the guardian deities of ''nanshoku,''
especially Hachiman&#20843;&#24161;&#31070;,
Myoshin, Shinmei and Tenjin&#22825;&#31070;.
It also evoked [[Hotei]]&#24067;&#34955;(called
Budai in China), the ''laughing Buddha,''
often surrounded by beautiful boys who revere.
The writer [[Ihara Saikaku]] says jokingly that since there are no women in the
first three generations of divine genealogy described in ''Nihon
of Japan&quot;), the gods have always had sex - and considers this
as the true origin of ''nanshoku.'' [[[1]]]
=== Buddhist deities ===
Buddhism spread to Japan in thirteen major
schools, was imported from China from the [[fifth century]] . He took a particular importance to the Nara period
(VIII century).
the Japanese name [[Ma&ntilde;ju&#347;r&#299;]]
, the great bodhisattva [[[2]]]
of wisdom. However, according to later traditions, it would be the
inventor of ''nanshoku.'' [[[3]]]
It should be noted that one of his names in Sanskrit is Ma&ntilde;ju&#347;r&#299;
Kum&#257;rabh&#363;ta (&quot;Juvenile&quot;), and that China may be
called as R&#468;t&oacute;ng Wenshu &#23418;
&#31461; &#25991;&#27530; &quot;Wenshu
young children&quot; or F&#462;w&aacute;ngz&#464; &#27861;
&#29579;&#23376; &quot;Son
of the Buddha.&quot;
=== Spiritual Masters ===
Despite the hostility of Buddhism, in some
countries at least, against homosexual practices, the origins of
male homosexuality is associated in the minds of Japanese Buddhist
The [[monk]] [[K&#363;kai]]&#31354;&#28023;,
also known as Kobo Daishi-&#24344;&#27861;&#22823;&#24107;(
- [[835]]
), is the founder of the branch&#30495;&#35328;Shingon
Buddhist [[Tantric]]
, as well as an important monastic community. He is said to have
introduced pederasty in Japan at his return from China in [[806]]
; but some consider that this reputation was induced or exacerbated
by the missionaries Francis Xavier. The name of [[Mont K&#333;ya]]&#39640;
&#37326;&#23665;, which
remains to this day the monastery founded by K&#363;kai was
commonly used until the end of the pre-modern era, to designate the
kind pederastic relationships.
== History ==
=== The beginnings of nanshoku ===
No source mentions the possible existence of
pederastic practices in Japan of [[antiquity]]
Several descriptions of homosexual acts exist
in ancient literary works, but most are too subtle to be easily
identified because the displays of affection between same sex were
common. The primary sources some date back to the Heian period,
around the [[eleventh century]] .
In [[The Tale of Genji]]&#28304;&#27663;&#29289;&#35486;wrote
at that time, men are often attracted to the beauty of young boys.
One scene shows for example the hero repulsed by a woman who will
sleep with the little [[brother]]
of the latter:
{| border="1"
&quot;Well, at least you will not abandon me.&quot; Genji
pulled the boy to sleep next to him. <br>
The boy was delighted,
both Genji had juvenile charms. Genji for his part, said, found
the boy more attractive than his chilly sister.
''The Tale of Genji''
is certainly a novel, but some stories from the same era and until
the first half of the [[fourteenth century]] , also contain descriptions of pederasty acts. Some of
them even involve emperors with &quot;beautiful boys for sexual
purposes&quot;. [[[4]]]
But they gave rise to no pederastic tradition, unlike what had
happened in China in the Antiquity.
=== Time monasteries ===
Monastic communities grow from the [[ninth century]] . At the end of [[the sixteenth century]] , Japan has about ninety miles. Some are home
to a thousand men and boys, and the largest up to three miles.
Monks can keep with them for novices called [[chigo]]&#31258;&#20816;,
or [[teenagers]]
from large families, just come to learn about the liturgy or
