Kids, watch out for cars on Halloween

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Kids, watch out for cars on Halloween
by Staff Writer - October , 2022

It’s almost Halloween, which means that law enforcement and news agencies around the country are warning parents about "stranger danger" and individuals and families on the registry and again completely overlooking the real danger. Children are two to three times more likely to be hit and killed by a car on Halloween than any other day of the year. There has never been a case of a stranger abducting a child out trick-or-treating on Halloween.

Other urban legends and myths such as poisoned candy and razor blades in candy still persist. Police have been warning of Marijuana based edibles that maybe package like regular candy and contain THC, though they have not cited any incidents where this has occurred. Sex offenders in a number of states are required to post signs saying "No Candy", though there has never been a reported case of a registered sex offender sexually abusing a child out trick-or-treating.