prepare a monastic career.
The [[sexual relationship]] between a monk and ''chigo''
are common. They include [[anal sex]] . Each partner has a name and takes a specific role: the
elder ''(nenja''&#24565;&#32773;&quot;
, admirer, ''&quot;neny&#363;, anibun,
anikibun, Kyukyu)'' and the [[youngest]] ''(Wakash&#363;''&#33509;&#34886;&quot;young
person&quot;, ''nyake, ot&#333;tobun)''
contract a link fraternal ''(Kyodai
keiyaku'' or ''Kyodai
chigiri)'' and swear loyalty to each
In [[1419]]
and [[1436]]
, a ban will be made &#8203;&#8203;to the monks, not to have sexual
relations with their novices, but to disguise them girls. However,
it is well expected that these boys they became men, and taste for
purely aesthetic and [[erotic]]
, was not intended for the [[feminize]]
their behavior.
===== European observations =====
The first Europeans to visit Japanese soil
were struck by the frequency and type of advertising pederastic
relations. So the [[Jesuit]] [[Portuguese]]
Alessandro Valignani he observed in [[1591]]
{| border="1"
Young boys and their partners, not considering the matter as
serious, do not hide. In fact, they see honor and speak openly.
Not only the doctrine of the monks do not take for a sore but
they themselves practice this custom, for holding the absolutely
natural and even virtuous.
=== The time of the samurai ===
It is the eighth
century, at the end of the Nara period, [[[5]]]
as the first professional warriors appeared, young riders archers
from affluent backgrounds. They formed a militia of 3964 men, who
give way to the [[tenth century]] to the samurai caste.
Many samurai First geoscience characterized
novices in a monastery. Monastic morals therefore used as models
for [[love]]
men who were soon underway at these warriors. The feudal structure
of society contributed well to structure these relationships.
As between a monk and a novice, the
relationship between two samurai begins with [[oaths]]
fraternal possibly writings, which then constitute a real contract
(in this case, the relationship is monogamous). Many of these
contractual oaths have been preserved, including joining [[Takeda Shingen]] (best known in the West as the central protagonist of
Kurosawa film) and her lover Dansuke Kasuga, then aged twenty-two
and six years respectively.
[[Suzuki Harunobu]] <br>
Detail of a [[shunga]]
showing a man and a boy, 1750 <br>
(London, Victoria and Albert
Unlike pederasty [[Greek]]
, the [[initiative]]
to start such a relationship back to the boy. But as the apprentice
samurai was often very young in the early ''wakashud&#333;''
- between ten and thirteen years - we think it is usually the
who sought him a [[master]]
The young samurai serves his elder during
military campaigns. In peacetime, it often acts as a [[page]]
at the effeminate look.
principles are part of a rich literary tradition; we find such
statements in books like [[Hagakure]]
or various manuals for samurai. Through its educational, military
and aristocratic, the ''wakashud&#333;''
strongly resembles the Greek pederasty.
This practice was held in high regard and saw
encouraged within the samurai group. It is considered beneficial
for the boy, in that it taught him virtue, honesty and sense of
beauty. Love for women, in contrast, was accused feminize men.
{| border="1"
The nanshoku is the leisure Samurai:
how could it be detrimental to good government? [[[6]]]
=== Time theaters ===
From the seventeenth century, as the samurai were
inspired formerly of ''nanshoku'' monks, bourgeois merchant
class will begin to imitate the boyish love of the samurai, but
adapting them to their own principles.
The values &#8203;&#8203;of love and honor
that prevailed previously are then gradually replaced by those of
pleasure and money. The [[education]]
gives way to [[prostitution]]
, the [[manhood]]
to effeminacy. In return, the moral degradation will eventually
contaminate Samurai monastic classes.
==== Prostitution ====
During the Edo period ( [[1600]]
- [[1868]]
) the ''onnagata, kabuki''
actors interpreting adult female roles also often worked as
The [[KAGEMA]]
were male prostitutes working in [[brothels]]
specialized ''kagemajaya''&#38512;&#38291;&#33590;&#23627;called
&quot;tea house of ''KAGEMA&quot;.''
Existed in the nineteenth century twenty-four red light districts
boys in [[Tokyo]]
onnagata'' that were popular fine
people, often followers of ''nanshoku.''
A male prostitute cost much more than a woman was paid a luxury
prostitute 5 ''monme''
the pass, while a boy was worth between 43 and 129 ''monme.'' [[[7]]]
== Modern  Japan ==
With the beginning of the Meiji Restoration and the
growing influence of Western culture, and ''wakashud&#333;'' all
homoerotic practices are beginning to be subject to criminal
sanctions and rapid decline in the late nineteenth century.
=== Man-boy sex ===
The [[minimum legal age]] for sexual relations between men and boys is set
differently in different prefectures (or departments), which number
forty seven. However, the legislation &quot;central&quot; passed by
the Diet primacy over local laws. But if the trial courts apply the
local, the [[appellate courts]] must follow the central law.
This system a bit complex, but respectful of local
features, results in a man can be condemned in some prefectures,
for having sex with a boy of fourteen. But if he uses - which then
is in their interest - it will be judged according to the central
law which permits adult-minor relationships from thirteen: it will
be eventually acquitted.
=== Erotic materials ===
====== Real and virtual pornography ======
Production, distribution and possession of
documents [[child pornography]] are prohibited in Japan, they show real miners.
Since June [[2014]]
, the mere possession of such documents is a crime punishable with
imprisonment (up to a year) and a fine of up to one million yen.
However, the persons concerned have a period of one year to come
into compliance with the new law.
The imaginary representations (drawings, etc.) are
====== Other equipment ======
Erotic materials proposed in Japan can be quite
surprising for a Western mind.
For example, the
firm offers Tama KanojoToys on the site for 17 euros or 23 dollars,
a &quot;bottle boy anus smell&quot; that can feel &quot;a ''otoko
no ko,'' a women boy who looks almost
exactly like a girl except for that thing between his legs and the
unique smell .... &quot; [[[8]]]
== Literature ==
* Several [[chigo monogatari]] anonymous tell the monks of love with young novices.
* [[Ihara Saikaku]] [[[9]]]&#20117;&#21407;&#35199;&#40372;or Saikaku ( [[1642]] - [[1693]] ): [[nanshoku Okagami]]&#30007;&#33394;&#22823;&#37857;''(The Great Mirror of Male Love),'' [[1689]] .
== Fine Arts ==
The shota stages the bachelor beauty according to
specific codes
=== Painting ===
==== The  shunga ====
==== Manga ====
===== The shota =====
== Movie  Theater ==
* Shima Koji&#23798;&#32789;&#20108;( [[1901]] - [[1,986]] ): [[Maboroshi no uma]]&#24187;&#12398;&#39340;''(Horse and the child),'' [[1955]] .
* Gosho Heinosuke&#20116;&#25152;&#24179;&#20043;&#21161;( [[1,902]] - [[in 1981]] ): [[Jinsei no onimotsu]]&#20154;&#29983;&#12398;&#12362;&#33655;&#29289;''(The burden of life),'' [[1935]] .
* [[Ozu Yasujir&#333;]]&#23567;&#27941;&#23433;&#20108;&#37070;( [[1903]] - [[1 963]] ): [[Otona no miru ehon - Umarete wa mita keredo]]&#22823;&#20154;&#12398;&#35211;&#12427;&#32117;&#26412;&#29983;&#12428;&#12390;&#12399;&#12415;&#12383;&#12369;&#12428;&#12393;''(I was born, but ...'' = ''Yet we are born'' =

Revision as of 20:50, 10 April 2015

Ariwara no Narihira


'Japan, Japanese Nippon or Nihon 日本', is an island nation located in eastern China , from Korea and Russia , originally inhabited by the Ainuアイヌthat no longer represent only about 1 ‰ of the total population.

Japanese civilization was shared between the influence of surrounding countries (China, Korea, India ) and even distant (Europe, USA ) and the desire to preserve its peculiarities.

From 1641 , after having expelled the missionaries Christians and other foreigners, and severely limited external trade, Japan remained closed to Western penetration for over two centuries. However, he was forced to open up from 1853 under the explicit threat of the fleet of US war.

The wakashudō , also called nanshoku, is a social, emotional and sexual bond formed between a male adult and a young boy . Existing since at least the eighth century and lively until the nineteenth , it is the institution pederastic most durable attested in the history of mankind.


Notes on Japanese mentality

The order of precedence in the social Confucianism Japanese is: first come the samurai (warrior), then the farmers, artisans, and finally the traders.

However, the structure by age is greater than that by status.

There are no Japanese taboo anal (excrement is not seen as an impure waste, but as a fertilizer). The sodomy therefore not a problem but a possible pain and the role liability is neither demeaning nor feminizing.

We note in this regard that the chrysanthemum flower is both the symbol of the Emperor , and the anus in nanshoku.

Nanshoku and wakashudō


A samurai and his young disciple (shudo tale, 1661)

In the pre-modern period, the pederasty Japanese was generally designated by two rather different terms:

  • nanshoku男色(or danshoku) means "manly lust" "lust between males". It refers to pederasty or sex homosexual .
  • wakashudō若衆道consists of 道character that reminds the Chinese tao, the path along which we progress; and the word Wakashū若衆, "young person" or more accurately "boy": it is literally the "way of the boys."

It also meets the abbreviated forms shudo衆道若道and nyakudō.

  • Also included in the same direction Bido美道, "beautiful way".

To sum ​​up, nanshoku evokes pleasure, passion, virility; while wakashudō and our refers to a pursuit of wisdom focuses on young boys.

The Wakashū (boy) to be involved in the wakashudō corresponded to a defined age group, but with very fluctuating boundaries as appropriate. He could have, in the extreme, from five to twenty-five. It is often considered the best age from fourteen to eighteen years. However puberty was probably later today; Furthermore, the low hairiness of the Japanese gives them a more sustainable youthful appearance as European adolescents.


It is found mainly in Japan cult Shinto and Buddhist , often mixed with a view Confucian . Christians now account for 2% of the population, the Islam is almost nonexistent.

There is no sexual taboo in Shinto, which considers it an absolute pleasure as well. Similarly to Confucianism.

In Buddhism, each monk vowed to abandon all sexual thoughts towards women . While the abstinence total is preferable, the sexuality with males is seen as a last resort, to calm the inevitable reproductive ardor.

The Taoism , which strongly influenced the Japanese Zen Buddhism cares about balance. He says the reports heterosexual cause in humans a catastrophic loss of energy, and therefore should be moderate. This risk does not exist in the case of homosexual sex.

None of these religions considers pederasty and homosexuality as practices against nature .

Shinto deities

During Tokugawa shogunate (from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century), many gods Shinto were considered the guardian deities of nanshoku, especially Hachiman八幡神, Myoshin, Shinmei and Tenjin天神. It also evoked Hotei布袋(called Budai in China), the laughing Buddha, often surrounded by beautiful boys who revere.

The writer Ihara Saikaku says jokingly that since there are no women in the first three generations of divine genealogy described in Nihon shoki日本書紀("Chronicles of Japan"), the gods have always had sex - and considers this as the true origin of nanshoku. [[[1]]]

Buddhist deities

Buddhism spread to Japan in thirteen major schools, was imported from China from the fifth century . He took a particular importance to the Nara period (VIII century).

Monju文殊or Monjushiri文殊師利is the Japanese name Mañjuśrī , the great bodhisattva [[[2]]] of wisdom. However, according to later traditions, it would be the inventor of nanshoku. [[[3]]] It should be noted that one of his names in Sanskrit is Mañjuśrī Kumārabhūta ("Juvenile"), and that China may be called as Rǔtóng Wenshu 孺 童 文殊 "Wenshu young children" or Fǎwángzǐ 法 王子 "Son of the Buddha."

Spiritual Masters

Despite the hostility of Buddhism, in some countries at least, against homosexual practices, the origins of male homosexuality is associated in the minds of Japanese Buddhist institution.

The monk Kūkai空海, also known as Kobo Daishi-弘法大師( 774 - 835 ), is the founder of the branch真言Shingon Buddhist Tantric , as well as an important monastic community. He is said to have introduced pederasty in Japan at his return from China in 806 ; but some consider that this reputation was induced or exacerbated by the missionaries Francis Xavier. The name of Mont Kōya高 野山, which remains to this day the monastery founded by Kūkai was commonly used until the end of the pre-modern era, to designate the kind pederastic relationships.


The beginnings of nanshoku

No source mentions the possible existence of pederastic practices in Japan of antiquity .

Several descriptions of homosexual acts exist in ancient literary works, but most are too subtle to be easily identified because the displays of affection between same sex were common. The primary sources some date back to the Heian period, around the eleventh century .

In The Tale of Genji源氏物語wrote at that time, men are often attracted to the beauty of young boys. One scene shows for example the hero repulsed by a woman who will sleep with the little brother of the latter:


"Well, at least you will not abandon me." Genji pulled the boy to sleep next to him.
The boy was delighted, both Genji had juvenile charms. Genji for his part, said, found the boy more attractive than his chilly sister.


The Tale of Genji is certainly a novel, but some stories from the same era and until the first half of the fourteenth century , also contain descriptions of pederasty acts. Some of them even involve emperors with "beautiful boys for sexual purposes". [[[4]]] But they gave rise to no pederastic tradition, unlike what had happened in China in the Antiquity.

Time monasteries

Monastic communities grow from the ninth century . At the end of the sixteenth century , Japan has about ninety miles. Some are home to a thousand men and boys, and the largest up to three miles. Monks can keep with them for novices called chigo稚児, children or teenagers from large families, just come to learn about the liturgy or prepare a monastic career.

The sexual relationship between a monk and chigo are common. They include anal sex . Each partner has a name and takes a specific role: the elder (nenja念者" lover , admirer, "nenyū, anibun, anikibun, Kyukyu) and the youngest (Wakashū若衆"young person", nyake, otōtobun) contract a link fraternal (Kyodai keiyaku or Kyodai chigiri) and swear loyalty to each other.

In 1419 and 1436 , a ban will be made ​​to the monks, not to have sexual relations with their novices, but to disguise them girls. However, it is well expected that these boys they became men, and taste for disguise purely aesthetic and erotic , was not intended for the feminize their behavior.

European observations

The first Europeans to visit Japanese soil were struck by the frequency and type of advertising pederastic relations. So the Jesuit Portuguese Alessandro Valignani he observed in 1591 :


Young boys and their partners, not considering the matter as serious, do not hide. In fact, they see honor and speak openly. Not only the doctrine of the monks do not take for a sore but they themselves practice this custom, for holding the absolutely natural and even virtuous.


The time of the samurai

It is the eighth century, at the end of the Nara period, [[[5]]] as the first professional warriors appeared, young riders archers from affluent backgrounds. They formed a militia of 3964 men, who give way to the tenth century to the samurai caste.

Many samurai First geoscience characterized novices in a monastery. Monastic morals therefore used as models for love men who were soon underway at these warriors. The feudal structure of society contributed well to structure these relationships.

As between a monk and a novice, the relationship between two samurai begins with oaths fraternal possibly writings, which then constitute a real contract (in this case, the relationship is monogamous). Many of these contractual oaths have been preserved, including joining Takeda Shingen (best known in the West as the central protagonist of Kagemusha Kurosawa film) and her lover Dansuke Kasuga, then aged twenty-two and six years respectively.

Suzuki Harunobu
Detail of a shunga showing a man and a boy, 1750
(London, Victoria and Albert Museum)

Unlike pederasty Greek , the initiative to start such a relationship back to the boy. But as the apprentice samurai was often very young in the early wakashudō - between ten and thirteen years - we think it is usually the parent who sought him a master .

The young samurai serves his elder during military campaigns. In peacetime, it often acts as a page at the effeminate look.

Wakashudō principles are part of a rich literary tradition; we find such statements in books like Hagakure or various manuals for samurai. Through its educational, military and aristocratic, the wakashudō strongly resembles the Greek pederasty.

This practice was held in high regard and saw encouraged within the samurai group. It is considered beneficial for the boy, in that it taught him virtue, honesty and sense of beauty. Love for women, in contrast, was accused feminize men.


The nanshoku is the leisure Samurai: how could it be detrimental to good government? [[[6]]]


Time theaters

From the seventeenth century, as the samurai were inspired formerly of nanshoku monks, bourgeois merchant class will begin to imitate the boyish love of the samurai, but adapting them to their own principles.

The values ​​of love and honor that prevailed previously are then gradually replaced by those of pleasure and money. The education gives way to prostitution , the manhood to effeminacy. In return, the moral degradation will eventually contaminate Samurai monastic classes.


During the Edo period ( 1600 - 1868 ) the onnagata, kabuki actors interpreting adult female roles also often worked as prostitutes.

The KAGEMA were male prostitutes working in brothels specialized kagemajaya陰間茶屋called "tea house of KAGEMA". Existed in the nineteenth century twenty-four red light districts boys in Tokyo .

Both KAGEMA onnagata that were popular fine people, often followers of nanshoku. A male prostitute cost much more than a woman was paid a luxury prostitute 5 monme the pass, while a boy was worth between 43 and 129 monme. [[[7]]]

Modern Japan

With the beginning of the Meiji Restoration and the growing influence of Western culture, and wakashudō all homoerotic practices are beginning to be subject to criminal sanctions and rapid decline in the late nineteenth century.

Man-boy sex

5 Modern Japan

6 Literature

7 Fine Arts

8 Cinema

9 Personalities and foreign works related to Japan

10 Citations

11 See also

12 External links

13 Notes and references

Notes on Japanese mentality

The order of precedence in the social Confucianism Japanese is: first come the samurai (warrior), then the farmers, artisans, and finally the traders.

However, the structure by age is greater than that by status.


There are no Japanese taboo anal (excrement is not seen as an impure waste, but as a fertilizer). The sodomy therefore not a problem but a possible pain and the role liability is neither demeaning nor feminizing.

We note in this regard that the chrysanthemum flower is both the symbol of the Emperor , and the anus in nanshoku.

Nanshoku and wakashudō


A samurai and his young disciple (shudo tale, 1661)

In the pre-modern period, the pederasty Japanese was generally designated by two rather different terms:

  • nanshoku男色(or danshoku) means "manly lust" "lust between males". It refers to pederasty or sex homosexual .
  • wakashudō若衆道consists of 道character that reminds the Chinese tao, the path along which we progress; and the word Wakashū若衆, "young person" or more accurately "boy": it is literally the "way of the boys."

It also meets the abbreviated forms shudo衆道若道and nyakudō.

  • Also included in the same direction Bido美道, "beautiful way".

To sum ​​up, nanshoku evokes pleasure, passion, virility; while wakashudō and our refers to a pursuit of wisdom focuses on young boys.

The Wakashū (boy) to be involved in the wakashudō corresponded to a defined age group, but with very fluctuating boundaries as appropriate. He could have, in the extreme, from five to twenty-five. It is often considered the best age from fourteen to eighteen years. However puberty was probably later today; Furthermore, the low hairiness of the Japanese gives them a more sustainable youthful appearance as European adolescents.


It is found mainly in Japan cult Shinto and Buddhist , often mixed with a view Confucian . Christians now account for 2% of the population, the Islam is almost nonexistent.

There is no sexual taboo in Shinto, which considers it an absolute pleasure as well. Similarly to Confucianism.

In Buddhism, each monk vowed to abandon all sexual thoughts towards women . While the abstinence total is preferable, the sexuality with males is seen as a last resort, to calm the inevitable reproductive ardor.

The Taoism , which strongly influenced the Japanese Zen Buddhism cares about balance. He says the reports heterosexual cause in humans a catastrophic loss of energy, and therefore should be moderate. This risk does not exist in the case of homosexual sex.

None of these religions considers pederasty and homosexuality as practices against nature .

Shinto deities

During Tokugawa shogunate (from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century), many gods Shinto were considered the guardian deities of nanshoku, especially Hachiman八幡神, Myoshin, Shinmei and Tenjin天神. It also evoked Hotei布袋(called Budai in China), the laughing Buddha, often surrounded by beautiful boys who revere.

The writer Ihara Saikaku says jokingly that since there are no women in the first three generations of divine genealogy described in Nihon shoki日本書紀("Chronicles of Japan"), the gods have always had sex - and considers this as the true origin of nanshoku. [[[1]]]

Buddhist deities

Buddhism spread to Japan in thirteen major schools, was imported from China from the fifth century . He took a particular importance to the Nara period (VIII century).

Monju文殊or Monjushiri文殊師利is the Japanese name Mañjuśrī , the great bodhisattva [[[2]]] of wisdom. However, according to later traditions, it would be the inventor of nanshoku. [[[3]]] It should be noted that one of his names in Sanskrit is Mañjuśrī Kumārabhūta ("Juvenile"), and that China may be called as Rǔtóng Wenshu 孺 童 文殊 "Wenshu young children" or Fǎwángzǐ 法 王子 "Son of the Buddha."

Spiritual Masters

Despite the hostility of Buddhism, in some countries at least, against homosexual practices, the origins of male homosexuality is associated in the minds of Japanese Buddhist institution.

The monk Kūkai空海, also known as Kobo Daishi-弘法大師( 774 - 835 ), is the founder of the branch真言Shingon Buddhist Tantric , as well as an important monastic community. He is said to have introduced pederasty in Japan at his return from China in 806 ; but some consider that this reputation was induced or exacerbated by the missionaries Francis Xavier. The name of Mont Kōya高 野山, which remains to this day the monastery founded by Kūkai was commonly used until the end of the pre-modern era, to designate the kind pederastic relationships.


The beginnings of nanshoku

No source mentions the possible existence of pederastic practices in Japan of antiquity .

Several descriptions of homosexual acts exist in ancient literary works, but most are too subtle to be easily identified because the displays of affection between same sex were common. The primary sources some date back to the Heian period, around the eleventh century .

In The Tale of Genji源氏物語wrote at that time, men are often attracted to the beauty of young boys. One scene shows for example the hero repulsed by a woman who will sleep with the little brother of the latter:


"Well, at least you will not abandon me." Genji pulled the boy to sleep next to him.
The boy was delighted, both Genji had juvenile charms. Genji for his part, said, found the boy more attractive than his chilly sister.


The Tale of Genji is certainly a novel, but some stories from the same era and until the first half of the fourteenth century , also contain descriptions of pederasty acts. Some of them even involve emperors with "beautiful boys for sexual purposes". [[[4]]] But they gave rise to no pederastic tradition, unlike what had happened in China in the Antiquity.

Time monasteries

Monastic communities grow from the ninth century . At the end of the sixteenth century , Japan has about ninety miles. Some are home to a thousand men and boys, and the largest up to three miles. Monks can keep with them for novices called chigo稚児, children or teenagers from large families, just come to learn about the liturgy or prepare a monastic career.

The sexual relationship between a monk and chigo are common. They include anal sex . Each partner has a name and takes a specific role: the elder (nenja念者" lover , admirer, "nenyū, anibun, anikibun, Kyukyu) and the youngest (Wakashū若衆"young person", nyake, otōtobun) contract a link fraternal (Kyodai keiyaku or Kyodai chigiri) and swear loyalty to each other.

In 1419 and 1436 , a ban will be made ​​to the monks, not to have sexual relations with their novices, but to disguise them girls. However, it is well expected that these boys they became men, and taste for disguise purely aesthetic and erotic , was not intended for the feminize their behavior.

European observations

The first Europeans to visit Japanese soil were struck by the frequency and type of advertising pederastic relations. So the Jesuit Portuguese Alessandro Valignani he observed in 1591 :


Young boys and their partners, not considering the matter as serious, do not hide. In fact, they see honor and speak openly. Not only the doctrine of the monks do not take for a sore but they themselves practice this custom, for holding the absolutely natural and even virtuous.


The time of the samurai

It is the eighth century, at the end of the Nara period, [[[5]]] as the first professional warriors appeared, young riders archers from affluent backgrounds. They formed a militia of 3964 men, who give way to the tenth century to the samurai caste.

Many samurai First geoscience characterized novices in a monastery. Monastic morals therefore used as models for love men who were soon underway at these warriors. The feudal structure of society contributed well to structure these relationships.

As between a monk and a novice, the relationship between two samurai begins with oaths fraternal possibly writings, which then constitute a real contract (in this case, the relationship is monogamous). Many of these contractual oaths have been preserved, including joining Takeda Shingen (best known in the West as the central protagonist of Kagemusha Kurosawa film) and her lover Dansuke Kasuga, then aged twenty-two and six years respectively.


Suzuki Harunobu
Detail of a shunga showing a man and a boy, 1750
(London, Victoria and Albert Museum)

Unlike pederasty Greek , the initiative to start such a relationship back to the boy. But as the apprentice samurai was often very young in the early wakashudō - between ten and thirteen years - we think it is usually the parent who sought him a master .

The young samurai serves his elder during military campaigns. In peacetime, it often acts as a page at the effeminate look.

Wakashudō principles are part of a rich literary tradition; we find such statements in books like Hagakure or various manuals for samurai. Through its educational, military and aristocratic, the wakashudō strongly resembles the Greek pederasty.

This practice was held in high regard and saw encouraged within the samurai group. It is considered beneficial for the boy, in that it taught him virtue, honesty and sense of beauty. Love for women, in contrast, was accused feminize men.


The nanshoku is the leisure Samurai: how could it be detrimental to good government? [[[6]]]


Time theaters

From the seventeenth century, as the samurai were inspired formerly of nanshoku monks, bourgeois merchant class will begin to imitate the boyish love of the samurai, but adapting them to their own principles.

The values ​​of love and honor that prevailed previously are then gradually replaced by those of pleasure and money. The education gives way to prostitution , the manhood to effeminacy. In return, the moral degradation will eventually contaminate Samurai monastic classes.


During the Edo period ( 1600 - 1868 ) the onnagata, kabuki actors interpreting adult female roles also often worked as prostitutes.

The KAGEMA were male prostitutes working in brothels specialized kagemajaya陰間茶屋called "tea house of KAGEMA". Existed in the nineteenth century twenty-four red light districts boys in Tokyo .

Both KAGEMA onnagata that were popular fine people, often followers of nanshoku. A male prostitute cost much more than a woman was paid a luxury prostitute 5 monme the pass, while a boy was worth between 43 and 129 monme. [[[7]]]

Modern Japan

With the beginning of the Meiji Restoration and the growing influence of Western culture, and wakashudō all homoerotic practices are beginning to be subject to criminal sanctions and rapid decline in the late nineteenth century.

Man-boy sex

The minimum legal age for sexual relations between men and boys is set differently in different prefectures (or departments), which number forty seven. However, the legislation "central" passed by the Diet primacy over local laws. But if the trial courts apply the laws local, the appellate courts must follow the central law.

This system a bit complex, but respectful of local features, results in a man can be condemned in some prefectures, for having sex with a boy of fourteen. But if he uses - which then is in their interest - it will be judged according to the central law which permits adult-minor relationships from thirteen: it will be eventually acquitted.

Erotic materials

Real and virtual pornography

Production, distribution and possession of documents child pornography are prohibited in Japan, they show real miners.

Since June 2014 , the mere possession of such documents is a crime punishable with imprisonment (up to a year) and a fine of up to one million yen. However, the persons concerned have a period of one year to come into compliance with the new law.

The imaginary representations (drawings, etc.) are allowed.

Other equipment

Erotic materials proposed in Japan can be quite surprising for a Western mind.

For example, the firm offers Tama KanojoToys on the site for 17 euros or 23 dollars, a "bottle boy anus smell" that can feel "a otoko no ko, a women boy who looks almost exactly like a girl except for that thing between his legs and the unique smell .... " [[[8]]]


Fine Arts


The shota stages the bachelor beauty according to specific codes


The shunga


The shota

Movie Theater